The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Sally Day, The Quill
Scott Ray, Troop Leader of Boy Scout Troop #61, was on hand at the July 2, 2012 Oquawka Board meeting, to respond to an illegal transfer of money from the board to the Boy Scouts made at the last meeting.
Troop Leader Ray apologized to the board emphatically for his part in asking for and accepting the money; a check in the amount of $750.00. Ray, nor none of the board members were aware that this was an illegal action.
Local Boy Scout Units may not ask for a donation to support the Troop. Government agencies had been donating up to $2,000.00 per year in previous years. Monies can be received by performing a service and being paid in a fair and equitable manner.
Ray noted the Boy Scouts had had a fund raiser the weekend prior to the meeting and had made $115.00.
"We have been doing this for 18 years," Ray said, "and if I don't return this money I am in violation." Ray further stated that he thought it unfair and underhanded that someone came to the board before he had a chance to to tell them of this situation. It was mentioned that about 75 Eagle Scouts have earned that honor in the Oquawka area over the years and that 7 of them had attained Eagle Scout status since 2003.
The board told Ray how much they appreciated the Boy Scouts and the things they have done for the community. They added that what Ray had done was an honest mistake and without a word from Ray, offered the $750.00 check to the Boy Scouts for repair of the concession stand at the Ball Field; something they had offered to help with previously. The board agree unanimously.
Henderson County Sheriff Steve Haynes was present, as well. Sheriff Haynes was requesting money for a newer rescue boat, equipment and maintenance on the same boat. The boat had already been purchased, but money is needed for upkeep, etc. There needs to be rescue training for officers.
Sheriff Haynes said "We need to keep the community safe, in all emergencies."
Board member Jeff Robbins told the board the Side Sonar they need to help locate victims, was specifically used in the recent mishap on the Mississippi River. It was only when the Side Sonar was utilized that the bodies were immediately recovered.
Many board members did not like the idea of the Sheriff's Department patrolling the River, as it might keep people out of Oquawka to boat on weekends. Sheriff Haynes said, "I like the word visibility - for safety."
The motion was made to give the Sheriff's Department $2,000.00 for the maintenance and training for the boat. Roll call vote was as follows: Jeff Robbins, yes; Cindy Henry, no; Jason Howard, yes; Troy Jern, abstained; Todd Shinberger, no; and Nancy Bundy yes. (Village President Harold Henshaw was not present.) Motion passed.
Also present was Steve Lumbeck, who has taken on the ball field as a project. Plans are for many donations, to help with the sod, trucking, water lines, etc., will help defray the costs, which are said to total between $15,000 and $16,000. The action was tabled until next month.
Oquawka Police Chief Todd Miller offered his monthly report to the board. Total calls on all shifts were: 209.
These were broken down into three categories: Total Day Weekday, Total Day Weekend, and Total Night. Chief Miller also mentioned that the brown squad car is not worth spending any money to repair.
Engineer Paul Loete was not present, but sent word that Schuyler Street project will take place next Spring and that the village can begin to bid out the work. This bump in the schedule will not affect any grants, which have already been accepted.
In other business, the board: