The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Sally Day - The Quill
Steve Lumbeck was on hand at the May 7, 2012 meeting of the Oquawka Village Board to discuss the ball field.
Lumbeck told board members that Chevrolet had agreed to sponsor the youth ball league this year.
They had supplied a $500.00 check for equipment (or whatever else they need), a 5-gallon bucket of wiffle balls for practice, a banner, and 150 t-shirts, among other things.
While Lumbeck was appreciative of all these things, he said there were more needs at the ball field.
The list was lengthy - the screen on the concession stand needs replaced, the roof on the concession stand needs repaired or replaced, a tree behind home plate needs trimmed, etc.
Lumbeck also asked that the village pay the umpires the league hires for officiating. He also asked that city workers turn on the water at the ball field. They will comply.
In addition, Lumbeck mentioned that before the season starts, he would like to see the field leveled, as it is lower than the street and that water pools on the field.
Dean Moore had offered to use his bulldozer and volunteer his labor. Lumbeck also said they need concrete on the dugout floor.
During this discussion, Boy Scout Leader Scott Ray, asked if the Boy Scouts could help with some of the labor.
The Scouts are in need of some service hours. Board member Todd Shinberger asked Lumbeck if the Ball League would like a monetary donation and Lumbeck responded, "No."
The board tabled the matter for one month, while they seek prices on the things which are needed.
In other matters, following an approximate hour of Executive Session, the board agreed to hire Kyle Gugeler as Oquawka Pool Manager, Becky Tee as Assistant Manager, and the six individuals who applied to be Lifeguards.
The six will be hired as soon as they are certified. The pool will open on Memorial Day.
They also agreed to hire William Day, as a second person, part-time, seasonal police officer for summer help.
Additionally, the board agreed to extend the application process for two weeks for an additional police officer. They will take applications until May 21, 2012.
These applications are to be turned into the Oquawka Village Hall.
On May 24, 2012, a special meeting will be held to hire another part-time police officer.
That meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and go into Executive Session for the interview process and will go into open session at 6:30 to hire the new officer.
Zoning officer, Bill Moody, had some questions about fencing. He asked for a definition of a fence. He had issued permits for three chain link fences.
"When people call me," Moody said, "I need to know the correct answer." Moody wondered what the stance on fences is.
He was told that fences were not a permanent structure, even if chain link fences have cement footings placed in the ground to anchor them.
Board member Robbins said, "We have to go by what we have set in place." Village Attorney, Mike Neff explained that the village is only liable if the village is negligible.
In the police report, the board heard from Police Chief Todd Miller, who noted that there was an increase of arrests this past month. Arrests numbered 16 for the month, with the police answering 92 calls.
Vern and Beverly Alecock were also present at the board meeting to discuss the Beautification Committee. Bev noted that she could not help this year due to her bad back.
She said that Betty Killip had offered to work on the flowers on the river front at her house. She further stated that Betty would need some money to begin this project as some of last year's barrels were missing.
The board passed a motion to appropriate $750.00 for this venture. The board thanked Vern and Bev Alecock for their years of assistance with this project.
At this time, Bev said, "I am so appreciative of you people on the town board; you are just great!" She added, "I would also like to say what a great asset the Boy Scouts are to this community."
In other business, the board: