The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of Illini West HSD #307 was held on Wednesday, June 27, 2012.
The Board approved coaching assignments for the 2012-13 school year as follows:
Todd Porter - Head Boys Baseball Coach
Zak Huston - Assistant Boys Baseball Coach
Tyler Walker - Assistant Boys Baseball Coach
Andy Gronewold - Head Girls Softball Coach
Rod Pence - Assistant Girls Softball Coach
Hali Hagar - Assistant Girls Softball Coach
John Artman - Head Boys Track Coach
Don Winters - Assistant Boys Track Coach
Jerry Butcher - Head Girls Track Coach
Kayla Bisby - Assistant Girls Track Coach
Keith Hartweg - Scholastic Clay Target Volunteer
Dale Schamberger - Bass Fishing Team Volunteer
Harold Northup - Bass Fishing Team Volunteer
The employee handbook for 2012-13 was approved as was the fee schedule.
A motion was approved to move the July 25, 2012 school board meeting to July 18, 2012.
Administrative contract extensions and salary increases were approved.
The schedule of regular board meetings for 2012-13 was approved.
Several Fundraising Requests were also approved.