The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Village Clerk, Lou Ann Nortrup
The Village of Stronghurst Board met at its regularly scheduled meeting on May 7, 2012. Mayor Eric Chockley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Trustees present were Debra Hale, Amanda Kane, David Vancil, Tony Anderson, and Michael Bohnenkamp. Brendan Schaley was absent.
Employees present were Ronnie Gittings, Mike Nelson, Lou Ann Nortrup, and Arbry Vancil.
Guests present were Ken Tapscott and Terry Myers.
Debra made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Michael and carried unanimously.
Michael made a motion to approve payment of the bills. Amanda seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Terry Myers wanted to know if the Police Department was interested in leasing the firing range to the gun club. Mike said as of right now the range needs a state qualified range master. So right now it is closed. Some of the trustees were concerned with the liability of being sued, even if it was leased out.
Terry said that they would have their own insurance and the trustees would not get sued. Mr. Neff told some of the trustees that they could be. Eric said that the village is looking to getting a full time lawyer, and maybe he could give us an answer about being sued.
Other ideas were bantered about, but the issue is tabled for now and will continue in the future, when more information becomes available.
Guest Ken Tapscott wanted to let the trustees know that a lot of people disgruntled with having to pay for the recycle bins, especially when they have been turned back in. Debra replied that when we did the bins, Waste Management said that everyone had to do it or no one. Ken also said that it was a big rate hike in the garbage bill. The response was that $2.00 was for rental of the bins, and the rest was 2 years worth of contract increases. After much bantering about, Debra said we have a five year contract with Waste Management, so w have to honor the contract. At the end of the five years, the subject of recycling can be revisited.
Water Superintendent Report: Ronnie reported that MSA has talked to Plates about a plan to hook up the well and what kind of materials to use. MSA will complete the drawings, specifications, and permit applications within 45-days to proceed for an estimated fee of $8,800.00. David made a motion to have MSA proceed with the next phase of the well, at a costs of around $9,000.00. Tony seconded the motion. It passed unanimously with the absence of Brendan.
Ronnie thought that the well could be finished sometime this summer.
Curt Eisenmayer gave a letter to Ronnie stating that the MST Fire Department has declined the offer of the giving of the well, at the fire station, to the Fire District. Ronnie would like to see the coin operated water be turned into city water. He would also like to put a meter in the well to account for how much water is used. Ronnie would like to extend the arm to make it easier for semi's to load. The board thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and do his proposals. Ronnie said the trees were taken care of.
Police report: Arbry went over the police monthly summary report. The "Little" dog report is ongoing. The police department is handling the situation. It was reported that the squad car is running better now.
Old Business: David said that the insurance adjuster has not gotten back to him about the wind damage to village hall shingles. David will get estimates on a metal roof after the insurance company has completed its duties. Discussion about the safe was tabled until more information is forth coming.
Debra said that 2 of the 3 Stronghurst welcome signs are done. Plate told Ronnie that the unit is to big to air condition just the office. It would probably work if the work area and the office were both air conditioned. Plate will give us a bid on what would be needed just to air condition the office.
David made a motion to pass the Prevailing Wage Act Ordinance. Amanda seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously without the vote of Brendan. Getting house numbers on homes was tabled until Brendan could report on it. Mike said that Brendan checked on getting a village attorney. He got an estimate from attorneys Capps, Ancelet, Clark, and Rasmussen from Carthage. Their fee would be about $7,200.00 per year plus court costs. We will ask them if they would come to the next monthly meeting to exchange questions.
New Business: The subject of writing ordinance tickets is tabled until we get a permanent lawyer. City Wide Garage Sales will be Saturday, June 9th.
Trustees Report: David reported that some alleys have pot holes in them. Tony had nothing to add. Amanda had questions from residents. One question was who gravels the part between the road and the grass. Eric said it was sort of a gray area. Ronnies said the village would like to be involved as to check out the drainage situation and the village would help with rock within reason. Amanda also asked who pays for a sidewalk. She was told that there needs to be 3 bids to the village. Then the village would pay for half and the resident would pay the other half. Amanda said that she saw a red maple tree for the park. It cost $94.00. The board said to go ahead and purchase it.
Amanda will inform the Shrums that they need to move the newly planted trees to the other side of the sidewalk.
Amanda around town to look at yards and the shape they are in. She said she has a list of about 30 that needs to do some clean-up. Since she made the list about 5 or 6 have cleaned up. She said that some businesses need to do some cleaning also. Amanda said the spray park will be 70 x 35 foot kidney/oval in shape and size.
Tony Griepentrog will do the landscaping for the spray park. Amanda said that they will try to shoot big and get the grant in amount of $100,000.00 but $30,000.00 or $40,000.00 will get the simple one done.
There will be a 50/50 raffle as a money maker at the Stronghurst celebration for the spray park. There will be more fund raiser projects later. Amanda mentioned that Plate may help get donations of items through other contractors for the spray park.
Amanda was told that it would take the cement 28 days or so to cure. She is hoping to have the project done by next Spring. Amanda said that community service youths may help Ronnie and Mike paint the curly slide.
Debra will take care of the two flower beds under the welcome signs. Tony Anderson will help trim the trees by the welcome signs that is close to his house. That way it will receive more light. Mike said that Deputy Garson is working out well and has lots of good ideas.
Employee Report: Eric will be gone next board meeting. Eric said that the street light at the park, near the basketball court is out.
Eric thought maybe a spotlight could be put there. Ronnie will talk to Rusty about the light. Eric mentioned that the BNSF railroad would like Smith's laundry to remove the washers and dryers from their land.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.