The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting on December 22, 2011, at 6 P.M.

Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order.

The new street signs, posts, and nuts and bolts arrived and the city's street emloyee is working on getting some of these installed before the ground freezes.

A request from Hy-Tech Specialized Services that payment be made for the remaining balance of the contract for the removal of the building at 387 Oak Street was discussed and a motion by Northup, and 2nd by Schaefer was approved by the council to pay Hy-Tech Specialized Services $12,192.50 of the remaining contract bid balance and withhold the final $1,000 of the contract bid until they have removed all of their equipment from the property and the project has been finalized and approved by the council.

Mayor Higgins has contacted Max Faul about checking the furnace, electrical system, and plumbing system at the city's property at 120 West First Street, and he has agreed to do this. After he has done this, repair work on the interior of the building will begin.

Discussed recognition signs. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.

Chris Classen reported that there had been a water leak in a water main, and it has been repaired.

Mayor Higgins read a letter stating that beginning January 1, 2012, landfills will no longer be accepting electornic items. There will be a few places in the area where these types of items can still be taken.

This will be discussed more at the next meeting.

It was reported that Brad Lanier from Klingner & Associates approved the pay request #4 from K & N Excavating for the water main replacement project that the council approved at the December 8, 2011, meeting and that the payment has been sent.

Council went entered executive session to discuss ongoing litigation. until 6:37 p.m.

The meeting re-entered regular session at 6:39 p.m.

City employees have been working on getting stuck water meters replaced.

Discussed a request for a donation from the Illinois FFA Foundation. This will be discussed more next month.

Discussed a letter from Computing Made Easy offering a block of 10 hours of computer maintenance and support service for $55 per hour.

A motion was made by Schaefer, and 2nd by Weese to purchase the 10 hour block of computer maintenance and support service from Computing Made Easy for $550 with the stipulation that there is not a time limit as to when the hours have to be used by. Newberry, Northup, Schaefer, and Weese AYE.

A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Northup to adjourn the meeting. Newberry, Northup, Schaefer, and Weese AYE.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m.

Commissioners present: Esther Newberry, Harold Northup, Bob Weese, and Tom Schaefer. Also present was Chris Classen.

-from the minutes of

Steven K Vorhies,

Dallas City City Clerk