The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Community School #347 Board Meeting

The La Harpe School board held a regular meeting on February 21, 2012 in the district library.

Bob Huff of Huff Architectural Group spoke to the board regarding the remaining construction bids for the 1928 building demolition, gymnasium ceiling and gymnasium floor.

Huff also spoke to the board about how to prepare for construction Phase 2 which would utilize state CBD (Capital Development Board) funds for a building addition over D Street which would include several new classrooms, a multi-purpose room, a new cafeteria, offices and restrooms. The new additon would connect the main school building to the Johnson building enabling all students to be housed under one roof.

Phase 2 plans also include a bus building and separate pick-up and drop-off lanes for parents, buses and delivery vehicles.

Huff pointed out that if the CBD funding remains for La Harpe at 75%, the district would receive a refund of some of the current health life safety project expense.

Bob Shutwell, representing the La Harpe Class of 1952, presented a request to obtain the 1928 cornerstone and school name stones from the building to be demolished in order to display the pieces in LaHarpe. The board will investigate the feasibility of salvaging the pieces prior to or during the demo process in order to accommodate the class request.

Dr. Campbell gave information on upcoming meetings for 1-1 Curriculum Computing, a school board western division meeting, a county facilities use tax presentation at the regional office in Macomb, and a Hancock County Economic Summit.

Principal McKeown gave an overview of recent school activities such as a local spelling bee, preschool and Title 1 family nights, and participation in National No Name-Calling Week.

In addition to the approval of the minutes, financial report, and payment of bills, the board approved the FY 2013 school calendar, took action to proceed with the waiver process to allow children of La Harpe teaching staff to attend without being charged out of district tuition.

The board approved the coop track coaches recommended by the Dallas City school board, approved the first reading of the new policy updates, and approved the deletion of closed meeting recordings 18 months and older.

The board also discussed staffing changes for FY 2013 and completed an annual superintendent evaluation.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will held on March 20, 2012.

To view agendas, news releases and approved minutes, please visit the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles website at