The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville December Village Board

The Village Board met in regular session December 5, 2012 with Bill Ewing, Village President presiding and with the following present: Trustees –Travis Pence, Glenn Olson and Brian Sterett.

Absent was Scott Rhinehart, Miguel Gonzalez and Brian Cochran;

Also present were Clerk Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer Marilyn Simmons and Visitors: Kevin Mortimer, Scott Kammerman, Jerry Weibel and Matt Seitz.

No Quorum for the December 5, 2012 meeting. Rescheduled for December 11, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

Dec. 11, 2013 - 6:30 p.m.

The Village Board met in special session December 11, 2012 with Bill Ewing, Village President presiding and with the following present:

Trustees –Travis Pence, Brian Sterett, Miguel Gonzalez, Glenn Olson and Scott Rhinehart. Brian Cochran was absent; Alkso present were Clerk Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer Marilyn Simmons and Visitors: Jerry Weibel and Kevin Mortimer.

Bill Ewing, Village President opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes from the November regular meeting and special meeting were circulated by the Clerk and the minutes were approved as presented.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved.

Bills were circulated by Cindy Rhinehart, Clerk and approved for payment to the following: NNWI, Marilyn Simmons, Cindy Rhinehart, Bill Ewing, Brian Sterett, Travis Pence, Scott Rhinehart, Brian Cochran, Glenn Olson, Miguel Gonzalez, Moriah Woods, Menard – W. Burlington, IL Dept of Revenue, IDES, Gibbs Conv Store, Beal, Pratt & Pratt, Illinois Municipal League, Ameren Illinois, Ameren Illinois, Test, Inc., Susie Goff, Missman, Inc, Carus, Ameren Illinois, Test, Inc., Shane Olson, Kevin Mortimer



Reported by Bill Ewing as of December 10, 2012 the Village of Biggsville doesn’t have a contract with Dallas Rural Water because the do not have enough water to supply the village since the drought. The board might need to look into different options such as going in with Gladstone when they dig a new well or hooking up with Galesburg. The word from Shannon Duncan is to still move forward as if the contract is in place until told differently.

Public Relations

Neighborhood Watch Signs have arrived. Christmas Tree Lighting and Meeting Santa was a success again this year.

Sewer & Lagoon

Bill Ewing reported that the sewer income isn’t enough to pay for the sewer bond in the future.


Glenn Olson reported that Robby Scott is going to look at the salt spreader to see what needs to be fixed and then he will give an estimate. Glenn Olson made a motion to get the salt spreader fixed if the estimate comes in no more than $750.00 and seconded by Miguel Gonzalez. Motion passed.

Glenn Olson reported that the truck also needs to be fixed. He was going to call around to see if he could get the truck in to get estimates. Glenn Olson made a motion to get the truck fixed if the estimate comes in no more than $500.00 and seconded by Travis Pence. Motion passed.


Randy Anderson turned in a report that four residences got building permits.

Old Business

Glenn Olson made a motion to give Kevin Mortimer a $50.00 cap for fuel allowance at Gibb’s Station per month since he is using his personal vehicle to do village duties and seconded by Travis Pence. Motion passed.

New Business

Motion to accept Ordinance No 513 Water Bond was made by Brian Sterett and seconded by Travis Pence. Motion passed.

Scott Rhinehart resigned as trustee since his schedule has been full and he was missing meetings. Glenn Olson made a motion to accept Scott Rhinehart’s resignation and seconded by Brian Sterett. Motion passed.

Brian Sterett made a motion to purchase 8 foot light bulbs for the community building with the cost to be split with the township board and seconded by Travis Pence. Motion passed.

Brian Sterett made a motion to purchase two new Christmas Ornaments per year for Main Street starting with the 2013 year until all poles are filled and seconded by Travis Pence.

Motion passed.

Brian Sterett made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned and seconded by Travis Pence.

All approved. The meeting was adjourned.

Cindy Rhinehart,

Village Clerk