The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
August 18, 2012 1921, Stronghurst Graphic
CHAUTAUQUA ENDS: One of the best Chautauqua Stronghurst has ever had brought to their doors closed last Saturday night with a "Joy Night" program furnished by "Daddy" Groebecker's Swiss Yodlers and Alton Packard, "Master Cartoonist" and "Humorist Extraordinary." (This is a long article detailing the week's program.)
THE OLENA PICNIC: Final plans for the Olena Homecoming Picnic reveal an old fashioned quoit contest as the star sport feature. Horseshoes will be used and the first game will be played simultaneously, the second round being between winners and down to the champion match to decide who is the best player present. The committee has plenty of comical contests planned for the day.
Well known speakers have agreed to speak in the forenoon and after dinner. At night a mixed program is promised. The Delco-Light folks are going to see to it that the grounds and stage are well lighted. The program begins at ten o'clock Saturday, Aug. 20th on the Olena Church campus.
BURGLARY AT CARMAN: The post office at Carman, which occupies part of the A.C.Babcook store building, was broken into on Tuesday night and $130 in stamps stolen. The robbery occurred on the same night of the attempted hold up of R.W.Upton at Hopper and Sheriff Mc Dill is of the opinion that the same talent was engaged in both affairs.
GOV. LEN SMALL RELEASED ON BAIL: Gov. Len Small was arrested in the executive mansion by Sheriff Henry Mester. The warrants were issued on grand jury indictments returned three weeks ago, charging the governor with embezzlement of $500,000 while state treasurer and with conspiring with Lieutenant Governor Sterling and Vernon Curtis to defraud the state out of $2,000,000 more.
The governor gave a $50,000 bond for his appearance in circuit court. At the same time the governor protested the arrest was illegal; it was expected he would take his protest to the courts. (Illinois politics never changes.)
TRACTOR DEMOSTRATION: The tractor demonstration which was held on the John McKeown farm south of town attracted a big crowd. Fordson, Twin City, International and Moline tractors were entered in the contest and representatives of the various companies were present to explain the merits of their respective machines.
The field selected for the demonstration was an almost level tract of oats stubble land and the ground was in ideal shape for plowing. Each outfit did such a perfect job with two and three bottom gang plows that judging would have been a difficult matter if it had been required. To the ordinary observer about the only difference in the various jobs was in the turning under of the weeds and trash. This difference was, however, obviously due to the different kinds of plows used rather than to the difference of tractors...Incidental, Mr. McKeown had nearly 20 acres of fall plowing done for him in the most painstaking and thorough manner possible.
1896 GRAPHIC: Stronghurst Camp M.W.A. held a picnic at the Santa Fe Driving Park; the day's program included addressed by Prof. Gray of LaHarpe, J.W.Gordon of Stronghurst and Hon. Thos. Williamson of Mt. Olive, Ill.; instrumental music by the Apt brothers of Decorra and a number of races and contest.
Rev. I.H.Fuller, pastor of the Christian Church, was preparing to leave Stronghurst and he and his wife were presented with handsome 24 piece silver set from the congregation and other friends. R.T.McDill was chosen president of the McKinley and Hobart Club at Biggsville. (politics) Thurman Steffey was building a house in the west part of town. A soldiers' reunion was in progress at Oquawka. John A. Swanson, proprietor of the "Leader" store in Stronghurst was preparing to move his stock of goods to Galva, Ill.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: The electric light department of the city raised the lights from $1.00 to $1.50 minimum on dwellings and from 16 cents to 18 cents or 15 cents to 17 cents per k.w. if payment is made in ten days. The town hall has been remodeled and will house the chemical engine (fire truck) in the future. John Bowlyou family has purchased the Robert Gittings place and after some repairing will make that their future home. Mrs. Gladys Grande of Sheboygan, Wis. came for a few weeks visit with home folks. The local baseball team crossed bats with the Perfection Tire team of Fort Madison and won by one point. Jennie Clarke, who has been a patient at the Burlington Hospital, was able to be brought home. Harry Pence and family returned from a three week visit in Kansas.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: A heavy down pour has delayed many farmers in getting their threshing done and many fields of grain are sprouting. Preparations for the Home Coming on Aug. 20th are going forward. Sam Lant’s family with the exception of the two older children traveled in their Overland to visit relatives in different parts of Missouri. Sammy and Violet will look after the home place. Word from Mrs. Jean Rodwell of Oakland, Ia. (formerly Miss Minnie Black) brings sad news that her husband is seriously ill with typhoid fever. The young child of Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney was so unfortunate as to fall while climbing a fence and broke a limb above the knee; the child was taken to the Burlington Hospital for treatment. Mrs. Jacobs was unfortunate in sustaining a broken arm a few weeks ago.
The friends of Mrs. Leslie Perdue gave her a utility shower at the home of Mr. Chalmer Perdue; Mr. Perdue and bride will reside in Biggsville. The Burrell reunion is to be held at the Daniel Burrell home near Hopper. Miss Thelma Peterson has purchased a new Ford car. She thinks this will enable her to drive back and forth during part of her school term as she has been re-employed where she taught last year near Media, Ill. Mr. Elmer Wetterling and family of Ottumwa, Ia., Chas. Watson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Francis of Burlington spent the Sabbath with Mrs. Emily Long. Sheriff McDill was down interviewing some of our citizens in regard to the reported hold up at Hopper.
Quite a bunch of hoodlums were out Sabbath night disturbing the peace and quiet of the evening and visiting the hen roosts here and nearby farms. Be careful, boys, or you may on a return trip receive a warm reception. Mrs. Mabel Burroughs is visiting the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White. The menu for the picnic dinner at the Home Coming is as follows: fried chicken and gravy, creamed potatoes, pickles, scalloped corn or oysters, sliced tomatoes, coleslaw, bread and butter, pie and coffee-all for the price of the dinner-35 cents; children less.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee are moving their household goods out of the Staley house to Burlington where they will reside. The union missionary meeting held in the park was a contest between the local missionary society and the Kirkwood society. The two groups lined up and as the names of the various missionaries were pronounced, they were to give the name of the country in which was located. The Kirkwood team was the winners. Dr. Rezner then gave a report of the conference held in Monmouth afterward refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. Jack Mullin purchased the house and lots of Ben Redfern, in which he expects to keep bachelor’s hall. Harvey Foster is reported to be quite ill at his home north of town. Mrs. George Gilmore, north of town, was taken to the Burlington Hospital for treatment. While she was trying to stop a runaway team of her grandson’s who was gathering corn, the team and wagon both ran over her. Her condition is unknown. Arthur Bergreen is driving a new Ford sedan.
***OBITUARY***MISS LIZZIE MCKINLEY: Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church for Miss Lizzie McKinley, whose death occurred at her home last Thursday. Miss McKinley had been in poor health almost all her lifetime and the cause of her death was heart trouble...The deceased is mourned by five sisters, Mrs. Chas. Kilgore, Mrs. Willis Gilmore and Mrs. James Whiteman of this place, Mrs. Alice Kilgore of Griswold, Ia. and Mrs. Lula Gilmore of Emerson, Ia..
WILL LAY CORNERSTONE: The corner stone of the new Terre Haute township High School building will be laid on Aug. 20. A program has been arranged consisting of music and readings. Hon. W.H. Hartzell of Carthage will deliver an address at one o'clock after which a game of baseball will be played. A basket dinner will be served at noon. Bring a big basket of fried chicken and other good things and enjoy the day-High School Board.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A 32-volt carpet sweeper at a bargain at Dixson's. Miss Blanche Russler of Albion, Mich. visited friends. Mr. B.L. Lesher and wife of Houston, Tex. are guests at the home of Mrs. Lesher's son, P.W.Wallin and family. W.B.Gregory and family left on an auto trip to Chicago by way of Starved Rock expecting also to visit Benton Harbor, Mich. before their return. The exhibition and judging of the garden products raised by the children of the U.S. Garden Army in this locality is taking place at the Community Club Rooms this afternoon. The display is one which reflects much credit upon the youthful gardeners. W.D.Bricker of Raritan neighborhood is taking radium treatment for an unnatural growth on one of his hands. Adna Atkins, road commissioner of Raritan Township, is taking radium treatment at Rochester, Minn. for a cancerous growth on his hand. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, prominent citizens of Elvaston, Hancock County, were instantly killed at St.Augustine, Ill. when the auto in which they were driving to Peoria to visit their children was struck by a C.B. and Q. passenger train of at a grade crossing and demolished. Joe Huff of Stronghurst recently was appointed as rural mail carrier out of Media and began his duties Monday; he has resigned as principal of the Raritan schools. Mr. Clarence Richey of Media Township is in Canada looking after the wheat harvest on his ranch there. The wheat crop there is reported to be a good one this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rankin and son of Yuma, Ariz are guests at the Edgar Rankin home northeast of Stronghurst. Mrs. Fred Harims and children of Grafton, Ind. are visiting her father O.J.Sanderson south of town. Nate Groom left for Saskatchewan, Can. where he will assist some of the ranchers from Illinois with their wheat harvest and threshing. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. N.Clarke are preparing to move from their farm in Media Township to Wheaton, Ill. Mr. Clarke is now devoting his entire time to the interests of the U.S.Grain Growers Association and is moving to Wheaton in order to be more conveniently located for his work.
Glenn Marshall is the new rural carrier on Route 3 out of Stronghurst; he was appointed to take the place of Russell Brook, who resigned. No carrier has been appointed to fill the vacancy on Route 1, formerly served by John Salter, deceased. Mr. L.E.McAndrews of the E.R.Grandey store of Stronghurst has just been awarded a valuable prize for the excellence of the window trim which he designed for the store during Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort week.
***OBITUARY***HENRY LEINBACH: Henry Leinbach, an old and well known citizen of Henderson County, who had made his home in Raritan and Media communities for many years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Howard Lee near Roseville on Aug. 13th. Funeral services were conducted at the Raritan Baptist church with interment of the remains in the Raritan Cemetery. The deceased was a brother of Samuel Leinbach of this place. His wife and one son preceded him in death. He is survived by one son Daniel living in Nebraska; one daughter, Mrs. Howard Lee of Roseville, Ill.; three brothers, Samuel of Stronghurst; Daniel of Washington state and Benjamin living in Iowa and one sister, Mrs. Caroline Kennett of Nebraska.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. A.L.Runyon took charge of the Standard Oil Co. in Oquawka. Ernest Radman started for Munda, S.D. where he will join his family who went in June. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Cook are the proud parents of a fine baby girl born to them Friday night. The Gladstone baseball team crossed bats with the Monmouth Blackbirds and were the victors. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stewart and children motored to Wisconsin to visit his brother. Mrs. Gilmore, who lives east of town, was seriously hurt in a runaway. They sent for the ambulance from the Burlington Hospital to take her there for treatment. It will go pretty hard with her on account of her age. Johnnie Fryer, who has been in the Burlington Hospital, is home now much improved.
***OAKLEY COLLEY***The body of Oakley Colley arrived from France. The funeral was held on the lawn at the Colley home. Oakley Colley was born Nov.7, 1894 and enlisted in the U.S.Army on Dec.17, 1917. He served in Company G, 38th Infantry and was gassed in the battle of the Somme. He suffered for eight weeks and then was sent to the front again. He was killed by machine gun fire on the night of Oct.11th near the town of Romague. Full military honors were accorded the deceased at the funeral with the Kirkwood Legion in charge. There were 45 boys in uniform and many more without uniform. He was laid to rest in the Biggsville Cemetery.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The S.S. enjoyed a picnic at Clear Lake, all having a treat of ice cream and lemonade. The Dowell-Hudson annual picnic was held at Crapo Park with 105 present of the immediate families. Grandmother Hudson being 86 years old was the oldest present; Marietta Trimmer being second oldest, both of Stronghurst. All enjoyed a good time but the storm in the afternoon rushed them home before enjoying the lovely scenery and flowers of the park. Paul Marsden of Biggsville visited a few days at the Howell home with old school mates. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Booth and children, Vista and Laverne of Louisiana, Mo. visited the lady's sister and family at the A.C.Babcook home. Mr. Golden Babcook is a sufferer with blood poison in his hand.