The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: Oct. 13, 1921

THEY DIDN'T DROWN: The motor boat in which Mrs. J.J. Spangler and son "Buddie" and Chas. Vanlandingham of Oquawka were returning to that village from Burlington Saturday afternoon became filled with water and sank in about 10 feet of water at a point below the foot of Eagle Island, four miles south of Oquawka.

Fortunately for the occupants, C. C. A. Winders A. Winders of Burlington happened along in another boat just as the Spangler boat was sinking and succeeded in getting the passengers into his craft. He landed them on the Iowa side of the river and the journey was completed on foot to a point opposite Oquawka from which they reached home by ferry.

A BOX SUPPER: A box supper will be given at the Allison School house, 2 miles east of Stronghurst on Friday evening; everybody is invites. Please bring boxes-Marguerite Wheeler, Teacher (Years, ago this was a fun social event. Women and girls would prepare boxes full of food for a meal, decorate them and perhaps, clue that special fellow into which was theirs so he might out bid the crowd for the privilege of eating the contents with them. School would raise money and everyone would have a good time.)

***OBITUARY***MRS. LOIS ANN MCINTIRE: Mrs. Lois Ann McIntire passed away Oct. 8th at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Putney, in this village with whom she had made her home for some time.

Lois Ann Martin was born at Dallas City, Ill., Oct. 8th, 1844 and had reached her 77th birthday on the day of her death. She was united in marriage to Isaac McIntire in 1864. Eight children were born to this union, five of whom survive: Mrs. Ida Asher of Burlington , Ia.; Mrs. Maude Vincent of Kewanee, Ill.; Mrs. Florence Putney, Mrs. Jessie Curry and Cloyed McIntire of Stronghurst. Those who preceded their mother in death were Mrs. Flora Huffier, Clayton and Etta McIntire. The husband and father died 13 years ago. In addition to those mentioned there are 34 surviving grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at the Putney home with interment in the Oquawka Cemetery.

"BOB' SMELLED'EM OUT: Sheriff R.T. McDill's discriminating sense of smell led to the capture of a "moonshine" still, fifteen gallons of mash, an oil stove and a Ford car north of Oquawka Thursday night. Earlier in the day, the sheriff while driving by a vacant house by the roadside smelled "hootch" and his suspicions were aroused. When the shades of evening had fallen, he returned to the spot to investigate. A number of men who were engaged in moving an apparatus from an old corn crib near the deserted house beat a hasty retreat on his approach and made their escape through the timber leaving "Bob" the master of all her surveyed including the damning evidence of violation of the 18th Amendment. It was learned that the Ford car belonged to John Barnes, who claims it had been stolen. The whole outfit, including the car, is being held pending an investigation of the case.

BANK ROBBERS AT BIGGSVILLE: The First National Bank at Biggsville was entered by yeggmen (burglars)Tuesday night, but no loot was secured owing no doubt to the fact that the vault of the bank was protected by a new burglar proof Anakin lock recently installed.

The yeggmen secured tools at the railroad section house in the village with which they broken open the front door, but they were apparently discouraged from any further attempts to get at the funds of the bank when they saw the manner in which they were protected. No one in the village seems to have seen or heard anything of the yegg during their visit.

***OBITUARY***ELZIE DRAIN: Elzie Drain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Drain of the Terre Haute neighborhood died at the Burlington Hospital on Oct. 6th at about 10:20 am. early last July he under went an operation at the hospital which resulted in peritonitis and for several weeks his life hung in the balance. He made a partial recovery and was removed to the home of his parents. Complications which set in made his return to the hospital necessary and a second operation was performed on Sept. 26th.

While he appeared to grow better for a time, he suffered a relapse on Oct. 2nd and continued to grow worse until death came to relieve his sufferings. The remains were brought to the home of his parents on the Chandler farm north of Terre Haute where funeral services were held. Interment was in the Stronghurst Cemetery. The fact that Elzie was a youth of but 16 years with a life of promise apparently ahead of him made his death an occasion of peculiar sadness to all who knew him.

THE COST OF EDUCATION: The non-high school board met at Oquawka and fixed the non-high school tax levy for the county at $13,000. (This was amount of money needed to send students to a high school if none was in their vicinity.) There are 106 pupils from non-high school territory in the county attending various high schools in this and other counties and the per capita cost runs from $60 to $200 a pupil. The maximum cost per pupil for Terre Haute High School which has 2 pupils is $200 each. Macomb Normal has 2 pupils at the minimum cost of $60 each. Biggsville has the largest number taking care of 24 for $150 each. Gladstone has 18 pupils at $125 each; Stronghurst, 11 at $126; Keithsburg 11 at $108; Dallas City, 11 at $95; Oquawka, 10 at $180; Media, 7 at $175; Monmouth, 9 at $120; Seaton, 3 at $185 Little York, 2 at $100; Rosalie, 1 at $180, and Lahore, 1 at $103.

1896 GRAPHIC: David G. White of Stronghurst and Mrs. Louise L. Wilson of Blandinsville were married on the evening of Oct. 14th at the home of the bride's parents. John Reynolds and Miss Martha Rodman, both of this place, were united in marriage at the Stronghurst Baptist parsonage on Oct. 14th. Ole Larson, a resident of Carman, was drowned in the Mississippi River on Oct. 8th when the skiff in which he was rowing home from Burlington went over the dam on the west side of Big Island and capsized. The new Biggsville Township High School was dedicated on Oct. 9th. A big celebration was held in Galesburg commemorating the 38th anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglass debate which was held in that city in 1858.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: An old fashioned taffy pulling will be held in the basement of the Stronghurst Christian Church on the evening of Oct. 14th. Oct. 14th Everybody in the community is invited. (Many today have no idea what this entails. Taffy candy was made and had to be pulled to a golden color, formed into twists and let harden.) Mrs. C. R. Pendarvis of Media is reported to be in a very serious condition at the Mayo Bros. Hospital in Rochester, Minn. Mr. Pendarvis left by auto to be near his wife during an operation. A surprise party for men only was given in honor of the 44th birthday of Perce Penny by his wife on the evening of Sept. 30th at the Penny home north of Terre Haute. Corn husking was begun in most parts of the country. Contrary to expectations the farmers in most instances are being held up of 3 ½ cents per bushel for huskers. A meeting of the executive committee of the Henderson County Sabbath School Association was held Oct. 8th at which time plans for the coming year s work were discussed and a program arranged. Those in attendance were Mrs. Ralph Painter, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Jno. Rezner, E. G. Lewis, Walter Cochran and Clarence Gibb. The Misses Lena and Elsie Ahlers were at Monmouth where Elsie underwent a tonsil operation at Monmouth Hospital. Mrs. I.V.D. Perrine, who has been seriously ill for some time, was taken to Roseville where she will remain for a time and receive special electric treatments. (Electricity was new and magical and was believed to cure illness.)

The Pence button works at Dallas City closed down for an indefinite period. Miss Martha Davis was in Burlington consulting with physicians regarding a throat trouble of long standing. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Corzatt of Raritan join in congratulations, a young daughter having arrived at their home on Oct. 1st. Chas. Peasley and his son, J.H. Peasley, were representatives from this community at the big Masonic gathering held at Monmouth. The bank at Bardolph in McDonough County was closed by a state bank examiner as the result of having loaned too much money on North Dakota land. Luke Fullerton, highway commissioner of Oquawka Township, suffered a broken nose, a severe scalp wound and a number of painful bruises last Saturday morning when he fell from the front end of a wagon loaded with gravel while driving down the incline from the covered bridge east of Oquawka and was dragged about a hundred yards face downward.

GOVERNMENT MONEY TO LOAN: Through the Federal Land Bank and the First Join Stock Land Bank loans can be made on approved real estate up to $100 per acre, 34 ½ years time at a rate 6%-B. G. Widney, Sec.-Treas............ Stronghurst National Bank, Farm Loan Ass n.

***OBITUARY***MRS. C.P. ERVIN: Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. C.P. Ervin at 2 p.m. by her pastor, Rev. Lormier. Song services were by Mrs. Clarence Gibb, Miss Lucille Zimmerman, Will Stevenson and Thomas Glenn with Mrs. Roy Cochran at the piano. Nine children besides the husband are left to mourn the wife and mother. The children are Mrs. Chan Whiteman, Mrs. Edna Renwick, Mrs. Clark Kelly and Otis of the place; Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Pearl McCormick of Galesburg; Clyde of Iowa and Aubrey of McCook, Nebr. All were present at the funeral. Pallbearers were Frank Whiteman, Albert Brouse, Chas. Burrus, Will Sanderson, Ralph Stewart and Sam Glenn. Burial was in the Biggsville Cemetery.

BIGGSVILLE COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS: The community club held their annual monthly meeting with Mrs. Mable White, Mrs. White, Mrs. Andy Stevenson and Mrs. Tom Stewart as hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs. Babcook, the present called the meeting to order and turned it over to those who had arranged a musical program. Mrs. McHenry read an interesting story on Indian music and five girls from the intermediate room in Indian dress gave a war dance. The first grade scholars gave a folk dance, all under the direction of Miss Mildred Fagan. Refreshments of coffee, toasted bread, sandwiches and little cakes were served.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Lewis Dannenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Al Graham were visitors near Wever, Iowa, Sunday. Quite a number of citizens are attending court at Oquawka this week. Willis Dowell and crew are baling straw on the Wm. Galley farm. The farmers are heavy losers from hog cholera. Bunk Galbraith and friend of Great Lakes training school called on Walter Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marsden have moved to Crystal Lake for the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dixon entertained about 50 of their friends with an oyster supper. Quint Webb of Blandinsville is spending a few days vacation at his club house near the river.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Floyd, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Galbraith is very ill at their home with typhoid fever. They have employed a trained nurse from Burlington to care for him. Lyle Graham has gone to Cainesville, Mo. for employment. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas have moved to Oquawka. Ed Stotts of Biggsville was in town selling potatoes and delivering them to the homes. Mrs. Colbert moved to Monmouth.