The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Sept. 29, 1921
FORMER MEDIA BOY HURT AT KNOXVILLE: Beverly Higgason, the 33 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Higgason of Knoxville, Ill., former residents of Media and well known to many, met with an accident at the Knoxville fairgrounds which it is feared will prove fatal.
While working with his father stringing electric light wires on some poles at the fairground, young Higgason fell a distance of 20 feet when a cross arm on which he was sitting broke. He struck the ground in such a way as to sever the second vertebrae in his neck and partially sever the fourth vertebra. He was rushed to St. Mary's Hospital in Galesburg where he remained in a completely paralyzed condition for some time. He later, however, regained his senses of touch to a slight degree and the physicians think that he has a fighting chance for recovery.
CHANGE OF PASTOR: Rev. and Mrs. V. A. Crumbaker and son Charles shipped their household effects to Manteno, Ill and took their departure. They take with them the best wishes of their former congregation at the M. E. Church. Rev. Van B. Sullins, the newly appointed pastor, filled the preaching in the local church last Sunday and his family and household goods arrived from Alpha, Ill.
SEND HEREFORDS TO MEXICO: Mr. J. H. Mahony, a large ranch owner with holdings of something like 30,500 acres in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, left for his home after spending some three weeks or more there investigating the Hereford cattle proposition and inspecting the various herds of this famous beef breed to be found within a radius of a few miles from Stronghurst. Mr. Mahony has been in Mexico for 20 years or more is thoroughly familiar with political and social conditions there and is a very interesting gentleman to converse with. The State of Oaxaca where his large ranch is located and which is in the extreme southern part of Mexico is a rich agricultural state and Mr. Mahoney is very enthusiastic over the possibilities which are presented there for the development of the breeding of high grade beef cattle. He is extensively engaged in the raising of native cattle but desires to improve the size and quality of these cattle by crossing them with some pure bred animals of the beef type from the United States.
Before leaving for Mexico, he made tentative arrangements with the Henderson County Polled Hereford Association to ship him a carload of Hereford cattle consisting principally of bulls. The proposition which he made to the Association mentioned was that if the members would furnish him with these bulls and cows free, he would cross them with the native cattle and give the Association one-half of the progeny at the end of 5 years, he standing from his own half of the increase all losses incurred by death amongst the herds. The consummation of the plan will depend upon the result of investigation now being made regarding the risk to be assumed from the standpoint of the international relationships now existing between this country and Mexico.
If the plan is found to be feasible and practical and the cattle are shipped to Mexico, Mr. Erman Dodds of this place will probably accompany the shipment and remain in Mexico to assist Mr. Mahoney in the management interests of the Henderson County Polled Hereford Association.
Mr. Mahoney stated that the population of the state of Oaxaca was largely of the native Indian class and that they were less inclined to be antagonistic to people from the United States than the Mexicans of Spanish or mixed descent; but Erman says that he is going to satisfy himself that his life will be comparatively safe in Mexico before he commits himself fully to the proposition as tentatively agreed upon.
ORGANIZE ILLINI CLUB: Henderson County graduates and students of the Illinois State University to the number of 13 gathered at the NuVon Hotel and participated in a banquet served by the management of that hostelry. During the course of the evening an Illini Club was organized by the election of the following officers: President, F. M. Bane; V. Pres., Byron Stewart; Sec.-Treas. Genevieve Adair.
CIRCUIT COURT OPENS: The October term of circuit court in Henderson County will open at Oquawka on Oct.3rd with Judge W. F. Graham, newly elected, presiding. The docket is an unusually long one, there being 15 new law cases and 16 chancery cases in addition to those what have been pending for some time. Stronghurst Township will be represented on the grand jury by Chas. Fort and A. F. Kaiser.
GOVT MONEY TO LOAN: With the opening of the Federal Land Bank and the Fist Joint Stock Land Bank loans can now be made on approved real estate up to $100 per acre for 34 ½ years at a rate of 6%. B.G. Widney, Sec.-Treas. Stronghurst National Bank, Farm Loan Ass n. (In today s values that would be $1,242.96.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Ethel Brokaw has resumed her position as teacher in one of the Peoria schools. A few cases of influenza have been reported by local physicians. S. V. A. Simonson is reported to be very critically ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Worthington, southeast of town. Miss Pauline VanArsdale of Point Pleasant Township in Warren County and Miss Esther Perrine of Raritan are attending Central College at Pella, Iowa. Herbert Cook of the country east of Stronghurst received first prize on his display of 10 ears of yellow corn at the Monmouth Fall Festival. A considerable amount of corn is being shelled and shipped from the local station. Freeman Doak consigned four car loads. In the assignment of M.E. pastors to charges in the Galesburg district, Aaron Duncan, a Raritan boy who has been a student at the Moody Institute in Chicago, was given the New Boston charge. David Lamdrith has bought the blacksmith business of D.S.Bryan in Gladstone and is prepared to all kinds of woodwork and blacksmithing. While playing a practice game against the regular High School football team on the school grounds, Donald Rankin sustained a fracture of one of his arms near the elbow when he attempted to stop James Sanderson with a flying tackle.
1896 GRAPHIC: A big political demonstration was staged here by the republicans on the afternoon and evening of Sept. 27th with speakers being Mrs. Fannie Worthington of Sterling, Ill. and L. W. Armstrong of Chicago. A big parade featured marching clubs from various surrounding towns and an address by W. W. Meloan of Macomb in the evening. The gold standard versus free silver was the main topic discussed by the speakers.
The work of bringing Broadway Street in the village up to an established grade where it passes through the business section of the village was begun. James Pollock, who came to Henderson County, from Ohio in 1854, and lived here for a period of nearly 49 years, died at the home of his son at New Salem, Kans. on Sept. 1st. He was a Civil War veteran and lost one of his lower limbs in the fighting about Atlanta. James Marshall of this place was successfully operated upon for appendicitis at a Keokuk hospital; this was one of first operations of the kind ever undergone by a resident of this section and the case attracted considerable attention. R. B. Chase and Frank Cooksie were raking in the shekels (dollars) with the phonograph with which they were entertaining crowds at political rallies and other public gatherings. Wm. Krohn of Ponemah and Miss Sallie Gibson of Media were the principals in a midnight wedding at the office of Squire Morgan on Sept. 30th. At a county Prohibition convention held at Gladstone, Ralph Rankin was nominated for circuit clerk and J. M. Fort for county commissioner.
AUTO RACES IN GALESBURG: Chevrolet Bros. of Indianapolis, designers and builders of the world's fastest racing cars have entered their Forty Ford racing car in the auto races to be held at Galesburg mile track, Oct.1st. This Ford car recently acquired a speed of 96 miles for one hour on the Indianapolis speedway and shows the speed possibility of a Ford car. Sixteen other cars and drivers will also compete in the seven auto racing event. Cars from all over the Middle West will be there. A five mile stock car race is also on the program and should be interesting, judging by the number of entries received. These races will be staged under the supervision and management of the Tri-State Racing Association of Keokuk who have so successfully managed the auto races at Galesburg in the past. Practically all the cars entered in the Labor Day event at Galesburg will start in the coming events plus many others.
ANOTHER HERO LAID TO REST: The body of Virgil V. Olsen, one of McDonough County's young heroes who laid down his life in France during the recent war for the cause of humanity, arrived in Blandinsville Sept. 23rd and was met at the station by a large concourse of old acquaintances. Funeral services were held in the Old Bedford Church with Rev. E. E. Catlin preaching a sympathetic and touching sermon. The American Legon had charge of the services at the mausoleum in Blandinsville where the young hero was laid to rest.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Jimmie Brown has given up his job in Kewanee, Ill. and returned to Stronghurst. He states that the labor unions in their efforts to force the closed shop policy upon the Kewanee manufacturing plants have caused a practical shut down of these plants and thrown thousands of men out of employment. Jimmie and his wife have taken up their residence in the property owned by Mrs. Abbie Lagle in the west part of town. The song, "Sleep, Soldier, Sleep" which was sung as a duet by W.C. Ivins and Mrs. L. McAndrews at the funeral of Ernest Foote, was composed by Mrs. W.C. Ivins. Miss Mildred Gregory from Kahoka, Mo., has been employed as stenographer and bookkeeper at the Johnson & Co. garage in the village. Sam Carothers went to Keokuk to attend a meeting and banquet of the High Tension Club, which is an organization of Stone & Webster employees and officials and at which they get together for the mutual good of both employers and employed. They had with them Messrs. Edgar and Lemon of Boston, who both gave interesting talks to the club.
The new Tri-County Club house at the La Harpe fair grounds was formally opened last Wednesday afternoon and evening when 350 members and friends enjoyed outdoor sports in the afternoon and music and dancing in the evening. A cafeteria lunch was served at 5 o'clock. It is planned to give entertainments of a similar nature each Wednesday afternoon and evening during the fall season. John B. Bailey, the 19 year old boy who was arrested at Raritan for stealing an auto in Burlington, has been sentenced to not more than 5 years in the Iowa State Reformatory at Anamosa. The button factory at Oquawka closed down for an indefinite period last Saturday throwing between 40-50 men out of employment. The shut down is attributed to "bum" business conditions. C. M. Bell and family returned from their auto trip to Kansas and had a nice visit with relatives at Manhattan, Kans.
The engagement of Miss Olive Kendrick of Pittsfield, Ill. to William Thompson, son of J.G. Thompson of Rozetta Township, was announced at an afternoon party held at the home of Miss Kendrick's parents in Pittsfield. Miss Kendrick was one of the teachers in the Stronghurst High School three years ago. Mrs. I. V. D.Perrine is still in a quite critical condition at her home southeast of Stronghurst. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rankin on Sept.21st at the Monmouth Hospital. The Voorhees Brothers are engaged in threshing Hubam Clover and Soy Beans on the E. G. Lewis and S.N. Mathers farms in Media Township. Mr. Al. Justice has leased the farm near Mendon, Ill. owned by Messrs. Widney, Chant, Ivins and Park of this vicinity and is engaged in putting in a crop of fall wheat. Paul Baker, who went to Lincoln, Nebr., a few weeks ago to make his home with his father, has returned to Stronghurst. The pull of old associations and ties him here proved too strong and he will continue to live with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker. Dr. and Mrs. Cleveland, who have been residents of Raritan for a number of years, are leaving for Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter, who have been in charge of the Raritan Telephone exchange and who are relatives of the Cleveland's are also leaving the village.
Blandinsville butcher shops have concluded that it was about time to reduce the price of meats to figures somewhere nearly proportionate to the price for which cattle and hogs are selling on the hoof and the consequence is that people are coming ten or twelve miles to Blandinsville to buy their meats, which are down to almost pre-war prices.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: George Millen and family and Chas. Graham of New Virginia, Iowa spent time at the Albert Sweedlund home. Mrs. John Weir has been quite ill but is reported better. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larkins north of town the 12the birthday of their daughter was celebrated with a party of fourteen little girls and boys. A family reunion of the Staley sisters and their families was held at Crapo Park. Mrs. Lillian McGee of Missouri, Mrs. Jim Gibb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanderson, Mrs. Jessie Foster and son Clifton and Mrs. Mabel Sloan and daughter Jane were present. Al Stotts moved his household goods from the hotel to his home in the north side of town. Lawrence Griffith moved his household goods from the Samuel Holmes home into hotel where they expect to winter. Dr. Robert Mekemson of Carrollton, Ill. visited relatives; this is his first visit here in 20 years. Word was received of the marriage of Miss Martha Glenn of Fairfield, Iowa to Chas. Bailey of Mediapolis, Iowa at the home of her parents. The couple went to housekeeping the same night on a farm near Mediapolis. The play" Occupation None" given at the high school by the country club was well patronized with the amount taken in one hundred and fifteen dollars. It will be repeated at Oquawka on Thursday night and at Media Friday night. Admission: 25 and 50 cents. The play is a two act comedy, the first act depicts the home life in the morning of an average American family and the second act being a representation of a women's club in the afternoon. Mrs. McConnell of Champaign is the director.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS:: Mr. Lyle Graham is working 3rd track at the depot while Mrs. Babcook is taking her vacation. Mr. Floyd Lewis of Iron Mountain, Mich. is visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. L. E. Wilds, who has been very ill at her home, was able to go to Keithsburg to visit with her son John Tweed and family for an indefinite time. Floyd Brainerd moved into Frank Porter's house and will be employed by him this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson of Monmouth moved into part of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Furnald's house. Rev. D. K. Sailor expects to move his family here soon from Biggsville and the M. E. Church will build a new parsonage as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright are the happy parents of a fine baby boy.
DECORRA DRIPPLINGS: A farewell reception was given at the Maple Grove church in honor of Rev. Crumbaker and family. Mrs. George Kemp, Jr. has been suffering with an ulcerated tooth. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Cox are rejoicing over a new baby boy.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Fred Dannenberg is quite seriously sick at the Burlington Hospital threatened with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seigworth have moved to Terre Haute for the school year. Rev. Marston of Terre Haute was trying to collect some of his salary Monday. Lewis Dannenberg has been shelling corn at Stronghurst several days.
HUBAN CLOVER CROP VALUABLE: C.E. Peasley and a representative of the paper drove out to the E.G. Lewis farm south of Media where the threshing of a 23 acre field of Huban clover was in progress. This tract is one of several which Mr. Lewis seeded to Huban last spring on the various farms which he controls, the total acreage being 20. While Mr. Lewis did not venture a guess on the yield from the 12 acres being threshed, he did say the yield from a 10 acres tract threshed the day before on the farm occupied by Crockett Keith would be at least 5 bushels per acre. At the prevailing price of $2.00 per lb. or $120 per bushel for the seed, this would mean a return of $6,000 from the 10 acres...
COMMUNITY SCHOOL EXHIBIT: A school exhibit is to be conducted by the Women's Community Club at the Stronghurst school building Oct. 22nd. This includes all schools within a radius of five miles from town. The entries will include all the grades and in a measure the high school-although the high school exhibits will be in Household Science activities...A competent judge from outside the county will make the awards...