The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Board Hears Financial Report
At the regular West Central CUSD #235 board meeting on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Superintendent Grimm gave a report on the May district financial report. Superintendent Grimm indicated that the revenue and expense percentages should be at 91.67% of budget at this time of the year.
It was reported that the district revenue actually received at the end of May was 85.98% of budget. It was noted that this year, the district would not be receiving an early distribution of property tax money in June as we have the last two years.
It was noted that actual expenditures were at 82.41% of budget at the end of May. It was also noted that as of June 19, 2013, the state owes District 235, $284,451.
Board President Robbins called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. in the north campus library with all board members present.
She then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Under good news items the following successes were highlighted:
- Recognized those members of the WCMS Track Team who recently participated in the IESA State Track Meeting in May. Those middle school track athletes who participated in the state track meet are: Brock Bigger, Brent Nichols, Zach Vancil, Chandler Diehl, Cameron Wooters, James Porter, Ethan Hand, Abby Steck, Megan Cochran, Megan Krieger, Katie Droste, Miranda Seitz and Cassie Link. Zach Vancil won the 8A 400 Meter Dash and becomes the first WCMS State Champion track athlete.
- Acknowledged a recent gift of an Automated External Defibrillator presented to the district by the Biggsville Ambulance Service.
- Heard from Superintendent Grimm that the movement of the pre-k classrooms to the north campus was completed on Tuesday, June 18, 2013. The following list of people were highlighted and thanked for their work on moving the classrooms: Dale Buss, Jay Ragar, Brenda Stamper, Jess Burrell, Brenda Steck, Kim Strickler, Deb Lescallott, Jeff Lox, Ty Bailey, Crystal Mabe, Debbie Spiker, Richard Roll, Rick Olson, Jackie Olson, Deb Gillam, Richard Clifton, Jarid Baughman, Sebeth Magner, Sarah Welch, Hannah Alecock, Mary Lewis, Jaime Shulz and Ralph Grimm.
- The following WCHS Softball players were recognized for inclusion on the 2013 Lincoln Trail Conference All Conference Softball Team: First Team: Alex Ensminger, Jessica Ditsworth and Jenna Shaley; Second Team: Madison Newberry; Honorable Mention: Emily Hopping
- The following WCHS Baseball players were recognized for inclusion on the 2013 Lincoln Trail Conference All Conference Baseball Team: First Team: Trey Goff; Second Team: Joel Fryrear; Honorable Mention: Austin Meyer
- The staff retirement dinner was highlighted by Dr. Robbins as a successful evening
The agenda was approved as presented with the following changes:
- Agenda Item XD Consider Approval of School Photographer was removed from the consent agenda and placed in the regular action items.
- Agenda Item XL Consider Approval of Request to Increase WCMS and WCHS Imprest Account was removed from the agenda.
- Agenda Item XO was tabled until the August 1, 2013, Special Meeting
- Agenda Item XIV B Review of Closed Session Minutes was removed from the agenda.
- Agenda Item XV F2 Consider Any Action Relative to Release of Certain Closed Session Minutes As May Be Appropriate was removed from the agenda.
- The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:
- Minutes of the May 15, 2013 regular board meeting
- The Prevailing Wage Resolution and List of Wages
- Seek Bids for Milk and Bread for the 2013-14 school year
- Use of the Casey State Bank of Biggsville for the high school and elementary activity accounts and the Bank of Stronghurst for the middle school activity account
- Gave Supt Grimm approval to pay July bills once written notification from a majority of the board has been received
- Repayment of the $250,000 loan from the Working Cash fund to the Transportation Fund;
- The appointment of board member Paul Anderson as District Liaison for District Farm
Under financial activity, the board approved the payment of all bills. The board also approved the
May 2013 activity accounts reports and the May 2013 treasurer's report as presented.
- Approved Precision Photo Imaging of Eureka, IL, as the district school picture photographer for the 2013-2014 school year.
- Approved the District 1:1 Technology Initiative as presented. This initiative will be
implemented at grade 3 and 8 during the 2013-2014 school year for students and the ninth grade teaching team. 180 Chromebooks will be purchased at a cost of $67,500 to start this initiative. The Board also heard a report on the steps that have been taken to implement this initiative since the May Board meeting.
- Approved a letter of engagement with Guy M. Cahill and Associates of Galesburg for
consulting services in the amount of $5000 for services related to the implementation and funding of a fiber optic line into the district for internet services.
- Discussed at length a proposed revision to Board policy 8:20 - Community Relations -
Community Use of School Facilities. Following that discussion the Board did not approve the proposed revisions and asked the Board policy committee to review the proposed policy changes again to address certain issues.
- Approved a quote from Mark Muhleman in the amount of $9,579 for labor to move the Pre-K playground from the Media campus to the north campus and to set up the playground on the north campus.
- Approved Memorandum of Understanding #12 between the WCATS and the Board. This MOU pertains to reimbursing certain employees a portion of their health insurance premiums due to issues pertaining to the switch of the district employee health insurance program in January of 2013.
- Approved a request to declare two automobiles and 2 safes as surplus property and directed Superintendent to put notice of this in the local papers in an attempt to dispose of this surplus property.
- Reviewed briefly the Principal reports that were submitted by Mrs. Lafary, Mr. Nichols and Mr. Schneider. The board also heard a brief report from Superintendent Grimm regarding the district curriculum.
- Agreed to sponsor the back to school luncheon for staff as they have done in the past. It was noted that this luncheon will be served on Wednesday, August 14, 2013.
- Briefly discussed a proposed waiver that parents will be asked to sign if their student is going to be driving to an offsite practice during the upcoming school year. After a brief discussion the Board directed Superintendent Grimm to have further discussion about the waiver with the district attorney.
- Briefly reviewed an update on progress made on the Superintendents Performance Objectives.
- There were no items mentioned as future agenda items.
The board entered closed session at 8:36 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel and collective bargaining.
The board exited closed session at 9:58 p.m. and took the following action:
- Accepted the resignation of Megan LaLonde-Parsons as a Title I Associate
- Accepted the resignation of Zach Freiley as WCES teacher and Enrichment Club Sponsor
- Employed Chris Conlee as WCMS Assistant Principal for the 2013-2014 school year
- Employed Christina Helding as WCFS Cheerleading Sponsor
- Employed Rachel Reynolds as WCMS Seventh Grade Girls Basketball Coach
- Employed Matt Henning at WCHS Track Coach
- Employed Karen Rima as Part-Time District Mentor Coordinator
- Accepted the resignation of Roger Kerfoot as WCHS Head Baseball Coach
- Accepted the resignation of Michelle Tutor as WCHS Spanish Club Sponsor
- Accepted the resignation of Jeff Robbins as WCMS Head Football Coach
- Accepted the resignation of David Vancil as WCMS Volunteer Football Coach
- Accepted the resignation of Matt Henning as WCMS Sixth Grade Girls Basketball Coach
- Accepted the resignation of Tina Droste as WCMS Seventh Grade Girls Basketball Coach
- Accepted the resignation of Kris Judd as WCMS Assistant Baseball Coach
- Approved the 2013-2014 Extra Curricular Duty List as amended
- Approved the exempt staff salaries for 2013-2014
The board was reminded that there will be no July board meeting. The next scheduled meeting of
the West Central CUSD#235 board of education will be on Thursday, August 1, 2013 beginning at 7 p.m. in the elementary library. The board was reminded that the regular August meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 7 p.m. and this meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria.
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 10:06 p.m.