The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

WC CUSD #235 Board of Education

On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Board President Brent in the elementary cafeteria. All board members were present. President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Highlighted under good news items were the following items:

Supt. Grimm highlighted the district's financial report. He indicated at this point in the fiscal year actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 83.3%. It was noted that actual expenditures were 76.08% of budget and actual revenue received was 71.44% of budget as of the end of April 2012. Supt. Grimm reminded the board that he anticipated an early distribution of property tax money which would then bring the revenue figures more into line with the budgeted amounts.

The board approved a request to pay a stipend of $420 to Laura Lewis to provide tutoring services for an extended school year for a WCHS student.

The board heard reports from building administrators Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Nichols, and Mr. Bradburn.

Supt. Grimm provided a verbal report on the items relative to curriculum that he has worked on this past month. Specifically, Supt. Grimm highlighted the work of Melinda Frakes for her assistance in presenting the three days of professional development that was offered to the district staff on May 17th, 18th, and 21st.

The board heard brief reports from district technology coordinator Mrs. Frakes and the district's special education coordinator Mrs. Farniok.

The board reviewed a report from district athletic director Roger Kerfoot on the district's random drug testing program for the 2011-12 school year.

The board discussed board member attendance and participation at the annual School Board Conference in November held in Chicago. Board members were encouraged to let the Unit Office staff know if they wished to attend the conference.

Supt. Grimm informed the board that there were no major summer maintenance projects planned at this time. It was noted that the district is still waiting to hear if the school maintenance grant application that was submitted a month ago will be approved by ISBE. It was noted if the grant is approved, the work that was planned for in that grant would be completed as soon as possible.

The board briefly reviewed the amended FY12 district budget as presented by Supt. Grimm. It was noted that the anticipated revenues in the amended budget are slightly higher than the original budget and the anticipated expenditures are slightly lower than what was included in the original budget but the amended budget is still a deficit budget for FY12. After a brief discussion, the board gave approval to put the tentative budget on display. This amended budget will be available for public inspection in the district office.

The board was reminded that a community planning retreat is scheduled for September 15, 2012. This retreat will take place at the Faith Bible Church in Oquawka. Board members were reminded to provide their list of possible attendees as soon as possible so that invitations can be prepared.

The board discussed at length a proposed district exit survey that was presented to them in draft form by Supt. Grimm. The board recommended some changes in the document and talked briefly about how this instrument was to be used. It was decided that the board would like to have this survey sent to families who have left the district during the 2011-12 school year.

The board briefly discussed the middle school athletic program. Specifically, whether or not they should continue offering baseball and football as fall sports at West Central Middle School.

It was noted that the numbers in both sports appear to have diminished over the last couple of years by offering two sports. It was noted that there are some considerable costs that are going to have to be incurred to continue to offer football.

During the course of this discussion, district athletic director Roger Kerfoot put forth an idea that would perhaps shorten the football season in such a way that it could be played after the conclusion of the middle school baseball program thereby allowing more boys to play baseball and football and still continue to offer both sports. The board asked Mr. Kerfoot to pursue that plan with area schools to determine the feasibility of implementing such a plan.

Under future agenda items the board asked for an update on the middle school sports situation described above.

The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 8:35 p.m.

The board exited closed session at 10:15 pm and took the following action:

The board then discussed the June board meeting date. It was the consensus decision of the board to move the June board meeting date to June 27, 2012. That meeting will begin at 7 pm and be held in the elementary cafeteria. The board also agreed by consensus to have Supt Grimm send to the board the monthly bills for payment at the normal time of the month. Board members will then review the bills and signify their approval of payment of these bills by signing a document and returning that document to the central office.

There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 10:32 p.m.