The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Henderson County Republican Women enjoyed their luncheon meeting and election of officers at the historical Hotel Lynn in Biggsville, Saturday before election November 3, 2012. They were welcomed by the hospitable crew who run the hotel, a cooperative among the citizens and friends of Biggsville. After a scrumptious meal served by Rich Lutz, Russell Liston, and others, the women held their business meeting with the pledge of allegiance to our county’s dear United States American flag.
After the business discussion outgoing President Jill McClintock inducted the new slate of officers selected by the nominating committee: Jane Evans, Susan Meyers, and Joyce Louden. The new officers are:
Jennifer Sparrow–Corresponding Secretary/Scholarship, Tina Droste–Secretary; Sharon Eisenmayer-Treasurer, Christy Potts-Historian, Chris Cook-Vice President, Toni Weber-President.