The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Sept.15, 1921 

FALL FESTIVAL AT MONMOUTH: Monmouth will be the scene Sept. 22, 23, and 24 of a fall Festival, which is expected to be one of the biggest things of its kind ever staged here. Local merchants have raised a considerable fund to be spent on free attractions and prizes for various sorts of farm produce and decorating the streets. They have also planned for their fall openings at this time and several of the establishments will hold style shows where the very latest modes will be exhibited.

The featured attraction is a dare-devil loop the loop on a bicycle which is said to be one of the greatest acts of its kind in the country. There will also be comedy acrobats, tight wire walking and other forms of entertainment. A baseball tournament is being arranged between various strong semi-professional teams of this vicinity and dances will be given at night. The streets are to be decorated; the 20 piece Monmouth band will give concerts and altogether it is planned to have something going on all the time.

The public square will be set aside for the farm produce exhibit, which will be a country fair in miniature with good prizes for the different displays. County Farm Advisor, Ralph Wells, is in charge of this department. Here also will be a manufacturer's exhibit patterned after the recent Pageant of Progress in Chicago where all sorts of industries will be represented. Farm tractors and automobiles will have a special place. Special provision is being made to take care of one of the largest crowds which have ever assembled in the Maple City. (A precursor of the Prime Beef Festival of Today?)

HENDERSON COUNTY AT THE LAHARPE FAIR: Drs. I. F. Harter and J. H. Highfield assisted in judging the "Better Babies" conference held at the Tri-County Fair at La Harpe. In the livestock exhibit, Henderson County breeders led the number of entries and carried away a good share of the prizes. One half of the cattle barn was given over to the Herefords and the famous Henderson County herds were well represented. Ed Stine and Sons took first prize on their famous bull, Marvel's Pride, and also captured a number of other prizes. Vaughn and Dodds took second prize with their Hereford bull and Harry Adair and Ralph Painter were prize winners in several classes.

Brokaw and Gray were awarded first prize on their famous Poland-China boar, Illinois Yankee, which was given first place at the Illinois State Fair. In the Duroc-Jersey swine classes, I. H. Brokaw and sons took a number of first, second and third prizes and Mr. Brokaw's son Chester was awarded first prize on his entry of a litter of Duroc-Jersey pigs.

In the household arts department, Mrs. Wm. Bainter won first prize on fancy layer cake and Mrs. Wm Moore of Terre Haute won second; these cakes constituted the chief attraction in the culinary display. Henderson County's agricultural display was very good, but not quite good enough to win first place.The E. G. Lewis Seed Co. had a fine display, specializing on Huban Clover, the new sweet clover now being introduced in this section of the country. Herb Coats of Media took first prize on his display of ten ears of yellow corn and second in the corn sweepstakes class.

***OBITUARY***MRS. W.O. HAZEN: Mrs. Willard O. Hazen passed away at her home southeast of Media Sept. 8 at the age of 55 years, 4 months and 17 days. The deceased was formerly Jennie Cloetta Garrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Garret of the Jackson Corner neighborhood. She was married to Mr. Hazen on April 8, 1885 and to this union seven children were born, all of whom with the husband, the aged mother, seven grandchildren, two sisters and two brothers survive. The seven children are Mrs. Bertha Chapman of Eligyville, Ill; Orto L. Hazen of Williamsfield, Ill.;Walter T. Hazen of Biggsville; Mary J. Kilgore and Artie A. Galbraith of Smthshire and Ruley E. and Harvey F. Hazen at home. Funeral services were conducted at the M.E. Church in Smithshire with interment in the Ellison Cemetery. . .The seven children, seven grandchildren, the husband, mother, Mrs. Harvey Garrett near Smithshire, two sisters- Mrs. Fred Cannon of Washington, Iowa and Mrs. James Heap, Media, Ill.; two brothers- George Garrett, Bowen, Ill; and William Garrett, Fairfield, Iowa, mourn at the parting of the way.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Andrew Heinie and wife of Cherokee, Ia. visited the A. S. McElhinney home; Mrs. Heinie is a daughter of Mrs. Lorena Hamilton, formerly of this place. A number of people on the fairgrounds at La Harpe last Thursday were more or less seriously shocked by a bolt of lightning which seemed to come in on the electric wires running from the grandstand to the floral hall. While no one suffered any permanent injuries, there were several who did not fully recover from the effects of the shock for several hours. (More or Less????) Miss Marjorie Thompson has returned to Montana where she will teach kindergarten in the public schools in Laurel, not far from Billings. "The Past and the Present" will be presented in a unique entertainment to be given by the Sept. group of the Ladies' Aid Society of the M.E. church at the Lyric Theater on the evening of Sept.30th. George Hurd and wife and Claude Hurd of Wells, Texas, arrived in Stronghurst for a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hurd. Both of the brothers are in the employ of the Prairie Oil Company and a short time ago, George, who was superintending the construction of a warehouse for the company, had the misfortune to get his foot caught and crushed between two sections of an extension ladder upon which he was standing. He had planned a vacation trip to Illinois, but as his injuries necessitated his going about on crutches, he naturally would have preferred taking his leave under different circumstances.

Mrs. O. J. Sanderson has sold real estate property in Raritan to Mr. N.C. Smith of that place. Miss Jeanette Allison of Butler, Mo. is attending Stronghurst High School and staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kessinger turned from a two weeks trip by team and buggy in the state of Missouri where Sol has some real estate interests. A young ladies athletic club is being organized under the direction of Miss Alice Wax. The club will hold its meetings in the Women's community Club rooms.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. Frank Nelson of Terre Haute neighborhood is the owner of a fine new Studebaker touring car recently purchased through the P. W. Wallin agency in this village. C. S. Brokaw, who with his family now resides in Colorado Springs, Colo. arrived here and is a guest at the home of his brother, A.V. Brokaw south of town. A new department of music has been added to the course of study in the grade school of Monmouth this year and Miss Evelyn Fort of this place will be one of the directors; she will also teach piano at the Monmouth Conservatory. The New Stronghurst Hat Shop grand opening was well attended; a very attractive line of headwear was shown and the ladies of this vicinity may be assured of a continuation of up-to-date styles. (A hat was a "required" anytime one ventured into public, being shopping on Broadway St. or attending a local church service. One was thought risqu to be seen without one.) Mrs. M. E. Stevenson has notified the paper to change her address from Chicago to Iowa City where her daughter Lillian has been employed to teach in the department of Home Economics in the University of Iowa. Mr. John Annegers and bride have gone to Galesburg to make their on at 1014 N. Seminary St.

A special meeting under the leadership of Rev. W.B. Oliver of East Moline, Ill. will begin at Old Bedford church on Sept. 18th. Raymond Enwall, who enlisted in the U. S. Navy several months ago, has been released from service and is visiting relatives in this vicinity. After visiting relatives for several weeks, Ellsworth Beckett, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Beckett, expects to return home to Carrollton, Mo. A. E. Jones and daughter Lucile left for Peoria where the latter will enter the Bradley Polytechnic Institute for a course in Home Economics and Domestic Science. (Such courses were new and trendy as this was the "scientific" way to run a home and a whole new course of study.) At a hearing before Judge Gordon, John Simonson of Raritan Township was appointed conservator for Mr. John Harbinson, an aged and lifelong resident of Media Township who lives alone on a large farm just north of the village of Media. The old Congregational Church building at Roseville was donated to the Community Club which was organized there this summer for use as a place for holding public meeting. The Club has 138 charter members and held its first regular meeting on Sept.6th. Miss Ethel Pence of Kirkwood is visiting her mother Mrs. Hamburg.

***OBITUARY***MRS. JOHN REEDY: Mrs. John Reedy, mother of Wm. Reedy of the south country, passed away at her home in Point Pleasant Township in Warren County. Funeral services were held at St. Patrick's chapel near Raritan and interment was in the adjoining cemetery.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mr. B.H. Huston and family are moving back to Missouri; they have been living on the Charles Pogue farm the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Eberheart moved to this tenant house and will work there this season. Len Steele is now the owner of a corn shelling outfit. Fred Gibb shelled corn this week. Raymond Mathers shelled corn for several farmers west of Media last week. The Santa Fe railroad has taken about 15 men on the section and they want more. Perhaps, they will be able to give employment to nearly all the men hereabouts who need work. The Lewis Seed Co. is starting to pick seed corn and need a few more good pickers. The directors of the Media State Bank met Monday afternoon. A large crowd attended the sale of Mrs. Beulah Reece and the articles sold brought good prices.

The garage belonging to Nelson and Long burned Thursday night and was a total loss. No one seems to know how the building got on fire and it was all ablaze before anyone saw it. The only thing that saved the neighboring buildings was the lack of wind and even then some adjoining buildings got very hot. Some insurance was carried but not near enough to cover the loss. This is a hard blow to these young men and the community sympathizes with them. Word was received that Mr. W. P. Terry, formerly of this place, accidentally shot and killed himself. Mr. and Mrs. Terry have been living at LaJunta, Colo. since leaving Media.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Lillie McGee of Fairfield, Ia. visited Sabbath day at the home of Miss Opal Wilson. Leonard Ingstrom of Greeley, Colo. arrived here on business matters. A reception will be held at the Presbyterian parsonage in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kilgore and daughter, Miss Leone, who leave for Galesburg to make their home. Charles Mullin and family and Mrs. Dr. Henderson returned from a visit with friends in Chicago. The Community Club held its annual meeting in the park. Mrs. Clyde Dixon, Mrs. Maude Menchoff, Mrs. Oscar Nelson and Mrs. Elsie Churchill were hostesses for the afternoon. The topic was "Labor and Capital Mediation." Miss Ella Lyons, Mrs. Albert Person and Mrs. George Kelley were on the program for the afternoon and some good talks were given. Bernard Liby, Glen Lukens and Clarence Johnson entered Brown's Business College in Galesburg.

The Women's Missionary meeting in the church parlor was well attended. The topic was "Negro Education" and two good papers were read by Mrs. Wm. Cochran and Mrs. Clara Ericson. Afterward a discussion by Dr. Almira Mekemson, Margaret Reynolds and Mrs. Sam Glenn followed and was very interesting.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Day of Cheyenne, Wyo. visited Mrs. Rose Stephenson. Mrs. Chas. Forward has been very ill but is much improved. Joseph Graham of New Virginia, Iowa returned home after visiting his brother, Stephen Graham. The ball team went to La Harpe and played a hotly contested game with Stronghurst and was beaten by a score of 5 to 3. School commenced on Monday with Prof. Harry C. Blackstone, principal; Miss Bertha Morgan of Utah, Ill,-grammar room; Miss Virginia Lewis-intermediate teacher and Mrs. Lena Pence-primary room. Eula Milligan, Gertrude Duncan, Kenneth Babcook and Loren Graham are attending the Biggsville High School for this term. The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kemp and left a fine baby boy for them to be proud of.

WEDDING BELLS: Miss Leona D. Saben of Gladstone and Mr. Elgy D. Crowell of Burlington were married in Oquawka at the parsonage by Rev. Geo. M. Eastham of the M. E. Church.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mary E. Marsden has been living at the Marken Medders home in Whitemore, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goff of Mt. Pleasant and Miss Leona Pendry of British Columbia called at the David Pendry home. Many friends in the county are saddened to hear of Mr. Geo. Messick being so seriously sick at the Burlington Hospital. Mrs. Anna Gillis returned home from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Tucker Kemp of West Branch, Iowa. Mrs. Jessie Dixon has enjoyed a visit from her father, Mr. Jenney of Wisconsin.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mrs. Alice Neff of Yates City, Ill. visited Mrs. Dora Neff before leaving for her new home in Nebraska. Chas. Pickles and family of Chicago spent a few days at the home of his parents, M. A. Pickles. A chicken supper will be held at the church Thursday evening with proceeds going for coal. Merlin Farren of the south country and Miss Esther Snyder of Burlington, Iowa were married Tuesday at Burlington; they will be home on a farm near Lomax after Oct. 1st.

OQUAWKA EXPERIMENT FIELD: A meeting of farmers is scheduled for Sept.22 at the Soil Experiment Field. Hon. A. M. Abbott of Whiteside County will speak having considerable experience farming sand land and is officially connected with the Experiment Station for many years. H. G. Jacobson of the University will be on hand to explain the experimental work on the field...