The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Under "good news" at the regular February West Central Board meeting Board President Lonnie Brent called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.. and after the pledge of allegiance, the following items were highlighted:
President Brent read to the audience a letter of congratulations that he wrote on behalf of the board and presented that letter to the high school staff members in attendance.
The board approved the agenda with the following modifications:
X (E). Tabled the Bid for Utility Tractor
XV(D-4). Withdrew Volunteer Softball Coach Request at the request of Jenna Crouch.
The board was informed that possibly there would be an additional resignation to act upon following the completion of closed session.
Under recognition of audience request for participation, the board heard remarks from WCMS teacher Terri Copeland concerning the five year contract for Superintendent Grimm. The also heard remarks from district resident Carl Swon on the same topic.
The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:
Under financial activity, the board approved payment of all bills as presented. The board approved the January activity accounts and the January treasurer's report as presented. The board heard that as of the end of January actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 58.33%. It was noted that actual expenditures were 54.57% of budget and actual revenue received was 55.73% of budget as of the end of January 2012. Supt. Grimm also reported that as of February 15, 2012, the State has vouchered but not yet paid District #235 $318,524.
Mrs. Frakes reviewed the content of the district's technology plan with the board and highlighted several key areas. Following a brief discussion, the board approved the July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015 district technology plan as presented. Supt. Grimm reminded the board that board members should be talking to area legislatures about band-width availability in western Illinois. It was also pointed out that on a regular basis we are hitting the limits of our available bandwidth and as more and more technology becomes available, more and more bandwidth will be needed and we need to be sure that we have the capability from our providers' to provide us with the bandwidth that we need at a cost that we can afford.
The board approved a request from WCHS junior Kiley Thornton to graduate at the end of her seventh semester. This was approved pending Ms. Thornton meeting all of the requirements for graduation.
The board approved a request from WCHS Emily Norzagaray to take classes during the morning at SCC beginning next fall and then returning in the afternoon to complete her school day.
The board reviewed with Supt. Grimm and the board's building and grounds sub-committee, the results of the bidding process that was recently undertaken to purchase some mowing equipment for the district. The board approved a recommendation to purchase a 15' grooming mower from Hopson's Sales and Service of Raritan, IL in the amount of $12,305.78. In addition, the board approved a recommendation to purchase a John Deere lawn tractor and mowing deck from Kleine Equipment of Galesburg, IL in the amount of 14,953.04.
The board briefly reviewed a list of items that the administrative team has recommended to be declared as surplus property. It was suggested that this equipment could be sold at the same consignment auction that the mowing equipment that was declared surplus equipment previously was being sold. Those items declared as surplus property were as follows: Delta Milwaukee wood lathe, J-Line jigsaw from Broadhead-Garrett Co, Rockwell/Delta Uniplane, Craftsman Wood Lathe, Delta Rockwell Wood Lathe, Delta Rockwell Tablesaw, Kick-wheel for pottery, Smack electric ceramic kiln, Paragon electric kiln for ceramics, 4x8 foot sign from the Southern School District, Athletic whirlpool, West Central Jr. High track sweats, and a Maytag gas range. These items will be sold at an auction conducted by Sullivan Brothers Auctioneering Company.
The board heard summaries of the written principals reports submitted by Mr. Buss, Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Nichols, and Mr. Bradburn.
The board heard a few comments from Supt. Grimm relative to the curriculum items that he has been working on since the January board meeting.
The board reviewed Mrs. Frakes' district technology report. Mrs. Frakes highlighted for the board that the number of "hits" on the district's website has increased by over 110,000 as compared to this time last year.
Mrs. Farniok highlighted her special education report for the board.
Mrs. Jessica Burrell reported to the board on the status of the West Central Early Childhood Program. Mrs. Burrell reported on our current student numbers, the type of program that is being offered and reported how our program will be evaluated. The board was also informed that the early childhood program will be visited by monitors that have been contracted by ISBE to evaluate the program sometime in the next week. This will be the second time the program has been evaluated using a recently approved evaluation model from ISBE. It was also pointed out by Supt. Grimm that it appears that funding for the Pre K program will continue for the next several years at the level of funding that we are receiving this year.
The board briefly reviewed the proposed 2012-13 school calendar. As a result of this discussion, the board directed Supt. Grimm to bring the calendar back to the March board meeting as a consent agenda item for approval. Some highlights of the proposed calendar include the following:
The board entered closed session at 7:45 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel. The board exited closed session at 10:07.
All board members were present when the board reconvened to open session at 10:12 p.m.
The board took the following action regarding personnel:
The board's next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. This meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6 p.m.
All board members except Mrs. John were present at roll call. Mrs. John entered the meeting at 6:13 p.m.
There board adjourned their meeting at 10:18 p.m.