The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Sally Day for the Quill
Sheriff Steve Haynes and Chief Deputy Donnie Seitz were on hand at the Henderson County December 10, 2013, board meeting, to relate to the board that their department is in need of a new squad car. Sheriff Haynes was asked what had happened to the four squad cars promised Henderson County from Livingston County, Illinois. He responded by saying that the then Sheriff of Livingston County had promised the four vehicles to Henderson County for $4. Additional items had also been given or loaned to Henderson County. When Henderson County traveled to Livingston County to pick up a walk through metal detector and an x-ray machine, they discovered that the former Sheriff was now gone and a new Sheriff had replaced him. The new Sheriff did not honor the deal the two departments had made and offered Henderson County Sheriff's Department two different squad cars, which were not in as good of shape as what had been promised them.
The Henderson County Sheriff's Department is currently looking at 2014 Ford Explorer which they would like to purchase for the department. Monies have been budgeted for such a purchase in the amount of $25,000. Board member Mark Lumbeck told the board that the Sheriff's Department could get the remainder of the money (a little over $2,000) from the Drug Forfeiture Fund. The Explorer is an all wheel drive vehicle and the operating expenses are about the same as the other squad cars.
Lumbeck made the motion to allow the Sheriff's Department to purchase a new Ford Explorer. Roll call vote was as follows: Marty Lafary, yes; Gail Russell, no; Lumbeck, yes; Albert Renken, yes; David Hinshaw, yes; Tex Stewart, abstain; Terry Myers, yes; Bob Peterson, yes; Jim Alexander, yes; Curt Eisenmayer, yes; and Stan Torrance, yes.
In other business, the board: