The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village Board of Biggsville listened to President Bill Ewing report that Rich Myers, Gulfport Village President had contacted him with figures for the Village Cop.
The cost to the Village would be $20 per hour plus the cost of the fuel used during time of service.
It would be 10 to 15 hours per week and it would be a rotating schedule.
The revenue from any tickets that were written would be split accordingly and any cost for the officer to go to court would be covered by the Biggsville Village.
No decision was voted upon at the regular monthly board session August 1, 2012.
Also under old business:
Ordinance No. 511 an ordinance authorizing the use of village owned property and streets was approved by all.
Matt Weber and Miguel Gonzalez are both interested in the trustee position that will be vacated by Jenny Hopkins.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM
Present at the meeting were Bill Ewing, Village President, Trustees -Travis Pence, Brian Sterett, Brian Cochran, and Scott Rhinehart, with Jenny Hopkins and Glenn Olson absent; Clerk - Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer - Marilyn Simmons and Visitors - Kevin Mortimer, Shane Olson, Dale Allenbaugh, Jerry Weibel, Matt Weber, Miguel Gonzalez and Diane Gonzalez.
July minutes and Treasurer's Report was approved.
The following committee reports were given:
Water Report by Bill Ewing:
Public Relations
Bills were circulated and approved for payment for the following: USA Rentals, Marilyn Simmons, Cindy Rhinehart, Bill Ewing, Brian Sterett, Travis Pence, Scott Rhinehart, Brian Cochran, Jenny Hopkins, Glenn Olson, Moriah Woods, Ameren Illinois, Shane Olson, Ameren Illinois, Test, Inc. , Carus, Susie Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Ameren Illinois, Test, Inc.
No Reports were given on
Parks and Recreation, Sewer & Lagoon, or Zoning
according to the minutes of Cindy Rhinehart, Village Clerk