The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The village board met in regular session May 2, with Bill Ewing, Village President presiding. Bill Ewing, Village President opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 p.m. He then informed those in attendance, that he had a job opportunity and that he might be moving out of town, and resigning as village president.
Glenn Olson was sworn in as new village board trustee. Under Reports the following action occurred:
Parks and Recreation: lime crete is needed for under the swings and a door latch needs to be replaced on the bathroom door at the Reid Park. Shane will be getting a person that needs to do community service through the court system for a total of 30 hours to help with mowing or weeding the parks.
It was noted, if the ball teams are needing money for equipment there are places helping with fund raisers such as Hy-Vee.
Water: Carrie McKillip explained about CBG funds and that DCO would have to agree with all decisions made. DCO will need an agreement signed by village board within the 60 days for government approval. Trish Yeager explained about a grant that needed to be closed out and then reinstated as a new grant from Rural Development with Shannon Duncan. Scott Kammerman explained possible changes to the project due to the new highway construction going through the area.
Public Relations: fifty residences attended the Neighborhood Watch Program meeting with eleven willing to help out. The best thing for anyone to do if they want to help is to use 911 when they see anything that doesn't look right and to have as much information as possible and to be willing to use their names and give a statement to the police.
Biggville "Trash Day" will be held June 2, from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. The dumpster, dropped off in the morning and picked up later the same day.
Maintance: Shane Olson wasn't able to find the locator for the water pits at two locations in town.
Old Business: Rob Hendrickson asked if sidewalks can be torn out in front of the old house he is having torn down. The sidewalk is broken and doesn't go any further than his property.
Scott Kammerman from Missman, Inc has approximately $1500 coming from the village for work on getting the water project ready that he had not billed the village. Scott Rhinehart made motion to pay for the extra hours that were needed to complete paperwork for the project. All accepted the motion.
The minutes and treasurer's report was approved as presented and bills ordered paid to the following:
Marilyn Simmons, Cindy Rhinehart, Bill Ewing,Brian Sterett, Travis Pence, Scott Rhinehart, Brian Cochran, Renee Sprock, Moriah Woods, Gibb's Conv Store, Cole Implement Corp, US Postal Service, Ameren Illinois, Ameren Test, Inc, Missman, Inc, Carus, Susie Goff, Ameren Illinois Test, Inc., Kevin Mortimer, Shane Olson
New Business: the board approved to reimburse Glenn Olson $100 for having the Christmas Lights taken down with the bucket truck.
The meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Present were: Trustees-Travis Pence, Brian Sterett, Brian Cochran and Scott Rhinehart, with Jenny Hopkins arrived at 7:25; Clerk - Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer - Marilyn Simmons and Visitors -Glenn Olson, Kevin Mortimer, Shane Olson, Susan Meyer, Dale Allenbaugh, Kerry Mc Killip, Barb Price, Scott Kammerman, Trish Yeager, Andrew Youngquist, and Jerry Weibel.