The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, August 4, 1921
PROPAGANDA POSTERS IN HENDERSON COUNTY: The Henderson County Farm Bureau has been warned by the Illinois Agricultural Association that the special propaganda committee of the big grain interest is spending part of its $250,000 propaganda funds in sending posters to every Illinois county in an effort to kill farmers' grain marketing competition. The posters are sent to local grain dealers with instructions to put them in public places. The posters imply, in screaming red letters, that the co-operative farmer is a "radical" and "Townleyite" and advise farmers to write to the propaganda committee of the big grain inters for "legal advice."
In a letter to grain dealers sent out last week this propaganda committee declares that it is making an effort to enlist bankers on its side in the fight against farmers' co-operatives.
GEARING UP FOR THE CHAUTAUQUA: F. M. Fryxell, representing the Redpath Chautauqua, arrived in Stronghurst and will spend the entire time here boosting the Chautauqua. He says that this year's will be the best ever for the Redpath Deluxe circuit is the longest and best of several. Mr. O. P. Fox of Jacksonville, Ill., as superintendent will have charge of the platform for the week. The big tent will be in charge of three college men: Mr. Richard Allen, "Dick" of Pittsburg University; Mr. Andrew Stoll, "Andy," of Northwestern University; and Mr. Louis Garrison, "Bony" of De Paw University. These young men are all clean, likable fellows. The importance of buying season tickets cannot be too strongly emphasized. A season ticket entitles one to admission to the whole program for the minimal sum of $2.75 (including tax) where otherwise single admissions total to $6.85.
Another point deserves emphasis: the local boosters must sell 500 season tickets; single admissions do not help them meet their subscription. Get behind your own town people and save them from possible loss.
1896 GRAPHIC: On the evening of Aug. 1st electric light service was inaugurated in Stronghurst and the event was made the occasion for an impromptu celebration which included the firing of anvils and other noisy demonstrations. Thirty business houses and offices had been equipped for the new lighting system, and the effect produced when the current was turned on was described as being magical. S. W. Carothers, the proprietor of the new lighting plant, was highly complimented on the success of the enterprise. (Today, we cannot imagine how this changed the average person's life-from oil lamp at night to total illumination. Yes, it was magical!)
At a Harvest Home picnic held in the Santa Fe Park under the auspices of the Stronghurst U.P. Church, one of the main attractions was a debate on the money question with Rev. W. A. Meloan of Monmouth championing the cause of free silver and J.M. Kirkpatrick of Monmouth arguing for the gold standard.
Chas. Collin, the young man who killed Wm. Spiker at the Dodds home northeast of La Harpe on July 7th had been committed to the McDonough County jail in default of $2,500 bail. William R. Woolford died at his home in Decorra on July 23rd at the age of 62 years.
ACTIVITIES AT CAMP GRANT: The "Red Course" of the Citizens' Military Training Camp is now under way at Camp Grant, Illinois. It began July 21st when candidates reported and will end on August 20th when they start for home. The men in attendance are enthusiastic and believe that many people in their home towns would like to know something about the camp:Candidate Wilfred Dixson Jones, Sixth Co., Second Battalion.
"Soldiers are again in the making at Camp Grant at least one so judges who is in the vicinity hears the shouted commands or see the rhythmic movements of hundreds of men going through the physical exercises or the long lines of khaki-clad men wheeling into line and column. Closer inspection reveals that these are very young men, full of enthusiasm, "pep" and the proverbial American spirit; they are officers in the making; they are candidates enrolled in the Citizens' Military Training Camp.
The twelve hundred candidates picked from an application list of over 10,000 names from three states in the Sixth Army Corps Area-Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin-arrived here on July 21st for a four weeks' intensive training course in the duties of a soldier camp is the first of this kind to be held and is known as the "Red Camp." Colonel William P. Jackson, infantry is in command.
The men are quartered in the central part of the cantonment in buildings formerly occupied by the 42nd Infantry. These building in excellent condition are comfortable, commodious and sanitary; by reason of their splendid ventilation; the men spend practically the whole twenty-four hours in the open:Arrangements for feeding the candidates are the best and though the spirit of contentment shown by every candidate is ample evidence that the mess is being conducted in a satisfactory manner, special attention will be paid in order that it be kept at is present high standard. The War Dept. is paying the expenses of candidates both to and from the camp and their homes and all expenses while at the camp" (This is part of a larger article.)
SALE ENDS IN ROW: A public auction of furniture was advertised to be held last Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Hattie Pendry, who recently disposed of her hotel property here to Mrs. Mahnesmith. A fair sized crowd was present at the appointed hour for the sale, but the bidding did not start off very briskly and after a few articles had been knocked off at what Mrs. Pendry considered too low prices, she ordered the sale stopped. A leather upholstered davenport had been knocked off to Dr. H.L. Marshall, who proceeded to remove the same from the premises. This action met with opposition on the part of Mrs. Pendry who declared her intention of retaining possession of the property and assumed a decidedly belligerent attitude in regard to the matter. Dr. Marshall then applied to Justice W. H. White for a writ of replevin, which was granted and Marshal James Rezner was directed to take charge of the property. When the marshal essayed this duty, he found that neither oral argument nor the art of diplomacy would avail in inducing the surrender of the davenport by its erstwhile owner, and he was obliged to resort to physical force in retraining the fury of the woman whose home he had invaded in the performance of his duty while some assistants carried the davenport out of to the dray which was waiting. The air in the vicinity of the scene is said to have been very sulphurous during the brief period required in getting the davenport out of the house; and when the job was accomplished and the dispossessed owner released by the marshal, the frantic rush of the spectators to get out of the danger zone would have done credit to a London street crowd during a zeppelin air raid.
The trial of the rights of property in the case was called in Justice White's court last Thursday morning and as the defendant failed to appear, the ownership of the davenport was awarded to Dr. Marshall by default.
DOES JAZZ PUT THE SIN IN SYCOPATION? Dancing to Mozart minuets, Strauss waltzes and Sousa two-steps would never lead to the corset-check room which now holds sway in hotels, clubs and dance halls. Nor would a girl who wore a corset in those days have been dubbed "Old Ironsides" and left a desolate wall flower in a corner of the ballroom," says Mrs. Mary E. Oberndorfer, National Music Chairman of the General Federation of Music Clubs.
The quotation above appears in an article appear in the Ladies Home Journal entitled "Does Jazz Put the Sin in Syncopation?" written by her in the interest of better music. This article points out how music may become an influence for evil. It directs particular criticism to jazz.
Offering proof that Jazz produces a definite demoralizing effect on the human brain she continues: "Jazz originally was the accompaniment of the Voodoo dancer, stimulating the half-crazed barbarian to the vilest deeds." After pointing out the evils created by Jazz, she concludes with a plea for good music because of the help and inspiration it can and will give. She says, "The Music Department of the General Federation of Music Clubs has taken for its motto-"To Make Good Music Popular and Popular Music Good!" The article shows how the women of America can help the club women carry out this motto in every home firmly, steadfastly, determinedly, until all the music in our land becomes as influence for good. (And later such critics labeled "Rock and Roll and Hard Rock" sinful. History does repeat itself.)
***OBITUARY***MRS. OSCAR MARSHALL: The remains of Mrs. Oscar Marshall whose home was near Danville, Iowa, and who passed away at the Burlington Hospital July 31st, were brought to Stronghurst and sepultured in Hope Abbey mausoleum following funeral services at the Olena Methodist Church. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lant of Olena.
SCHOOL BEING REMODELED: In order to meet the demand for enlarged facilities which has arisen since the formation of the Stronghurst Community high school district, the school building owned and used by Dist. No. 30 is now undergoing extensive alternations and repairs.
It was first proposed to build a one story addition on the south side of the present building and bids for this work were advertised; however, the expense connected with this plan would be greater than officials thought it best to authorize. Another plan was decided upon; the unfinished southwest basement room which has hitherto been used as a store room will be finished and fitted up as a laboratory and the present laboratory, which occupies the northeast basement room, will be converted into a classroom. This will provide enlarged class space and involves a much smaller financial outlay. In addition two fire escapes are being erected, one on the east and one on the west side of the building with the work being in charge of a Galesburg firm.
PROMINENT BLANDINSVILLE MAN DEAD: S.B.VanArsdale, a well known citizen of Blandinsville, passed away at his home on Aug. 1st at the age of 47 years. He leaves a widow and one stepdaughter, Mrs. Conrad of Canton, Ill. Mr. VanArsdale was the son and last surviving member of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Peter VanArsdale, former well known resident of Raritan Township. He was twice married; his first wife being Miss Olive Pogue, daughter of Mrs. L.E. Pogue of Stronghurst. His second wife, who survives him, was Mrs. Alma Landis of Raritan. Funeral services were conducted in the Blandinsville Christian Church with entombment in the Blandinsville Mausoleum.
UP,UP, AND AWAY: B. M. Narowitz of Memphis, Tenn. And H. J. Brown of LaCrosse, Wis., two young aviators, made a landing here with their Curtis biplane last Sunday evening and were delayed by the storm until Wednesday. During that time, they took up a number of citizens including several ladies for a ten minute bird eye's view of the landscape about Stronghurst at $6 per person.
HENDERSON COUNTY SOLDIER DIES: The remains of Ernest Cleveland who passed away at Englewood, Colo. on Aug. 2nd arrived in Burlington were taken to the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Cleveland at Raritan.
Death was the result of pulmonary trouble resulting from his being gassed while in overseas service in the late war. All that medical skill could do had been done for the young man, but no relief could be gained and the time since his arrival in the states up to the time of his death has been one of intense suffering, death coming as a blessed relief. The climate of Illinois having added to his suffering only a small part of time has been spent at home with his parents, almost the entire period having been spent in Western health resorts. Mrs. Cleveland has been at the bedside of her son since May 1st and the Dr. for the past two months. Emmet was the only child about 25 years of age and a promising young man. The funeral will be a military one held in the Raritan Reformed Church.
ARRIVED IN CALIFORNIA: Mr. Charles Davis and G. D. Bailey who left Stronghurst for Los Angeles by auto on July 2nd, arrived at their destination on July 28th after having made the journey with out any serious auto trouble. The speedometer marked a total of 2,680 miles and 240 gallons of gas were consumed. Driving over the northern route through Colorado, Utah and Wyoming with their mountainous scenery, they enjoyed the trip. They will sightsee California and plan to go to Colorado for the winter.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Aug. 20th has been selected for the annual home coming picnic at Olena held under the auspices of the M. E. Church. Mrs. J. A. Goempler, an aged and much respected resident of Oquawka, had the misfortune to slip on a rug on a polished floor at the home of her son, H. L. Goempler and fall in such a way as to fracture her left hip. Roy Rankin accompanied his brother John to attend to his wheat harvest in Sask. Can. Ray Pullen, who was working on a telephone pole near Kirkwood when it fell, is being cared for at a Monmouth Hospital. X-ray pictures show that he sustained a broken neck and there is no hope of his recovery. Latest news regarding oil prospecting companies hereabout is that leases given the Ohio company again have been returned to land owners. The price of violin bows has increased 300%. Have that old one repaired at Novelty Repair Shop, W. E. Hurd, Prop. Mary Adeline Folmer, who spent some time at the W. W. Ross home recently, left for her home in New York; she is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Sloan Folmer.
Adams County residents have been fortunate in capturing five men whom they estimate have stolen at least 5,000 chickens in the vicinity of Quincy recently. One of the most largely attended funeral of the returned soldier boys was that of Marion Fletcher of Smithshire in Warren Co. Arriving at Monmouth, the body was taken to the Armory where it lay in state until Sunday afternoon funeral with interment in the Ellison Cemetery. George M. Foote was here from Chillicothe, Ill. looking after his farming interests. W. T. Marshall of Emerson, Ia. is visiting relatives in the area. W. D. Bricker of the Raritan neighborhood is receiving treatment at the Burlington Hospital for an unnatural growth on the back of one of his hands. Wm. Smith and family drove through in their Ford Sedan from Cicero, Ind. for a visit at the home of his brother, Hugh R. Smith, west of Stronghurst.
A girls' riding contest was held in Crapo Park, Burlington with a crowd of spectators numbering over 400. The girls rode ponies furnished by the Sunnyside Shetland Pony Farm of Monmouth, Ill. The first prize, a box of candy, was carried off by Miss Olga Breidbarth of Nauvoo on Maroon. The contestants were judged by their horsemanship, the way they sat, etc. 25 girls participated. J. C. Coulson, the veteran LaHarpe editor, is showing no improvement and he is now unable to read the papers sent to his home. However, he still maintains an active interest in the affairs of his own paper, the LaHarper and contributes a weekly column telling of the pleasure he gets from the many tokens of sympathy and appreciation which pour in upon him from friends and abroad.