The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
At the regular meeting of the Stronghurst Village Board on Monday, March 5th, it was announced a fourth person has been hired for the police department.
Angela Garson, from Berwick, was hired to fill in some of the hours for Stronghurst. She works at the Avon Police Department, London Mills and Woodhull and comes highly recommended. She will be riding with all 3 of the other police before she hits the streets, according to Brendan Schaley.
Sara Nimrick presented the Stronghurst Village board with a tentative agenda for the Quasquicentennial weekend which will be held July 29, 30 and July 1st.
The agenda includes: July 29th Tri-Co Cattlemen cookout; "Stronghurst You've Got Talent"; and a street dance with music by DJ, Mike Cole.
June 30th: Fun run; food vendors; craft vendors; postage special cancellation; parade; Southern Alumni gathering at fairgrounds; Stronghurst Alumni banquet in Burlington, IA and 1972 class will meet at Hotel Lynn. These two days events will be at the village park.
At the fairgrounds, on Sunday, July 1st there will be ice cream and birthday cake; Hoot and Holler games; music and Fireworks.
The board was asked for a contribution to help fund the events and on a motion by Tony Anderson, seconded by Amanda Kane, they voted to donate $1500.
Fran Work also asked if they could purchase 3 banners to hang on the welcome signs outside of town advertising the celebration. After some discussion Chockley asked Anderson to order the banners and the village would pay for them
Terry Myers was present to ask the board if it would be possible to lease the firing range and start a Stronghurst Gun Club. They have 27 names so far that is interested in such a club. Terry, head of West Central shooting club, has insurance for $3 million liability $1 million personal liability and $100,000 on equipment at a cost of $406/year and was quoted for the additional insurance at around $400. With an iron clad lease and insurance this takes all liability off the village. Myers said a straight away trap would need to be used because of the limited space.
Since some of the trustees still had questions Chockley asked Brendan Schaley and David Vancil to do more checking and talk with the lawyer.
The matter was tabled until next month when Myers is to bring back a list of safety rules. Vancil already has a lease with the village since his property is affected and would need another one if the gun club leases the land.
Police report for January included: 115 hours worked; 879 miles; 10 traffic stops; 5 verbal warnings; 3 written warnings; 2 uniform traffic tickets; 5 service calls; 2 agency assists; 1 arrest; and 20 business courtesy checks.
Mayor Chockley strongly expressed his disapproval of the articles in The Quill regarding the fire department.
He played the tape recording of the February meeting, saying no where on it was the fire department mentioned. (However, it is mentioned on this reporter's tape recording).
When Chockley asked the board if they all agreed with him that nothing was said, Tony Anderson spoke up that he remembered the fire department was mentioned.
He could not remember the exact wording but said it could have been interpreted that way.
Chockley said he guessed they could drop it but he still disagreed how it was interpreted.
Chris Cook said the Stronghurst Booster Club had decided they were not going door to door to get signatures on a petition for alcohol, even though some of them are for it, they will not do that because it could cut their throat in their businesses.
In other business:
Present: Mayor Eric Chockley; Trustees, Brendan Schaley, Deb Hale, Tony Anderson, David Vancil, Amanda Kane (Mike Bohnenkamp, absent); Employees, Clerk/Treasurer, Lou Ann Nortrup, Arbry Vancil, and Mike Nelson; Guests, Linda Clifton, Fran Work, Sara Nimrick, Terry Myers, Dean Johnson, Chris Cook and Shirley Linder.
The next board meeting will be held on Monday, April 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.