The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Nov. 15, 2012, has been designated as School Board Members Day in Illinois, and West Central Community Unit School District #235 is joining other districts across the state to recognize these community volunteers for their commitment and contributions to our public schools.
"School board members serve without monetary compensation to make public education the best it can be for every child," said Superintendent Ralph Grimm. "During these trying fiscal times, they develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues that affect the entire community and the lives of individual students.
As community trustees for the schools, school board members have oversight in District 235 for an annual budget of $10 million; 912 students in grades Pk-12; more than 160 employees; and 3 campuses.
"Each year, the demands become greater for school board members to help lead our community's school s as they prepare students to be productive citizens and the leaders in a new 21st century global economy. Without the efforts of school board member, local citizens would have less input into the way schools operate today. This is an excellent example of grassroots governance," Supt. Grimm said.
"The least that our community can do is to say "thank you' to these volunteers," Grimm said. "Their service ensures that decisions about local public schools are made locally by those most familiar with the needs of our community"
The men and women serving West Central Community Unit School District #235 are:
President Lonnie Brent, 8 years
Vice President Brad Arnold, 8 years
Secretary Paul Anderson, 8 years
Renee Goff, 4 years
Jodi Arnold, 2 years
Amy John, 2 years
Roberta Robbins, 2 years