The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Sept. 1, 1921
THE BIG PICNIC: While attendance was not record breaking, the two day picnic put on by the local Modern Woodmen of America camp last Friday and Saturday was a very successful and much enjoyed affair. To those who are accustomed to the idea of a picnic with a street carnival, the absence of the bizarre features which usually distinguish the latter may have been a source of disappointment; but to those to whom a picnic means the opportunity of spending a few hours of relaxation from the ordinary cares and worries of life in a pleasant grove or park where they can meet and converse with friends, listen to good music and a good address, find the means of satisfying the desire and demand of the normal individual for the stimulus afforded by witnessing of or participation in athletic sports and amusements and where the means are also at hand for satisfying the desire for bodily refreshment in the way of food and drink, the picnic was all that could be desired.
All of the attractions which had been advertised for the two days were present with the exception of the Glenny and Ford Athletic Show, which for some reason unknown to the picnic management, failed to fulfill their contract to be here.
The Wataga Band proved itself to be an organization composed of real musicians and gentlemen, and the excellent music which they discoursed without stint from noon on Friday until late Saturday evening added much to the success of the picnic.
The ball games each afternoon attracted big crowds, the game on Friday arousing exceptional interest from the fact that it was a deciding game between Stronghurst and Gladstone and that both teams had built up high hopes of winning the contest. The game was a fast and exciting one and resulted in a score of 5 to 4 in favor of Stronghurst. On Saturday the Little York team crossed bats with Stronghurst who went down to defeat by the score of 15 to 9.
Of course, the big attraction for the juvenile element was the Merry-go-round. This concession did a big business and was at all time the center of interest for a large number of people, old as well as young.
One of the chief sources of interest each evening was the dancing at the pavilion which had been provided by members of the Stronghurst orchestra. This enterprise not only afforded the devotees in the community of the terpsichorean(outdated term for "dancing") art the opportunity of enjoying themselves, but also afforded entertainment for a large crowd of spectators and incidentally proved a source of considerable financial benefit to the management.
The address on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon were delivered from a speaker's stand which had been erected on the east side of the park away from the noise of the merry-go-round and other concessions and were listened to by good audiences. On account of the interest which is being taken just now in the topic discussed by Mr. Seass on Friday night, we give a somewhat extended account of this address. (Topic: Benefits of the present system of marketing grain as compared with the system which the U. S. Grain Growers, Inc. propose to inaugurate.) The address of M.W.A. State lecturer Gilroy of Canton, Ill. on Saturday afternoon was one in which the benefits of fraternalism were set forth in a most attractive, convincing way and breathed with the spirit of peace and good will, charity and true helpfulness. (Mr. Seass full speech is published in this edition; go to the Henderson County Library and read it on microfilm.)
HARVEST HOME PICNIC AT BIGGSVILLE: The annual Henderson County Farm Bureau Picnic and Biggsville Harvest Home are being held at Biggsville today and tomorrow. Today's program includes a big horseshoe pitching contest; addresses by A. C. Everingham of Hutsonville, Ill. and S. Fred Cumming of Dwight, Ill.; a ball game between Biggsville and Smithshire and aeroplane flights and parachute leap.
On Friday, the final in the horseshoe pitching contest will take place and there will be a ball game between Gladstone and Stronghurst. The aeroplane flights and parachute leap will also be repeated. The celebrated Orchard City Band is furnishing the music for both days.
AD :Lyric Theatre: Saturday night,-Mary Pickford presents "Daddy Longlegs"
Admission 10 and 25 cents plus tax; all shows start at 8 o'clock sharp.
1896 GRAPHIC: Mardeck and Hall, implement and hardware dealers at Kirkwood were forced to suspend business on account of financial embarrassment caused by inability to collect outstanding accounts. Foxmont, a horse owned by George Curry and driven by D. L. Conklin won first money in both the 2:27 and 2:25 classes at the La Harpe races. Applications for positions as school teachers in Henderson County were reported by County Superintendent Mace as exceeding the number of vacancies; and as a result wages were being cut in some instances to $25 per month. (In today's money that would be a reduction of $646.35.) Chas. E. Lant of Gladstone vicinity and Miss Carrie Kessler of Smithshire were married in the M. E. Church there on the evening of Sept. 2nd. Miss Lulu Kessler, Miss Anna Kessler and Miss Annis Drew were bridesmaids and Mr. G.M. McGaw was best man. George Tillotson, a dentist from Chicago, rented an apartment over the "Leader" store in the Beardsley building with a view of locating here. The Stronghurst district and high school opened on Aug. 31st with H. W. Bowersmith as principal. W.C. Ivins who had served as principal of schools for six years, had been re-engaged for the year, but on account of a break down in his physical condition was obliged to resign a short time before the opening of school. James W. Hicks and family moved to their farm west of Olena. W.H. Penny and family moved from their farm in Raritan Township into an elegant new home on East Main St. in Stronghurst.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. George Warren of Table Grove, Ill. were mingling with the picnic crowd last Friday. Mrs. J. P. Milliken of the east country is reported to be quite ill with acialic(this word is not is dictionary and closest to it is acicular which means a needlelike spine, bristle or crystal) rheumatism. John Simonson and Peter Voorhees drove into Missouri on the lookout for stock cattle; they expect to visit the Kahoka fair during their trip. Miss Esther and Howard Marshall and Miss Susie Voorhees heard W. J. Bryan speak at the Monmouth Chautauqua. S.V.A. Simonson is reported to be in a very critical condition suffering from the effects of injuries received in an auto accident on the streets of Stronghurst last April; he is being cared for by his daughter, Mrs. A. A. Worthington in the southeast part of town. Misses Stella Marshall and Merie Adair returned from their two week stay at the State Fair School at Springfield. T.R. Marshall and Douglas Prescott attended the annual meeting of highway commissioners and town clerks and the State Fair at Springfield.
Brokaw and Gray took first prize in the class for aged Poland China boars in which their well known boar, Illinois Yankee, was entered at the state fair. Miss Julia Barnes, who was one of a party of 40 who spent a month's vacation in Europe, arrived in Stronghurst for a visit at the Hez Butler home. She visited England, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Al Justice and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Justice have recently been looking over farming prospects in Adams County and visiting relatives at Keokuk, Iowa. John Annegers and bride have returned from their trip to Alaska and Canada. Public Health Crusade work was presented at the teachers' institute at Biggsville by Mrs. Marcella VanTuyl of Kirkwood who has been engaged in the work in the schools of Staten Island, N.Y. The schools throughout the country are giving more and more attention each year to physical hygiene and child welfare. The office of the Henderson County Farm Bureau was moved from the Chant building to one on the east side of Broadway just north of the Santa Fe right of way, formerly occupied by the Stronghurst Telephone Co.
John Stine and James Sanderson are qualifying as experts on the subject of the benefits of walking as an exercise. They started out early Wednesday morning on a hike to the city of Peoria, intending to follow the route of the Burlington-Peoria Air Line auto trail. A telephone message from the boys that night located them at London Mills and with that rate of speed they should reach Peoria some time this Thursday evening.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. Nora Marshall of St. Louis for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Graham. Mrs. Edgar Gray and Robert Beck went to Eden, Ill to attend the funeral of William Beck. Mrs. Susie Jacob fell and broke her leg above the ankle Sunday near noon while she was getting dinner. They took her to Burlington Hospital and had an X-ray made of the fracture after which she was brought home. Dr. Stevens and Dr. Ditto set the bone. Robert Thomas, who was in the hospital for many weeks with typhoid fever, is able to be home. Mrs. W. M. Dougherty spent the week as a guest in the home of Mrs. Johanna Wheeling.
***OBITUARY***ROBERT C. WARNER: Robert C. Warner was born in Dec. 1826 and died at the home of his brother, A.H. Warner Aug. 26, 1921. The funeral was held at the home at 1 o'clock by Rev. Sailor. He was laid to rest in the Oquawka Cemetery. He was on old veteran and the pall bearers were veterans of the World War in uniform. They were Frank Hulet, Ralph Stevenson, Lou Lox, Avoid Linburg, Clark Alvin and Chalmer Graham. He leaves five children and one brother, A. H. Warner . Those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Warner from Kirkwood, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Warner of Creston, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Harve Warner and son of Danville, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed and family from Keithsburg, Ill.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Miss Thelma and Clifford Campbell returned home after spending five weeks with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks near Olena. Allen Annegers was delivering seed in town. P. T. Hignight was delivering seed for the Lewis Seed Co. Melvin Schroeder is hulling clover. The Academy and High School will open Monday. Bert Miller left in his Ford car to drive to his home in Idaho. Joe Painter was delivering timothy seed.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Lomax played ball with Wever, Ia. on the local diamond and won with the score 9 to 2. James Edmunds of the east country is remodeling his home; he will have a large, modern dwelling when completed. A son was born to Arthur Smith and wife on Aug. 22nd.
MRS. KESSLER MARRIED: It will be a surprise to her host of friends to learn that Mrs. A. E. Kessler, who went some two years ago to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Porter at Vancouver, Wash. and who has for several months been staying with relatives at Rupert, Idaho, was married at Ogden, Utah on Aug. 22nd to Mr. J.W. Melville of Rupert. After a honeymoon trip of several weeks the wedded pair will probably make their home in Rupert.
A NARROW ESCAPE: Ira Foote was over at Oakville, Ia. and while crossing a railroad track near there, the Ford car which he was driving stalled on the crossing in front of an approaching train. Being unable to start the engine, Ira jumped out and attempted to push the car off the track. He succeeded in doing so but the wheels turned in such a manner as to prevent one corner of the car from getting in the clear. The locomotive struck the car and turned it over, denting the body considerably, but not damaging the machine enough to prevent him from driving it home later. (Don't you just love these old time cars, they get whacked by a train, the driver turns it back over and drives home! Oh, to have such a vehicle today!)
VILLAGE BAND:: An attempt is again to be made to organize a band in Stronghurst. The plan is for the merchants and business men of the village to finance the proposition and have charge of the business end of it. This should insure the success of the movement so far as available musical talent is concerned, there is no question but that there is plenty of it at hand in the immediate vicinity and with the aid of a competent band instructor there should be no reason why the benefits which accrue from having a good band should not again be enjoyed by this community. This is a proposition worth boosting and if taken hold of in the proper spirit by the business men of the village can no doubt be made a reality.(The Wataga Band had just entertained at the M.W.A. picnic.)
ENTERTAINS LIGHT BEARERS: The little "light Bearers" of the local M. E. Church were delightfully entertained by Mrs. W. C. Regan at her home. During the course of the afternoon a dainty luncheon of cookies, sherbet and pink lemonade was served to the children on the lawn of the Regan house. The little tots presented a pretty scene seated on small chairs about the low table which had been arranged for them. Before their departure each of the children was presented with a pretty colored balloon as a reminder of the occasion.
CHICKEN INSTEAD OF SAUSAGES: Two auto loads of ladies from the Royal Neighbors Society of Burlington came over and enjoyed a picnic dinner with Mrs. Carrie Burg on the lawn of her home. The visit had been planned as a surprise for Mrs. Burg and all the requisites for a royal feast with the exception of the meat had been packed in baskets and brought along.
It was the intention of the visitors to purchase weenies at the meat market here to complete the menu, but through some means, Mrs. Burg had learned of the plans which her friends had laid and concluded to spring a counter surprise. So when the party arrived, they found Mrs. Burg prepared to complete the bill of fare for the feast with a generous quantity of fried chicken. It is needless to say that the substitution of chicken for weenies met without protest and that a royal feast and a royal time in general were enjoyed by this company of Royal Neighbors.
Before they returned to Burlington the visitors were taken to Lake Fort where they enjoyed an additional hour or more in bathing, boat riding and other amusements.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Grover Keener and family are now engaged in farming in Missouri. James Simonson of Port Byron, Ill. is visiting his brother S. V. A. Simonson and other relatives. Mrs. I.V.D. Perrine has been quite ill with neuritis at her home southeast of town since her return from Colorado. A. D. Atkins of Raritan, who recently received radium treatment for cancer at the Mayo institution at Rochester, Minn. is now at home anxiously awaiting the results of the treatment. Gid Bailey, who made an auto trip to Los Angeles, Calif. with Mr. C. H. Davis, who tarried there, has arrived home via the Santa Fe. Members of the C. E. Peterson family met at the family residence bringing well filled baskets and assisted Mr. Peterson in celebrating his 81st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson have decided to take up housekeeping near Willow Springs, Ill., where he has employment. Meredith Lovitt and wife will move into their vacated property. Rev. Dunlavey, a representative of the Illinois Anti-Saloon League from Aledo, Ill., occupied the pulpit of the Stronghurst U.P. Church and spoke in the interests of the organization. Pledge cards for funds to further the work of the Anti-Saloon League were distributed amongst the audience. (This is the group responsible for Prohibition Act.)