The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

County Board members say good-bye to two County employees

By Sally Day for the Quill

Words of praise and appreciation were given to two county employees during the April 16, 2013, meeting of the Henderson County Board. "In May," said County Chairman Marty Lafary, "we will be losing a really good treasurer."

He was speaking of Susan Meyer, who has been employed by the county for more than 20 years, most recently as Treasurer and Collector. Meyer will be resigning at the end of May. The board accepted her resignation. In response, Meyer thanked the board and told them how much she has appreciated working at the courthouse with such capable people. She further noted, "I am very proud to be a citizen of Henderson County." Board member Mark Lumbeck thanked Meyer for her years of service.

Coral Seitz, the Zoning/Emergency Management Person is also resigning. She has been at the courthouse for five years. "Coral came in, has been through a lot; hung in there and she got us our 'buy-outs'" remarked Chairman Lafary. He continued, "She was up against state management people and she hung in there and more than got the job done." Seitz was also very appreciative, stating, "The board has been fabulous. I think all the county positions should be commended. They have been extremely helpful in all ways." Both women received a round of applause from the board.

Following an hour long executive session, in which board members entered into to discuss salaries and positions, the board passed two separate motions making a Solid Waste Position combining that into the Zoning/Emergency Management Position and the FOIA Officer position also into the Zoning/Emergency Management Position. The board officially passed a motion hiring Cindy Rhinehart to this Zoning/Emergency/FOIA Officer/Solid Waste position. David Hinshaw abstained from the vote.

States Attorney Scott McClintock explained to board members that the liability will remain the same whether volunteer firemen and emergency personnel are paid or not. This was in regards to a request last month from Troy Jern, Director of the Oquawka Ambulance Service. Jern had asked permission to pay volunteers for their efforts, as it has been difficult to get people to volunteer. Board member David Hinshaw suggested a reward system for volunteers. "Maybe for 50 calls you would get a jacket and 100 calls would get you a trip to a ball game in St. Louis," Hinshaw noted. Board member Tex Stewart stated, "If you got into this (volunteerism) for the money, you are in trouble." Stewart said his department did not want to make compensation for volunteering. Each Fire Department will be able to make their own decisions on whether or not to compensate their volunteers. Monies for this would come from the departments.

In an unrelated matter, board member Jim Alexander told board members the Health Department was needing the County Board's assistance. It seems that years ago (2002), the Health Department offered to help out the county by paying their employees' insurance premiums. The amount comes to about $70,000 annually. The Health Department would like the County Board to now take over that payment. Alexander told the coard he just wanted them to be prepared for this and to consider it for their budget meetings. The coard tabled this until the July meeting.

In other business, the coard: