The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Oquawka January Meeting

Board Learns Of Three Village Resignations

By Sally Day - The Quill

Oquawka Mayor Harold Henshaw read a letter of resignation from Jeff Robbins, Village Trustee, at the Monday night, January 7, 2013, meeting of the Board. No explanation was given as a reason.

Following an executive session at the end of the evening, it was learned that Police Chief Todd Miller and Police Officer Blake Fox had both resigned, as well. Fox will be assuming more hours with the County Sheriff’s Department.

Village resident, Bruce “Rebel” Ruberg was on hand at the meeting, to discuss an ongoing situation at his home. Ruberg first handed out a two-page complaint of things which had occurred at his property during the past year.

Ruberg had been told that a water problem occurring months ago, was his and he needed to repair it. He set out to do that, employing Jones Septic Service to dig up his yard, and replace the waterline.

This was not the problem. During this time, his water had been turned off, yet he received a water bill. He was asking for the Village to reimburse him for costs he had incurred and to repair his yard.

At the last meeting, the Board told Ruberg his yard would be repaired. The Village employee who was in charge of this had resigned and in using up his vacation time had not had the time to complete the work.

Ruberg was upset and noted, “No one has touched it (the yard).” The Board agreed and apologized for that. Ruberg added, “For five weeks I did not have water in my house.” He continued, “What would you do if this happened to you?”

Troy Jern made a motion to reimburse Ruberg $165.00 and repair his yard and boulevard in the coming Spring; Todd Shinberger seconded the motion.

The roll call vote was as follows: Nancy Bundy, yes; Todd Shinberger, yes; Troy Jern, yes; Jason Howard, absent; and Cindy Henry, no.

Board members also heard a report from Engineer Steve Haring and his assistant Jared, updating them on the Schuyler Street Project.

Jared explained how he had met with Amerine and that the Village should be expecting an $8,000.00 reimbursement for a pole they had not reset. The Board told Jared they had already received these monies. Jared further stated that the bid letting would begin in February 2013 and the actual construction should begin in April 2013.

Following a discussion pertaining to finances, the Board agreed to meet for a Financial Committee meeting on Monday, January 21 at 6 p.m. The Board agreed they needed to know more about the Village’s finances and asked that financial reports come to them broken down into departments.

Police Chief Miller offered the Board a list of service calls and their categories for the month. They totaled 65. The arrests totaled 4 for the month of December 2012.

Fire Chief Hal Jern told the Board that the Fire Department needed new hose; approximately 300 feet at a cost of $600.00. This will come from Alexis Fire Supply.

In other business, the Board: