The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

New Raritan Cemetery Gates To Be Dedicated Sunday, May 27

The Raritan Community invites everyone to attend the Memorial Day Service at the Raritan Cemetery on May 27, 2012 at 3 p.m.

A short program will be held before the Memorial Service to dedicate the New Cemetery Gates.

Rev. Terry Muller will be the guest speaker. The honor roll of Raritan Township Veterans will be read.

Immediately following the honor roll, the American Legion Post 765 will conduct the Military Service.

On January 25, 2012, a group interested citizens met to discuss fund raising ideas in order to purchase new gates for the Raritan Cemetery.

Friends of the Raritan Community have been raising funds to replace the old gates: a soup and sandwich supper was held, a quilt raffle donated by Pat Rankin, and a 50/50 drawing.

A silent auction was held for a fire pit set donated by Norm Menzenberg and Janet Lafary and a picture donated from Bygones and Buds at the soup supper.

Donations from local businesses and friends of the Cemetery were received to help complete this beautiful addition to our Cemetery.