The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Board - Proud Of Their School

West Central Sub Committee Reports on District Finances

At West Central's board meeting on Wednesday, October 17, they heard a report on the work of the board's sub-committee on district finances.

President Brent informed the board that the committee has met twice and has identified a list of topics to work through, relative to district finances. Dr. Brent also informed the group that the committee has begun conversation relative to the 2012 tax levy.

The board was informed that more detailed information regarding the 2012 tax levy will be presented at the November board meeting.

He also informed them that the committee is looking to develop a plan that will deal with the district's deficit that includes reviewing and reducing district expenditures, the district tax levy and identifying a ceiling amount of district reserves that can or will be spent in any one year.

It is the district finance committee's intention to be complete in their work by the December board meeting so any recommendation can be acted upon at that time.

The board called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. in the elementary gym with all board members except Dr. Robbins present.

President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Approximately 245 students were recognized for their academic performance during the 2011-12 school year. Students in grades 3-8 were recognized for exceeding standards on the 2012 ISAT tests, students in grade 9 were recognized for exceeding standards on the EXPLORE test, students in grade 10 were recognized for exceeding standards on the PLAN test and students in grade 11 were recognized for exceeding standards on the PSAE test.

The WCMS baseball team was recognized for their 2nd place finish in the recently completed IESA Class 2A boys' state baseball tournament.

The board also recognized WCHS golfers, Brooke Bessine and Cierra Pulse for their recent participation in the IHSA State girls' golf tournament which was held in Decatur.

Following a short recess the board reconvened in the elementary cafeteria at 8:11 p.m. with all members except Dr. Robbins present.

Supt. Grimm thanked Gene Heap, Chase Heap, Mike Cole and Brett Cole for their help in the moving of a salad bar from the 19th floor of a dorm on the WIU campus to our south campus kitchen.

A thank you was given to Petie Parson for accompanying the high school girl golfers to their sectional meet in Pontiac.

Barb Scott thanked the Bethel Lutheran Church for a donation to the healthy snack fund and the America Legion Auxiliary for their donation of sweatpants and underclothes.

Principal Nichols thanked Monty Klossing for arranging the reception for the MS Baseball team upon their return from the state tournament and also Joe Kane for the fireworks.

The agenda was approved with the addition of item XI(G). District Library Report.

The consent agenda was approved which included:

Under financial activity, the board approved payment of all bills and activity accounts for each building and the treasurer's report as presented. In addition, the board heard a brief report on the district's financial report from Supt. Grimm. He noted that revenue received to date through the end of September was 25.1% and expenditures through the end of September were at 22.1%.

It was also noted that the State of Illinois owes District #235 $286,736.74 and of that total $5206 is FY 12 money that has not yet been received by the District.

The FY 12 district audit report was approved. It was noted that this was an especially clean audit and there was only one audit finding and that related to division of duties in the central office. It was noted that this is a repeat finding and one that can not easily be corrected without hiring additional staff.

It was also reported that there were two additional items listed in the management letter that accompanied the audit. Both of the items listed have been or will be taken care of in the very near future.

After briefly reviewing the 2012 district and school report cards they were approved.

A request to hold the 2013 Prom at the Catfish Bend Casino in one of the ball rooms was approved. Some information was reviewed that had been provided to them from WCHS Principal Scott Schneider and Jr. Class Sponsors Megan Smith and Michelle Tutor. It was clear that all necessary precautions had been taken to be sure that WCHS students will not have access to the casino or any alcohol that might be served in the facility. The 2013 WCHS Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 6, 2013.

A request was approved to use the Media facility to conduct a Zumba exercise class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

A proposed health life safety amendment was reviewed for the replacement of the dishwasher and other equipment associated with the dishwasher at WCMS. Supt. Grimm presented the board with pictures of the current dishwashing system.

The proposed amendment was reviewed and approved in the amount of approximately $56,000. It was noted that the work will be bid to area companies and that the bulk of the work will hopefully be done during the Christmas break.

Reports were heard from, the building principals and the assistant principals; a curriculum report as presented by Supt. Grimm; district technology report from Mrs. Frakes and a special education report from Mrs. Farniok.

The district library grant for 2012 was reviewed and a report was heard concerning the operation of the library on the north and south campuses and that the grant application should generate approximately $650.

The only discussion item listed was the 2012 district tax levy. It was agreed upon by the board that this topic had sufficiently been covered during the board's finance committee report.

The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at approximately 9:01 p.m.

The board exited closed session at 9:45 and took the following action:

The regular November meeting will be held on Monday, November 19, and will begin at 6 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.