The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, July 7, 1921
FOURTH OF JULY IN THE VILLAGE: While practically all of her citizens observed Independence Day as a holiday and took a respite from toil and business activities, Stronghurst was a comparatively quiet place. Of course, the intermittent explosion of the "cannon crackers" served to make the term "noiseless" inapplicable, but there was no loud screaming of the bird which typifies American freedom (the eagle) and no noisy public demonstration.
A good share of the people attended celebrations in neighboring cities, Monmouth, perhaps, drawing the largest crowd. A number of private picnic were held while in the afternoon and evening quite a large number of people enjoyed the cool shade and the boating and bathing facilities afforded by the Lake Fort Club grounds, which were thrown open to the public for the day. The rather threatening weather conditions had a tendency to keep some people at home in the afternoon, but by evening the weather had cleared and many took their lunch baskets to the club grounds and enjoyed a picnic supper.
Many farmers spent the greater part of the day in the harvest fields taking care of the oats crop which ripened unusually early this season; but even the most of these found it possible to devote a few hours of the evening to the special observance of the day at various places where celebrations were held and where displays of fireworks were given.
HISTORY REVISITED: Mr. James Pendry brought to the Graphic an interesting relic of former days in Henderson County in the shape of an old account book kept by the Cisna Brothers, who ran a store at Old Shokokon near Carman shortly after the Civil War. In the book are the names of many men, long since passed away who were leading citizens and pioneers in the agricultural and commercial development of the county. A survey of the pages reveals the fact that there was no Volstead Act in force (prohibition) at that time and that "booze" was one of the staples carried in stock by the general storekeeper. As the item "drinks" appears very often after the names of store patrons, it is also evident that liquor was dispensed by the glass as well as in larger quantities.
A social event of the period mentioned and which Mr. Pendry tells us was one of the biggest things of the kind ever held in the county, is recalled by a list of names of purchaser of tickets for a grand ball and banquet held in the new public hall in Shokokon on Christmas Eve of 1866. The list of is a long one and includes the names of many citizens of Henderson County who have long since passed to their reward. Tickets sold at $2.50. The music was furnished by the Yunkers and Burgess Orchestra of Burlington, Ia. and the menu of the banquet was a very elaborate one. Mr. Pendry says that recollections of the event still linger vividly in his memory as they do no doubt in those of the few remaining survivors.
Of the long list of names of patrons of the events recorded in the book the following six are probably all who have not passed to the "Great Beyond," and we are not sure as to whether all of these are still in the flesh: James Pendry, Al Burnett, Wm. McIntire, Lin Paul, A. Parks and Richard Dixon.
DROWNED AT OQUAWKA ON THE 4TH: Louis Wixforth, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wixforth of Rozetta Township and Robert Banta, 7 year old son of Dr. S. S. Banta of Galesburg, were drowned in the Mississippi River near Oquawka on the Fourth. The Wixworth lad met his death while bathing at the Oquawka bathing beach between 10:30 and 11 o'clock in the morning. He was not far out in the water when he was observed to be struggling and before anyone could reach him, he went under three times and failed to re-appear. The body was recovered about half an hour later, but all efforts at resuscitation proved fruitless.
The Banta boy was drowned at the mouth of what is known as the Johnson Pocket a few miles north of Oquawka where he and his father, the latter's brother, R. R. Banda, and Tom Stimpson were fishing. The lad was wading along the edge of a sand dam when he stepped into a deep hole and sank the third time before anyone in the party could reach him. A boat was procured and Mr. R. R. Banta dived for the body and recovered it not more than ten minutes after the accident occurred. The men worked for an hour to resuscitate the victim without avail.
The body was rushed to Oquawka and medical assistance sought, but the physician found that life was extinct. Inquests were held over both bodies in the afternoon by Coroner W. J. Emerson of Lomax and a verdict of accidental drowning rendered in both cases.
KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT:: John Cisna of Gladstone, Ill. was killed last Saturday at the railroad crossing a mile north of Gladstone when the Ford car in which he was riding was struck by a freight train and demolished. The auto was being driven by Mr. John Fryer, who it appears, is an inexperience driver, and allowed the car to become stalled on the crossing in front of the approaching train. Mr. Fryer's young son and Mr. Wm. Morse of Gladstone were also occupants of the car and all received greater or less injuries.
SOLD OUT: Dr. C. McClennan has disposed of his medical practice to Dr. E. LaVerne Emerson, son of Dr. W. J. Emerson of Lomax, and left Stronghurst for his old home in Chicago.
WILL GO TO TENNESSEE: V. F. Mills, who has been a resident of Stronghurst during the past two years and who has been employed as a mechanic in the Johnson and Milliken Garages, expects to leave soon with his family and seek out a location in Tennessee. The family will make their journey to their new home by auto.
A NEW-FANGLED ROAD MACHINE: People in this vicinity who are interested in good roads (and that means practically everyone) will have the opportunity on July 15th of witnessing a practical demonstration of the work which can be accomplished in road maintenance by the use of a new form of road machine which is being put out by the Avery Company of Peoria and Milwaukee. This machine, which comprises in one unit both tractor and grader and which is easily operated by one man, will, it is claimed, cover miles of country roads or city streets in a day cutting off bumps and ridges here, shaving off high place there and filling in the low places everywhere, leaving behind a smoothly finished road ready for traffic.
Mr. F. Lee Frantz, a representative of the Avery Company, has arranged to give a demonstration of this machine on the road in the southwest part of Stronghurst from 9 am to 4 p.m. on Friday, July 15th. County and township road officials from Hancock, Henderson and Warren Counties have been invited and it is expected that the crowd of interested spectators will be a large one.
There is no question which is claiming more attention from the people generally today than that of transportation and good roads; and it is coming to be realized more and more that while roads of concrete, brick, crushed rock, macadam, etc. will be demanded as connecting links between the larger centers of population, it is absolutely impracticable to have a large percentage of the highways of the country hard surfaced. A large part of the road problem, therefore, becomes that of the proper formation, grading and maintenance of our dirt roads and any invention which promises advantages over old methods of road construction and maintenance and especially those which promise greater economy as well as better results, deserves the careful investigation of those upon whom the responsibility for giving the best system of roads possible. Economy of operation as compared with the old method of using a separate grader, drawn by horse or tractor power is one of the strong points claimed by the manufacturers of this "one Man" Road Maintainer.
OFF TO CALIFORNIA: C. H. Davis and Gid Bailey left Stronghurst last Saturday on an auto tour of the West with Los Angeles, Calif. as their destination. They are traveling in a touring car and carrying a tent and camping outfit, which they will probably make use of when night finds them in a region where there are no hotels within striking distance. Bets are about even as to whether the entire round trip will be accomplished without the tourists making use of other means of transportation and no predictions are being made as to the time which will be consumed on the journey.
Reports received from the travelers by friends here are to the effect that frequent detours made necessary by repair work being done on the main traveled trail and heavy going resulting from frequent rains made the journey across the state of Iowa a rather tedious one.
HE HELP BUILD THE PANAMA CANAL: John F. Wallace, former Monmouth resident and generally regarded as the most distinguished graduate of Monmouth College, the first chief engineer of the Panama Canal and the designer and constructor of many large bridges and railway terminals in this country, died quite suddenly at Washington, D.C. on July 3rd at the age of 69 years. He was the son of Dr. David A. Wallace, who was the first president of Monmouth College. He began his engineering career at the age of 17 as a chain carrier for the railroad surveying crew in Hancock County and before he became of age was being assigned government engineering contracts of importance.
He was at one time general manger of the Illinois Central Railroad, a position which he resigned in 1904 to become chief engineer of the Panama Canal. The latter position he resigned about a year later and since that time he has been engaged in enterprises of a private nature.
1896 GRAPHIC: The farm house occupied by Luther Rankin on his father's farm east of Stronghurst was destroyed by fire on July 7th. Mr. George McDill, a well known and highly respected Henderson County citizen who was temporarily making his home in Burlington, died at a hospital on July 4th. On June 25th at the McCutcheon House in Burlington occurred the marriage of James Rezner and Mrs. Alice Moore, both of Stronghurst. W. C. Ivins and J. W. Gordon were both orators at a celebration of the Fourth of July held at Raritan. Abraham VanArsdale, an old and respected citizen of Raritan, died at his home on July 2nd. Miss Florence Marshall, daughter of James Marshall of this place, died on July 5th at the age of 27 years. J. N. Derr, a Monmouth alderman and formerly a resident of Henderson County, was a fugitive from justice, charged with forging a number of checks and cashing them at Monmouth business houses.
TORRID WEATHER PREVAILS: While this year's record for hot weather in June has probably not been exceeded for many years, the month of July seems to have started out to beat the June record. For several days this week the mercury has mounted up to around 95 in the shade while the nights have been marked by an oppressiveness which has made restful slumber almost impossible. An excessive amount of humidity exists in the atmosphere which has a tendency to add to the discomfort of man and beast. While the growing crops are not suffering for lack of moisture, a cooling shower would be welcomed by many as a relief from the excessive heat.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Eveyln Fort has gone to Northwestern University for a summer course in music. Miss Julia Barnes, formerly of this vicinity and now of Rock Island left for a tour of England, France, Italy and Switzerland. Mrs. Del Dixson's Sabbath school class enjoyed a picnic at Crapo Park in Burlington. Raymond Thompson is on the sick list as the result of an attack of heat prostration. Ed Wanders and family of Galesburg and Ernest Staley and family of Lomax participated in a Staley family reunion and picnic at the village park.
The village of Oquawka has revived its curfew law and hereafter the curfew whistle will blow at nine o'clock and no children less than 16 years of age will be allowed on the streets after that time unless accompanied by their parents. Chas. Decker and William Butler were victims of attacks by vicious dogs on the streets, both boys being quite severely bitten. As a precaution against any possible serious after effects, the wounds of both were treated by a physician.
Wick Crenshaw who was convicted in the Hancock County court recently of the murder of Bert Langford at La Harpe, and who was granted a new trial last week by the state supreme court, was married in Galesburg on June 2nd to Mrs. Rose Langford, the widow of the man whom he killed. S.V. A. Simonson was a victim of heat prostration at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S.A. Rankin, east of town, one attack coming during the day and another in the evening; his condition has been quite critical, but he is now improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Perce Wells and son Dale of Gary, Ind., who had been visiting relatives at Raritan and attending the 50th anniversary of Mr. Wells' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Wells, called on friends before taking the afternoon train for their home. They were accompanied here by Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris and Mrs. Iva Gibb of Raritan. G. W. Worley is adding to the attractiveness of his residence on Nichols Street. by applying a fresh coat of paint. Roy Hixson of the Raritan country is at the Burlington Hospital recovering from an operation for the removal of a diseased appendix. Ralph Butler and family now ride about in a new Ford car recently purchased. Word is that Dr. E. LaVerne Emerson will locate in Stronghurst some time in August and will enter into a partnership with Dr. H.L. Marshall. W.E. Salter left on a tour of the West. He will proceed over the central route to Salt Lake City to William, Calif., where he will spend some time with his son, Ney, and will return via El Paso, Tex. to see his sister, Mrs. Ackerman.Frank Murphy arrived home from California where he accompanied a shipment of three car loads of Hereford Cattle. He says the trip was in many ways the most satisfactory of the many he has undertaken within the last few years, the three cars of cattle being delivered safely and without a scratch at the big ranch to which they were consigned near Danville, Calif. in a little less than nine days from the time they were loaded in Stronghurst. Frank's fame as a care taken of fine stock on a long railroad journey is becoming thoroughly established and he is also acquiring a useful fund of information regarding the geography and natural resources of the wonderful West. Miss Hazel Hare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hare of Wichita, Kans., formerly of this county, is visiting old acquaintances around Raritan.
Mrs. Nora Georges of Los Angeles, Calif., who will be remembered by many as Miss Nora Stevens formerly of Olena, is visiting old friends. She was accompanied by Mrs. Riggs and Mrs. Liby of Biggsville at the services of the Stronghurst U. P. Church as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Marshall. Lloyd Chant, who has been employed at the First National Bank for some time, has been obliged on account of failing health to resign his position and at the advice of physicians has gone to Albuquerque, N. Mexico. Twenty five car loads of strawberries were shipped out of Quincy, Ill. last year and not a single car load this year. Miss Naomi Anderson of Stronghurst has been employed to teach the Marsden School north of the village the coming year. A daughter was born on June 28th to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thrush at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wilson at Raritan. Lon Henry and wife of Moberly, Mo. spent the holiday with his aunt, Mrs. M.J. Hurd. Lon is employed in the coach department of the Wabash R.R. and was lucky enough to hold his job in the general lay off of men.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Graden Figg of Burlington, Ia. visited at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Clyde Galbraith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burrell and son left for Nebraska to visit relatives. A 4th of July picnic dinner was held on the lawn at the W. M. Graham home. Three families participated with ice cream and nice home-made cakes. The village was shocked Saturday, July 2nd, when news of the way freight from Oquawka had struck an automobile at the crossing just north of town. It was John Fryrear's car and he had his 4 year old boy with him along with will Morse and John Cisna. All of them were thrown about 60 feet in the air. John Cisna died soon after they had all been brought to Dr. Steven's office. John Fryrear was badly cut about the throat and chest and Dr. Stevens did some emergency work on him and Will Morse. The freight took them to the Burlington hospital. The little boy was not seriously injured. Both Fryrear and Morse are getting along fine so far.
OBITUARY***JOHN CISNA***The funeral of John Cisna was held at the M.E. church in Gladstone at ten o'clock in the morning. The remains were taken to Carman, Ill. Cemetery for burial. He was a jolly fellow, well liked by all and has worked in Gladstone for a long time on the railroad. He leaves a wife, 3 sons-Clarence, Herbert and Gerald-and 2 daughters-Iva and Zelda, all of Gladstone; 2 brothers-Frank of Carman and Charles of Peoria. He was a kind husband and father. He was born in Carman, Ill. Oct. 11, 1866. In 1895 he married Anna Mohrling; six children were born to them of whom 5 are still living.
OBITUARY---ROLLIN DALE DUVALL--- Rollin Dale DuVall was born Jan. 3, 1913 at Conway, Iowa and departed this life on July 3, 1921 at Wever, Iowa, aged 19 months. He became very ill in February and was taken to the Ft. Madison Hospital for treatment. He seemed better for a time but the dread disease stayed with him and he was taken worse and in a short time fell asleep in Jesus. He leaves his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DuVall; one brother, Buddie, 3 sisters, Maxine, Freeda and Helen, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. DuVall. Interment was in the Oquawka Cemetery.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mr. John Lawyer and the following Junior Boy Scouts, Elmer Pendarvis, Robert Beal, Marvin Drain and LeRoy Lawyer, attended the Sunday School convention at Stronghurst. Chas. Camp and John Ricketts completed some interior decoration for Mr. Thomas Howell and C.R. Pendarvis and are doing some for Mrs. Etta Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. George Beal and daughter left for their home in Cambridge, Ohio after a visit with his brothers Lloyd and Alphonso Beal. Wallace Murtland is working at the depot while Harry Long is taking his vacation. The young people of the Methodist Church are practicing faithfully on the play entitled "And Home Came Ted" which they will give next week. Miss Florence Gram left for summer school in Peoria.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Threshing began this week and Dannenberg has three machines in the fields this year. Oats are a poor crop this year. Coach Robinson of Bradley College of Peoria and Allen Rusch of Peoria have been visiting with Golden Babcook. (Article contains a long list of those attending the funeral of John Cisna.) The many friends of Deborrah Pendry Fouts are saddened to learn that her ailments have become such as she has been taken to Burlington hospital for treatment.