The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Votes Williamson On Village Board
Rob Williamson is now a member of the Raritan Village Board after trustees appointed him as Earl Waller's replacement last week after Waller resigned to accept the position as President of the Board.
Present at the January 12 meeting were Sammy Blender, Gary Powless, Dwayne Magee, and Phil Anders. In other action the Board...
- discussed the Walters property and gave him until February 1st to comply with court orders.
- voted to give the Raritan Fire District $100 for electricity for Christmas lights and $50 to Hopson for use of fork lift.
- voted to pay all bills submitted:
Dennis Rankin $154.70;
Waste Management $914.60;
AmerenIP $1,641.52;
Thompson Insurance $75.00;
Dallas Rural Water $618.64;
Gary Powless $80.00;
Phil Anders $105.00;
Carlyn Anders $60.00.
Meeting was adjourned until Feb. 9.
The meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting February, 9th.