The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 6, 1921

ENTERTAINMENT AT THE LYRIC: Under the auspices of the September group of the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church, an unique and interest social event occurred. Presented as a contrast of past and present the group showed differences in dress, deportment, social customs and demonstration of musical and elocutionary talent all set forth in a manner which while highly amusing in most cases, in others left the observer in doubt as to whether they were living in an age of progress or retrogression. Especially was this doubt raised in the courtship scenes and those in which conventionalities of social life were involved. In contrasting the scene in which the wooing of the Pilgrim maiden, Priscilla at her spinning wheel, by John Alden was depicted with that showing the modern "flapper" type of femininity sitting on a park bench with a magazine in her lap open at the page on which was portrayed the picture of her favorite "movie" hero and ready to strike up a flirtation with the first specimen of the "masher" type of masculinity who happened to pass her way. One was led to wonder if after all three centuries of so called progress has a change for the better in our social manners and customs been made. (List of all who participated finishes the article.)

LIMESTONE PRICES REDUCED: The Henderson County Farm bureau has received word from the Illinois Agricultural Association that three prominent companies have made heavy cuts in their limestone prices. Cuts come as a request of substantial reductions in freight rates made within the last few weeks by the I.C. and C and E. I. Railroads...The new reductions will mean a saving of 93 cents a ton, or $46 a car to farmers in extreme southern Illinois and proportionate savings in other parts of the state affected by the reductions.

***OBITUARY***MRS. C.P.ERVIN: Mrs. C. P. Ervin, one of Biggsville best known and highly esteemed residents, passed away at her home in the village following a paralytic attack. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin came to the vicinity of Biggsville from North Carolina in 1876 and have lived there ever since. There are nine surviving children: Otis Ervin, Mrs. F. C. Whiteman, Mrs. Alf Renwick and Mrs. Clark Kelly of Biggsville; Mrs. Dave Edwards and Mrs. Clarence Milligan of Galesburg; Mrs. Will Milligan of Little York; Clyde Ervin of Emerson, Iowa; and Aubrey Ervin of McCook, Neb. Twenty-one grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive.

Mrs. Ervin was 73 years and 6 months old at the time of her death. She was a woman of fine Christian character whose place in the community will be hard to fill. Funeral service will be at the Biggsville U. P. Church.

1896 GRAPHIC: The Henderson County Telephone Co. had extended its system by securing control of the Terre Haute-La Harpe line and had established connection at La Harpe with the Western Illinois Telephone system. James Marshall passed away at the St. Joseph Hospital in Keokuk on Oct.2nd following an operation for appendicitis (this was a cutting edge surgery that had not been tried before in this locality). E. G. Chapman moved his stock of groceries from Dallas City to Stronghurst and located in the building formerly occupied by I.N. Jones on Mary Street. John Gilliland retired from the restaurant and hotel business in town and it was being taken over by John Hughes. H. L. Marshall of Olena had given up farming and gone to St. Louis, Mo. to attend medical college. The celebration of Iowa's semi-centennial anniversary was being held at Burlington and Vice President Stevenson, Governor Drake and staff and a number of other prominent people had a narrow escape from death on Oct. 1st when a reviewing stand which they occupied crashed to the ground. County Treasurer Burrus of Burlington was fatally injured and a number of people more or less seriously hurt.

CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY: Oct. 3rd is a red letter day in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Peasley and Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Widney,the date marking the wedding anniversary of both of these worthy couples. In honor of the occasion a joint celebration was held at the Peasley home near Decorra where friends and relatives of the two families, numbering about 40, gathered and spent a few social hours. Cards, music and dancing and social intercourse made the evening to pass quickly and served to make the years which have intervened since their marriages seem but a brief period to the two couples in whose honor the guest had met. Dainty refreshments were served during the evening and added to the enjoyment of the occasion. Upon separating for their home the guests all expressed that the couples might be permitted to see and enjoy many happy returns of the day.

SAVE THE TONSILS: If enlarged or full of pus, if adenoids or catarrah, avoid the knife. Get Dr. Miller's Tonsil and Catarrah Remedy. The tonsils protect the lungs, needed in pneumonia, diphtheria etc.-- At G. W. Worley's DrugStore (Next to an operation for appendicitis, one for the removal of tonsils was the most common surgery; sometimes, the tonsillectomy was done in the doctor's office or on the kitchen table.)

THEY TOOK ON GALESBURG: The local high school opened their football season last Saturday by dropping a game to the fast Galesburg High School team. The final score does not indicate the merits of the losing team,; however, for aside from a few breaks in the third quarter, the husky Galesburg team had to fight for every gain. Galesburg started scoring in the 1st quarter when Kinney plunged through for a counter. Duffy kicked the goal and the score was 7-0. Kinney received a blow in the jaw and had to retire for the remainder of the half. West took his place. In the 2nd quarter, Galesburg scored again and kicked the goal. Stronghurst tried some passes well known to local admirers, Sanderson, L. D. Putney and Sanderson and Gilliland. One of these was successful and

Gilliland was credited with a touchdown, but Sanderson failed to kick the goal and the score was 14-6. Thus far the game was anybody's game.

Coach Holliday of Galesburg was extremely ill at ease between halves for he recognized in the Stronghurst players a machine of hard fighters of no mean ability. In the 3rd quarter, two or three breaks which are bound to come, were against the Stronghurst team and Galesburg piled up 26 points. The last quarter was badly interrupted by both teams taking time out. Galesburg managed to get through for one more touchdown bringing the final score to 47 to Stronghurst' 6.

Both teams showed the effects of the game though no serious injuries were received by either team. Local fans who saw the game were well pleased with the work of the boys considering the fact that Galesburg's team averaged about 180 lbs. to an average of about 150 lbs. for the Stronghurst team.

"OBITUARY" BEVERLY HIGGASON: Beverly Higgsason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Higgason of Knoxville, Ill., died at the St. Mary's Hospital in Galesburg at 12:30 p.m. Oct. 1st from injuries received in an accident on the Knox County Fairgrounds. Young Higgason was a popular and highly respected young man and was well known in athletic circles, having been a star athlete on the Knox College team a year ago. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church at Knoxville.

SHUTTING DOWN THE "HOOTCH JOINTS"; A number of government detectives from Keokuk dropped into Nauvoo last Saturday and arrested five well known men of the city on the charge of booze making and peddling. The stills and a quantity of hootch in barrels and bottles were captured and taken along by the government agents as evidence. The men arrested were to have been taken to Quincy on Sunday where they were to have a hearing before the U.S. court. However, on Sunday morning when the Nauvoo city marshal visited the city bastille where the men had been confined, he found that friends of the imprisoned men had broken open the back door of the jail during the night and released all of the prisoners who are still at large. The Nauvoo Rustler says that the raid caused considerable excitement and that there are other booze sellers in the place who are liable to get theirs if they do not stop their dishonorable and illicit work.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: G. E. Naftazer, formerly connected with the management of the Dallas City Review, died at Seattle, Washington on Oct. 2nd. The deceased suffered a paralytic stroke a few years ago since which time he has been unable to work. Hog cholera is reported to be making inroads on some of the herds in this locality and the demand for vaccination serum is said to be quite heavy. Jim Flynn, who lived on the Cortleyou farm west of Raritan for several years was indicted by the Warren County Grand Jury for the theft of a set of harness from Ed Sparrow at the Chandler farm in the year 1919. Phonso Beal who has been operating a saw mill in the Evans timber near Decorra for the past year or more held a closing out sale of dimension lumber. Mr. Beal suffered quite a loss a few weeks ago through a fire which partially consumed his mill. Chas. Cann of Raritan has been seriously ill from influenza. Mrs. Anna Smith, who now makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Gunckle at Blue Island, Ill., has been looking after her property interests and arranging for the shipping of some of her household goods to her daughter, Mrs. Springsten in Wyoming.

Mrs. Charles Harden of the Raritan neighborhood has been at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Meredith near Roseville for the past two weeks while recovering from the a badly infected foot resulting from a fall which she sustained at her home in September. Jack Saunders, who has been connected with the hardware and implement business in Stronghurst either on his own account or an as employee of others for a long term, has retired from the business having given up his position with the George Dixson firm; he has not decided as to the line work he will take up for the future.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Charles Decker and Philip Mains have entered Knox College for a business course. Mrs. Paul D. Gibb of Biggsville is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. James Mathers east of town. C. W. Walker, who has spent the past few months in and around Chicago returned to Stronghurst. A. E. Jones will have a car of Genuine Red River Valley Early Ohio potatoes on track in a few days at $1.60 per bushel; terms-cash. After having undergone a second operation at the Burlington Hospital, Elzie Drain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Drain of Terre Haute neighborhood is reported to have a reasonably fair chance for recovery. Lawrence, the 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams, who live on the R. D. Nevius farm southeast of town, was taken to the Monmouth Hospital where it is thought he will be obliged to undergo the amputation of one of his legs as the result of a badly inflected knee. S. R. Mathers had a 57 acre field of soy beans which yielded 1500 bu. Roy Kirby was laid up from the effects of a dislocated shoulder, which injury he received at Blandinsville while playing full back on the Blandinsville football team in a game with Table Grove. Vivian and Austin Wheatley, two young men whose home is a few miles southeast of Dallas City, were both seriously injured last Sunday morning when the Ford car in which they were riding buckled and turned completely over twice on a street in Dallas City. Vivian Wheatley sustained internal injuries which make his recovery doubtful while his brother Austin is said to be in a fair way for recovery. Ira Holeman of Roseville and Mrs. Iva Morris Gibb of Raritan were united in marriage in Burlington, Ia. on Sept. 27th. The Holeman's are opening up a new restaurant in Raritan.

Miss Stella Marshall is taking a post graduate course at the Stronghurst Community High School. Sol. Kessinger and wife have moved out to Mrs. C. M. Harter's farm, four and a half miles west of Stronghurst recently vacated by Wm. Hardy and family. The Raritan I.O.O.F. lodge which was chartered in July 1885 went out of existence when its membership and assets, amounting to about $1,200 were transferred to the Blandinsville lodge. The federal grand jury in session at Quincy returned indictments against the Popel-Giller Co. of Warsaw for violation of the Volstead Act. Bonds were furnished for the appearance of the indicted parties in the U .S. Court at Springfield. (The law says you cannot make or sell "hooch!")

Gilbert Eldred,driver and Burdette Doldier, mechanic, both of Somonauk, Ill. were killed during the auto races at Galesburg last Saturday when their car crashed into the wreckage of four other machines. Several of the drivers had narrow escapes.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Paul Stevenson and family are now at home in the house recently bought of Mrs. Baker and Ruben Stevenson and family are at home on the Paul Stevenson farm. Word was received of the birth of a baby boy, Ralph Glen, born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whiteman of Little York. Miss Mildred Fagan took the little people of the primary room to the Jamison wood where they enjoyed a weenie roast and came home tired. Mrs. Nancy Jamison has been re-appointed as post mistress. Ladies of the chapter of P.E.O. of Kirkwood were entertained at the country home of Miss Nancy Hutchinson. J.E. Pearson while returning from a drive in his new Ford sedan, met with an accident while driving into the alley to put the car in the barn when the wheel struck a rut turning the car over. Mr. Pearson received no injuries and the car was not much damaged. Ed Kelly, who has been confined to his bed for such a long period, is reported to be very feeble.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Rev. Sailor and family moved from Biggsville into part of the Elmer Pence house until a parsonage can be built or bought. The ladies of the M.E. church served a chicken and pumpkin pie supper in the church basement and took in $50 for their labors. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stewart went to Fairfield, Iowa having been called there by the death of Mrs. Stewart's father, Mr. Liggett. Earl Watson moved into part of Walter Furnald's house from Monmouth. Mrs. Nancy Ellis went to Winona, Kansas to visit her brother, Henry Kemp, and sister, Mrs. James Hall.

CARMAN CONCERNS: A.C. Babcook visited his son Golden at Peoria and enjoyed the first football game of the season by Bradley College students. Jas. Dixon had his foot quite badly injured while working with his tractor. Sheriff Robt. Mc Dill of Oquawka was calling on several parties inviting them to court. Jno. Dixon and U.L. Marsden are grand jury men from the village. Fred Dannenberg has returned home much improved in health. The first hard frost was on Oct. 3rd.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: The Lomax ball team played Decorra and won with a score of 7 -6. The chicken supper at the church and the bake sale at Scott's store were a fair success. The Lomax fire department will give a fish fry and picnic at the ball park Oct. 8th. A band, two ball games, a fish dinner and several other items are on the program. Grover Ewing, George Hoffeditz and families will move to Lomax. Mr. Ewing will operate a poultry establishment and cream station on a large scale.

***OBITUARY*** ALEX LOGAN: An old time resident of Lomax passed away Wednesday morning, Sept. 28th, aged 74 years, 10 months and 23 days. He leaves the widow, three children and numerous other relatives. He had lived in the community most of his entire life. The funeral was held at the Christian church with interment at the Crane Cemetery.

WEDDING BELLS: H. D. Shafer of Stronghurst and Miss Gertrude Mc Cune of Columbus Junction, Ia. were united in marriage at Oquawka, E.L. Werts officiating. "Bob" is the delivery man for the Stronghurst grocery men and he and his bride will make their home here.