The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Board Seeks Approval To Sell Working Cash fund Bonds

At the regular meeting of the West Central School Board on January 16th, the board approved a resolution declaring the board's intent to seek authority to sell working cash fund bonds in the future should the need arise to facilitate cash flow in the district.

It was noted several times that the primary reason for seeking this approval is to be proactive and to position the district in such a manner that should the need to sell working cash fund bonds arises, the approval time will be lessened by having his authorization now.

It was suggested several times also that this approval is good for three years and that there would be additional steps the board would need to take in order to actually sell working cash fund bonds. The next step in the process is to place a public notice in the paper to inform the public of the board's action to date.

The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by board President Lonnie Brent, who led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Under good news items the following items were highlighted:

Under financial activity, the board approved payment of all bills as presented including three additional bills that were presented at the board table. They approved the December activity accounts as presented. They heard that, as of the end of December, actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 50%. It was noted that actual expenditures were 47.03% of budget and actual revenue received was 59.06% of budget as of the end of December 2012. Supt. Grimm also reported that as of January 16, 2013, the state has vouchered but not yet paid district #235 $340,430.

The board tabled action on the approval of the Pre-K Report and Recommendations until the next board meeting.

The board was informed that the proposed health life-safety amendment to replace interior door locks so that all doors into classrooms or space where a student or staff member may find themselves would be incorporated into the Ten Year Health Life-Safety report that District Architect Bill Phillips is working on. Mr. Grimm informed the members that the new ten year survey will be presented at the February, 20, 2013, meeting for both discussion and action.

A Memorandum of Understanding with WCATS was reviewed and discussed. This particular MOU details the financial arrangements between the board and those teachers who take the district health insurance. These changes have been recommended as a result of changes to the district employee health insurance plan that the board approved at the December 19, 2012, board meeting.

In other business:

The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 7:37 p.m and exited closed session at approximately 9:00 p.m. and took the following action:

The board was reminded that the next meeting would be on Wednesday, February 20, 2013. This meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6 p.m.

There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at approximately 9:07 p.m.