The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Waller To Represent Village
At the October 11th meeting of the Village of Raritan the board voted to have President Earl Waller represent the village at the court house concerning the Livermore case on October 22, 2012.
Bills were presented and approved as follows: Phil Anders $136.04; Jay Blender $270.00; Waste Management $948.60; Ameren IP $950.36; Dennis Rankin $154.80; Dallas Rural Water $711.75; Murphy's $150.00; PDC $14.50; Ton Edmonds $75.00; Cavanaugh Davies $3800.00.
Other board items included:
- Approved minutes as presented.
- Sonny's Repair has checked and repaired the receptacles for Christmas lights.
- The roof on the pump house was completed.
- Two Christmas decorations and mounting hardware will be purchased.
- Heard the county has the new tile for the drop box at the Walters property on Jersey Street.
- Annual audit was handed out for review and discussion at the next meeting
- Held discussion regarding what could be done about payment of water bills after 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and on weekends.
- Will hire Dennis Rankin to shut off delinquent water bills.
Present were: Trustees-Blender, Anders, Magee, Powless, Williamson, and Knapp.