The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

County Board Gives Approval Of Junction Acres Swine in 9-2 Vote

After a hearing January 4 in Carthage of pro and cons of building a 5600 sow confinement near La Crosse, the county board members were to vote on the approval or disapproval last night (Tuesday, January 17) of the new facility, one of many being run by Professional Swine Management out of Carthage. According to morning reports, the board voted 9-2 last night, giving their approval which will go to the state Department of Agriculture for the final approval.

Neighbors around LaCrosse under the name "Save Our Rural Environment" spoke against the confinement and followed it with a letter to board members prior to the meeting. In part it said: "The law and your duty is clear. You are to consider the evidence presented and to decide if PSM proved, by their evidence each of the eight siting criteria. If PSM did present sufficient evidence on each of the eight criteria, then you should vote "yes" even if you do not support any more CAFOs in the area. If PSM did not provide enough evidence on each of the eight issues then you should vote "no" even if you believe that more CAFOs are good policy."

The letter says PSM fails in giving real evidence of a waste management plan but stated one will be submitted later to IDOA and that the site manager will be certified.

Their engineer was present, they said, but he provided "no real plan for your review."

The group also questioned CAFO's odor control plan as well as the damage to roads that will affect townships.