The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, July 21, 1921
***OBITUARY***CLARENCE TULLSEN: Clarence Tullsen who was a resident of Stronghurst several years ago and had many friends in this vicinity, died on July 13th at Chicago where he had made his home for the past two years. His illness was of short duration, the cause of his death being typhoid fever. With him at the time of his death were his wife and sister, Miss Nina Tullsen, who with other relatives and friends had done all that loving care could suggest to bring about his restoration to health.
Mr. Tullsen was born at Alton, Ill. October 12, 1881 and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tullsen. Most of his early life was spent in Wataga, Ill., where he moved with his parents in boyhood. About 15 years ago he came to Stronghurst and for a year or two was operator for a grain commission firm in Chicago. On April 22, 1908 he united in marriage to Miss Lois Lovitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lovitt. Following their marriage, the couple moved to Galesburg where for 10 years Mr. Tullsen was operator for a Chicago grain firm. About two years ago he went to Chicago where he was connected as operator with the grain commission firm of Logan and Bryan.
The deceased is survived by his wife, both parents and the following brothers and sisters: Herbert Tullsen of Grand Haven Mich.; Stanley Tullson of Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. William Thomas of Galesburg; Nina Tullsen of Chicago and Dora at home. Funeral service were held in the Wataga M. E. Church. Relatives and friends from Stronghurst present at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lovitt; Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Lovitt; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beardsley; Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Kaiser; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kaiser and Erma Kaiser.
***OBITUARY***EVELYN EILENE FORDYCE: Evelyn Eilene Fordyce, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fordyce of Terre Haute neighborhood, died last Saturday at the age of 3 months and 10 days. Funeral services were held in the Terre Haute church.
WEDDING BELLS: ANNEGERS-MCMILLAN: Announcements of the marriage of Miss Martha McMillen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McMillen of DeLand, Illinois to John H. Annegers of Stronghurst on July 16th at Peoria were received here this week. (Bride's last name spelled two ways.) The ceremony was performed in the Hale Memorial Church in Peoria.
The couple left for an extended trip to the Northwest including Yellowstone Park, Vancouver, an ocean voyage to Alaska and returning via Lang, Saskatchewan, Canada where Mr. Annegers' wheat land is located.
Mrs. Annegers is a woman of unusual refinement and education, having taught the past few years in the public schools of Wenona and Chicago. Mr. Annegers is a man of sterling character and had the highest regard of everyone in this vicinity and among his many friends in Canada. The couple will be home to their many friends after September 15th at 1014 N. Seminary St., Galesburg, Illinois.
HE DROWNED: The remains of Ernest Reese, the 10 year old son of Mrs. Beulah Reese of Media, were interred in the cemetery following services at the Media M. E. Church. Since the death of the father several years ago, the boy had been an inmate of an orphanage located at Mooseheart, Ill. and he met his death through drowning at that place on July 15th.
HUBAN CLOVER RAISED: Experiments in raising Huban clover is being carried out by E. G. Lewis of Media Township. Mr. Lewis used a drill in planting the seed last spring and he has had a large force of men and boys employed recently in weeding and had cultivating the crop.
(From the Monmouth Atlas) "Perhaps the largest acreage of Hubam Clover being grown in this part of the state is in Henderson County on the E. G. Lewis and associates who have 30 acres of Hubam growing from seed. The crop was seeded on April 15th and was almost two feet high on June 22nd and on this very day an article appeared in the Drovers Journal stating that there were about 4,000 acres growing in the United States. Should these 4,000 acres produce five bushels per acre, it would only be enough to seed Warren County. . .E. G. Lewis says, "While Kanred Wheat brought into the county by their company and others has made thousands of dollars for the farmers of Henderson and Warren Counties, he feels that Hubam Clover promises even greater results. Hubam Clover bids fair to make good on $500 land. (Name of clover spelled two ways.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Chris Apt of Terre Haute is attending summer normal at Macomb; Miss Fannie Cooper is staying with the Apt family in his absence. John Voorhees, who is a railroad employee out of Peoria and his brother Joe of Toluca, Ill. spent part of the week with their uncle, J. H. Voorhees at his farm southeast of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carter, who were called here by the illness and death of Mrs. Carter's mother, Mrs. J. H. Voorhees, have returned to Springfield, Mo. where Mr. Carter has employment with a firm of Hereford cattle breeders who are conditioning a number of animals for the fall cattle shows. C. B. Vaughn of Lomax, who has been in the Burlington Hospital with a badly infected foot, is reported to be much improved. Roy Fisher, son of Mrs. G. W. Fisher of Roseville, formerly of this place and Miss Katherine Little of Little York, Ill., were married at Monmouth; they will reside in Roseville where Mr. Fisher is engaged in the grocery business.
1896 GRAPHIC: C. J. Victor Johnson of Stronghurst died on July 21st from injuries received during the previous week when he was kicked and trampled by a cow. J. N. Derr, the former Henderson County man wanted for forgery at Monmouth, was arrested at Cripple Creek, Colo. Monmouth Township in Warren County has decided to construct 3,000 feet of hard road running west from the city to the township line, a width of seven feet in the middle of the road to be paved with brick and a strip of three feet on each side of the brick to be built of crushed stone. Wm. Wright returned here after an extended visit to his old home in Pennsylvania. The Misses Jennie Hellier, Hortense Harbinson, Annis Drew and Bessie Graham had been employed as teachers in the Stronghurst School for the coming year.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS:: Mrs. Greeley Henry who was a resident of the country south of Stronghurst several years ago is reported to be seriously ill at her home in Moline, Ill. Teddie Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart of Dutch Row neighborhood, has been named as a delegate to the Boys' State Fair School to be held soon. Roy Hixson of Raritan country is seriously ill at the Burlington Hospital from a complication of diseases following a recent operation for appendicitis. Miss Ruth Milligan, who was obliged to discontinue her studies at Macomb Normal on account of illness, under went an operation for appendicitis. Miss Martha Davis has been engaged to teach the South Prairie School west of town during the coming year; she will take a six week course at the Macomb Normal before beginning her labors.
Wayne, the little 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Livermore of Raritan narrowly escaped the loss of both eyes recently when he touched off a piece of cannon fire cracker left over from the 4th of July. J. W. Stine and family moved from the residence which he sold to H. N. Vaughn to the house belonging to Jas. Sutliff and occupied by the Sutliff family previous to their moving to Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. George Brokaw and daughter are now comfortably located in their newly constructed bungalow on the F. V. Brokaw farm southeast of town. This strictly modern farm residence was built by A. E. Moore of Stronghurst and his force of workmen.
If quail are as plentiful over the country generally as they are just now along the roadside hedges, they will probably average a good sized flock for every quarter section of land. (Not true today!) Miss Loretta Schenck, a teacher in the public schools of Pueblo, Colo. who is spending her vacation with home folks at Raritan, attended the National Teachers Convention held at Des Moines, Ia. recently. A. J. Steffey, who was engaged in teaching at Minneapolis, Minn. has recently engaged in the mercantile business and is managing a store at LeSeuer Center, Minn. Mrs. S.R. McArthur and two daughters are visiting her sister, Mrs. L.E. Pogue while Mr. McArthur continues onward to New York City. Dallas City people are rejoicing over the success of their Chautauqua venture this year. They contracted with the White and Myers Agency for a course which included the best talent to be obtained, including W. J. Bryan, and as a result have surpassed all previous records in the matter of attendance and financial returns.
G. W. Williams, the itinerant street peddler who was so badly beaten up in a fight with Allie Bruce last Wednesday has recovered sufficiently from his injuries as to be able to go about again as usual. His assailant has been numbered among the missing since last Thursday. Dixson Jones left for Camp Grant, Ill. to take the month's free military training which the government is providing for a limited number of citizens between the ages of 18 and 35. Dixson's application was the only one of several from this vicinity which received favorable consideration, the number of men accepted from each county being limited by the regulations under which the free training is provided.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Rev. Sailor and family have returned from their Northern outing and he gave an excellent sermon Sunday. On Monday evening a picture show was given and the young people's Bible class served ice cream, cake and orangeade. Miss Margaret Lant, Charold Hult, Keith Hicks, Asel Dowell and Orville Fox are on the sick list. Mrs. H. S. Lant entertained the King's Daughters of Decorra at her country home. A goodly number were present and a nice social time and light refreshments were enjoyed. The Misses Margaret Essex and Lena Morey of Oquawka and Goldie Davis of Olena assisted in serving her house guests; these three young girls were pupils of Mr. Lant in the Oquawka school the past year. Mrs. Allen of Olena was called to Chillicothe by the serious sickness of her daughter, Mrs. Lovitt and son. The son is suffering from spinal meningitis and the mother is threatened with appendicitis. Miss Tona Hult took charge of the store while Mrs. Allen was away. She returned with three of Mrs. Lovitt's children for which she will care for them until the others improve. A young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hicks of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKeown of Biggsville will bring home a new son named Estel Glen. The old school building in the Heisler district east of Olena was recently sold at public auction to McGaw brothers for about $150. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burrell returned from Lincoln, Neb. with their niece, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lant.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. Albert Sweedlund entertained the Ladies Aid at her country home; autos were available to take the ladies out to the house. The big crowd was served light refreshments. Mrs. Bass died Tuesday morning at her home west of town. Mrs. John Knutstrom while talking over the phone fell to the floor in an unconscious condition for some time. Her son John came and they got her to bed and had Dr. Steven called. He gave her medicine, but her condition does not get any better; it is feared that she had a paralytic stroke.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The Community Club held an ice cream, ices and cake sale on the Presbyterian lawn; it was fairly well patronized. Miss Nina Johnson arrived from Shanghai, China, having returned home to Burlington, Vermont and now a guest of her Uncle Chas. Burrus. Her mother, Mrs. Ella Burrus is well remembered here; her home is now in Vermont.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: An ice cream social held on the Academy lawn by the Y.P.C.U. of the United Presbyterian Church was fairly well attended. William Myrtland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Myrtland, was quite seriously hurt for a short time when he fell from a cart and lit on his head; he is reported to be satisfactorily recovering. Mr. and Mrs. George Wax are the possessors of a fine new Maxwell car. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pendarvis of Dutch Row neighborhood are the happy parents of a little daughter born July 19th.