The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Christy Kienast, The Quill
The La Harpe City Council met on Monday, February 27, at the La Harpe City Hall. All council members were present as well as Dan Gillett, Tim Graves, Doug Endres and Christy Kienast. The minutes and bills were approved.
The city is once again looking for a business or individual to process the water bill collections. Pat Berlet agreed to stay on until April 1st but has accepted another job.
Dan Gillett reported that the Historical Society in Carthage will be having a Grand Opening on April 14th.
The Historical Society has the artifacts from the Museum of Funeral Customs that closed its doors in 2009. The museum that was in Springfield was the 2nd largest funeral museum in the country. The Historical Society has 6 full size horse drawn hearses, a replica of Lincoln's Tomb, and replica items involved with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The date April 14th is the 147th anniversary of the
Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. More details will come at a later date.
The council was glad to announce the opening of another restaurant in town. Cookie's Diner opened last week.
Glacial Energy is no longer affiliated with the city. The city is now working with Ameren.
Christy Kienast set the City Wide Yard Sales for Friday and Saturday June 8 and 9th.
Mike Norris, candidate for Hancock County Sheriff, has asked to come to the March 12th meeting and introduce himself to the council. The council would like to open the door for the other candidates to come as well.
Mayor Brown told the council he is working with the Haunted House committee on some issues they are having concerning their opening for this year.
The barricade is up at the Quill office for safety purposes. One of the city employees noticed the bricks at the front of the building seemed to be leaning. After calling building owner Mike Rodeffer, Quill employee Ryan Kienast and city employees barricaded the sidewalk. Rodeffer is looking into getting the building fixed.
The next city council meeting will be Monday, March 12th at 7:00 pm.