The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Trustees met in the meeting room, of the Raritan Fire House July 12, 2012, Ron Stombaugh, Village Attorney, was present to explain the procedures concerning the cleaning up of the properties around the village.
A discussion was held about the Village Ordinances.
A motion was made by Trustee Dwayne Magee to have the Sheriff hand deliver all complaints after being notified of violations of Village Ordinances seconded by Trustee Phil Anders.
A Motion by Trustee Sammy Blender seconded by Trustee Rob Williamson to have Mike Knapp pour a pad for the portable potty and a sidewalk from the shelter house to same was approved.
Bills presented and ordered paid were as follows: Waste Management $948.60; Jay Blender $295.00; Phil Anders $84.00; Carlyn Anders $60.00; Gary Powless $80.00; Dennis Rankin $189.59; Thompson Insurance $2,563.00; PDC $74.50; WIRC $75.90; Murphy's $150.00; Dallas Rural Water $976.07; Ameren IP $1,064.65.
All trustees were present.