The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the regular meeting of the Village of Biggsville on September 5th, President Bill Ewing reported that he had Jenny Hopkins resignation as a village trustee.
The board voted to accept the resignation on a motion made by Glenn Olson and seconded by Brian Sterett.
Glenn Olson made a motion to accept Miguel Gonzalez as a village board trustee and seconded by Scott Rhinehart. Roll was called and the vote was 2 yes and 2 no. Motion failed.
Brian Sterett made a motion to accept Matt Weber as a village board trustee and seconded by Travis Pence. Roll was called and the vote was 2 yes and 2 no. Motion failed.
President Bill Ewing made the decision to accept Miguel Gonzalez as the new trustee and he was sworn in.
Bill Ewing, Village President opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:01 p.m.
Minutes and treasurer's report were approved as presented.
Bills voted to be paid included: Marilyn Simmons, Cindy Rhinehart, Bill Ewing, Moriah Woods, Gibbs Conv Store, Farm King of Monm, IDES, Municipal Clks of IL, Shafer & Sons Const, Scott's, Tom Edmonds, Glenn Olson, Test, Inc., Susie Goff, Missman, Inc, Ameren Illinois, Test, Inc., Shane Olson, Kevin Mortimer Water
Bill Ewing reported that Shannon Duncan from the Western Illinois Regional Council sent a letter that the CSAP grant has been placed on hold until February, 2013 when the funding will be decided.
Public Relations
Miguel and Diane Gonzalez reported that 10 signs and 200 stickers for the Neighborhood Watch Program were estimated to cost approximately $274.95.
Sewer & Lagoon
Bill Ewing reported that when the electricity went out for a time the 3 phase generator stopped working. He is checking to see if the generator can be fixed, rebuilt or if it needs to be replaced with a self starter gas or propane generator.
Bill Ewing reported that the metal detector and the chain saw had been purchased. Shane still needs to get a few tools like shovels and pipe wrenches.
Glenn Olson reported that the trash pump has a rusted gas tank and the minimal cost for it to be fixed was $60 and it might have to be replaced.
Randy Anderson reported that there had only been one permit given out.
Old Business
Brian Sterett made motion for the board to go into closed session at 7:50 p.m., by Travis Pence. Motion accepted.
Brian Sterett made motion for the board to come out of closed session at 8:02 p.m., seconded by Scott Rhinehart.
Bill Ewing reported that Rich Myers, Gulfport Village President had reported to him that the Gulfport Village Board's counter offer for the Village Officer would be $30 per hour and that does include all fuel that is used by the officer. That would be a cost of $300 to $450 a week for an officer to be in town 10 to 15 hours a week.
New Business
Max Lant requested that his water bill be reduced due to him being on vacation.
Brian Sterett made a motion to reduce Max Lant's water and sewer bill to $25 a month for the duration of his vacation and seconded by Travis Pence. Motion passed.
Bill Ewing reported that there are a couple of lawn mowers running around town without headlights after dark and suggested that if seen by anyone around town for them to call the police and let them handle the situation.
Glenn Olson asked about golf carts being allowed in town and it was explained that such vehicles would need to be licensed and insured like any other vehicles.
Glenn Olson reported that people are driving very fast over the wood railroad bridge and wanted to know if a sign could be posted on both sides of the bridge to slow drivers down before an accident happens.
Bill Ewing reported that he would drop off a letter to residents in town that need to clean up their yards by mowing the grass and weeds especially around any signs.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Present were: Bill Ewing, Village President; Trustees -Travis Pence, Brian Sterett, Glenn Olson and Scott Rhinehart, with Brian Cochran and Jenny Hopkins absent; Clerk - Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer - Marilyn Simmons and Visitors - Kevin Mortimer, Jerry Weibel, Miguel Gonzalez, Diane Gonzalez Max Lant and Randy Anderson.
Cindy Rhinehart, Village Clerk