The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central March Board Meeting Notes
West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting Wednesday, March 21, at the north campus cafeteria.
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Board Vice President Brad Arnold. All board members except Dr. Brent and Mrs. Goff were present at roll call.
Vice President Arnold led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Under good news items the following were highlighted:
- Kristen Rankin and Shelli Wilson were formally recognized for being designated as "Best of the Day" at a recently completed IHSA music contest. Mrs. Hilligoss made a few remarks about the contest and introduced the students where the board could individually congratulate these two students.
Under audience request for participation, the board heard from:
- Mrs. Chrissy Miller regarding concerns she has over bus issues.
- Lyn Zielstra regarding students being on school grounds during a time they are being disciplined.
- Chris Sipes regarding bullying issues.
- WCHS, WCMS, and WCES School Improvement Teams regarding their 2012-13 preliminary school improvement plans.
Each building team provided the board with a short power point presentation about the successes, challenges, and goals that are found in each of their plans for the next school year. The board asked a few questions about each of the plans. Supt. Grimm informed the board that these plans will be brought back to them for approval at the April meeting.
The board approved the consent agenda as follows:
- Minutes of the February 15, 2012 regular meeting
- Minutes of the February 15, 2012 closed session
- Membership in the Ill. High School Assoc. (IHSA) for West Central High School for 2012-13 school year
- Membership Ill. Elementary School Assoc. (IESA) for West Central Middle School for 2012-13 school year.
- Directed Supt. Grimm to begin working on the FY13 district budget for West Central CUSD #235
- 2012-2013 district calendar for West Central CUSD #235
- Proposed Revisions to the following Board Policies on first reading:
- Policy 2:120-Board of Education- Board Member Development;
- Policy 2:190-Board of Education-Mail Lists for Receiving Board Material;
- Policy 2:200-Board of Education - Types of Board of Education Meetings;
- Policy 4:110-Operational Services - Transportation;
- Policy 4:170-Operation Services - Safety;
- Policy 5:10-General Personnel- Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment;
- Policy 5:30-General Personnel-Hiring Process and Criteria;
- Policy 5:125 -General Personnel - Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct;
- Policy 5:190 -Professional Personnel - Teacher Qualifications;
- Policy 5:220 -Professional Personnel - Substitute Teachers;
- Policy 5:260 -Professional Personnel -Student Teachers;
- Policy 5.285 -Educational Support Personnel -Drug & Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Drivers;
- Policy 6:50-Instruction-School Wellness;
- Policy 6:110-Instruction- Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives program;
- Policy 6:280 -Instruction -Grading, Promotion and Retention;
- Policy 7:100 -Students-Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students;
- Policy 7:190-Students-Student Discipline;
- Policy 7:270-Students- Administering Medicines to Students
The board also approved
- request submitted by Jaclyn Allen to graduate at the end of her 7th semester as long as all WCHS graduation requirements are met by that time
- the change of date for the August 2012 board meeting date from August 15, 2012 to August 22, 2012
- approved under financial activity, payment of all bills as presented. A question asked about a bill to the Apple Company regarding the purchase of iPad applications and iPads.
- approved February activity accounts and treasurer's report as presented.
- The board heard that as of the end of February actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 66.67%, noting that actual expenditures were 62.02% of budget and actual revenue was 59.45% of budget at the end of Feb. 2012. Grimm also reported that as of March 21, 2012, the State has vouchered but not yet paid District #235 $319,347.
- approved a 1 year lease for a utility tractor from the John Deere dealer in Avon. At the conclusion of that year, the district will have the option of returning the tractor and signing a new lease or purchasing the tractor at market value.
- The board approved several documents pertaining to two easements that are being granted to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).
- The first is a temporary easement that gives IDOT access across school property to reach Highway 94 during the Highway 34 Biggsville by-pass construction project.
- The second is a permanent easement for a narrow strip of ground that runs parallel to Route 94 on the west side of the north campus. IDOT will pay the district $10,000 for these easements. Following discussion, the board approved five documents pertaining to these two easements.
- The board approved a request for two summer technology workers to be employed by the district during the summer of 2012. Two students recommended were Emma Alexander and Zach Swisher who will work approximately 8 hours per days for 4 days per week for 6 weeks and begin the week of May 21, 2012.
The board heard reports from:
- building administrators Mr. Buss, Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Nichols, and Mr. Bradburn, and a summary of the district curriculum report as presented by Supt. Grimm.
- from Mrs. Frakes, a summary of the district technology
- the district's special education report by Mrs. Farniok.
- summary of the bi-annual sports interest survey that Mr. Kerfoot conducted to assess the interest of our next year's sixth through twelfth grade students to determine what if any additional sports or other extra-curricular activities the students would like to see offered in our district. The results were similar to the survey 2 years ago and it did not appear that any additional activities were needed added to the list of sports and extra-curricular activities.
- Supt. Grimm informed the group that he had received word from the IEMA team in Springfield that they have not had time to schedule a committee meeting to discuss the proposed SAFE building project for the West Central School District. Supt. Grimm informed the board that this internal IEMA meeting will hopefully take place by the middle of April 2012. No additional action will be taken on this project until such time as that IEMA meeting is held.
- The board briefly discussed the current board committee structure. Currently the West Central Board of Education has a building and grounds sub-committee, a transportation sub-committee, and a policy sub-committee. These committees meet on an "as needed" basis. It was also pointed out that the board had a negotiation committee which is considered an "ad hoc" committee, which means that the committee meets for a very specific amount of time to complete a very specific activity. It was decided after a brief discussion that the board committee structure is working at this time and the committees should remain in place.
- It was suggested that the next time that the committees are established perhaps a veteran board member and a new board member could serve the board's sub-committees that are established at that time.
- It was also decided that if there is additional discussion needed on this topic, it could be discussed in more detail at an upcoming board planning retreat.
- The board discussed the idea of a board and community planning retreat. As a result of this discussion, it was decided that there should possibly be two such retreats.
- The first retreat would include members of the community. This retreat would be followed by a board member only retreat and that at the second retreat, the board would develop a strategic plan for the district based in large part on the input that came from the board and community planning retreat.
- It was suggested that perhaps such a retreat could happen in late spring or early summer of 2012.
- It was also decided that this topic should be carried over to the April 2012 board meeting for additional discussion. Supt. Grimm said he had some thoughts on some potential guidelines that he would share at the April meeting.
- The board discussed bus discipline. Several comments on this topic were made and at the end of the discussion it was suggested that the board's transportation sub-committee be assigned the task of looking into some possible solutions to the concerns that were raised in regards to bus discipline issues.
- Solutions that were suggested were less tolerance for repeated misbehavior that is exhibited by few bus riders which would result in longer bus suspensions and/or possible elimination of a student's right to ride a bus. Other suggestions were putting a monitor on those buses that need it the most and/or the possibility of adding security cameras to the buses. The transportation committee will report back at the April meeting.
- The board reviewed the current uniform replacement schedule. Supt. Grimm informed the board that since this board has not yet reviewed this document, he thought it would be a good idea for the board to do so at this time. It was explained that this schedule was put together to avoid having to purchase all new uniforms at one time.
- After answering just a couple of questions about this uniform replacement schedule, the board by consensus gave permission to Supt. Grimm to move forward with district athletic director, Roger Kerfoot on seeking bids and or quotes for the uniforms highlighted on the uniform replacement schedule.
- It was requested that the board have a discussion item regarding the amount of fund raising that is being done on the part of some extra-curricular activities in order for students to participate.
- The board took the following action regarding personnel:
- ¥Approved the retirement of Donna Mudd as WC District head cook effective the end of the 2011-12 school year;
- ¥Approved the retirement of Dian Renken as WCMS cook effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year;
- ¥Approved the retirement of Cindy Smith as WCHS special education teacher effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year;
- ¥Accepted the resignation of Jon Bradburn as WCHS principal effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year;
- ¥Approved the transfer of Kayty Boyd from a 7th grade language arts position to a WCMS special education teacher effective at the beginning of the 2012-13 school year;
- ¥Approved the transfer of Amy Wolf from a Fifth Grade teaching assignment to a 3rd grade teaching assignment effective at the beginning of the 2012-13 school year;
- ¥Employed Jay Ragar as a part-time groundskeeper for the south campus baseball and softball diamond;
- ¥Employed Jamie Hennings as a substitute teacher at the West Central Early Childhood for the remainder of the 20111-12 school year;
- ¥There was no action on the middle school math teacher position;
- ¥Approved Scott Hopping and Mindy Jones as volunteer assistant softball coaches.
- ¥Supt. Grimm asked the board to approve a request to have a special board meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 beginning at 7 p.m. The purpose of the special meeting will be to discuss in closed session matters pertaining to personnel and the board was advised that there could be issues relative to student discipline added to that agenda.
The board's next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2012. This meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 7 p.m. and not 6 p.m. It was pointed out that this is per the board's preapproved schedule of meeting dates, times and places.
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 8:43 p.m.