The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Tri-County Cattlemen & Guests Enjoy Annual Banquet

The Tri-County Cattlemen held their annual banquet at the Western Illinois University Grand Ballroom, at Macomb, on Saturday, January 19th. A large crowd filled the ballroom.

Darryl Rickets, president, gave the welcome and Tom Keane, vice-president, gave the invocation before a delicious steak, potatoes, green beans, corn, salad and a dessert were served by the Monmouth-Roseville and United FFA chapters.

Secretary-Treasurer Alison McGrew recognized the 2012 scholarship winners.

They were Samantha Bailey, Hannah Brueck, Ethan Bigger and Michael Keane from West Central, Ethan Beckner from West Prairie and Jennifer Elliott from United High School.

This year's Beef Backer Award went to the late Clyde and Helen Campbell for their many years raising shorthorn and other commercial cattle, and also for their huge support of FFA and 4-H projects.

The crowd was entertained by farmer-corporate comedian Jerry Carroll as he introduced himself. He had plenty of funny experiences presented in a family-friendly way, as a farmer, family man, and also his comedian experiences.

Many door prizes were handed out and they also held an auction of donated items.

These items brought in $5,925 to go towards the Tri-County Cattlemen's Scholarship fund. All bidders were appreciated. It was a fun evening for all who attended.

Prizes and Bids:

Many FFA members assisted with the banquet throughout the evening.

One thing the Tri-County Cattlemen are famous for throughout the year is cookouts. In 2012 they promoted beef by offering cook-out services at 45 events between February 13 and December 13, not including their annual Banquet.

They cooked at meetings for Beef Quality Assurance training, Heritage Equipment Co, Monsanto, Genex, banks, Stronghurst Grain, Horse & Hound, as well as Avon's FFA Donkey basketball game, WIU Hoof & Horn show, benefits, employee parties, St. Jude, Little League, community fundraisers, Huston Veterinary appreciation dinner, tractor pulls, fireworks, Relay-4-Life, Channel field days, county fairs, golf outings, birthdays, weddings, going away parties, sales events, FBI open house, Christmas party and backyard BBQs grilling 7,120 juicy steaks, 2,555 juicy hamburgers for a total of 9,675!!!

Tri-County cattlemen are hoping you will plan to attend next year's banquet and enjoy their steaks and a good time. The date is February 1, 2014.