The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe City council met on Monday February 13th at La Harpe City Hall on Main Street and heard Police Chief Justin Livingston reported that the city's new 2012 Dodge Ram Squad Truck is now in operation replacing the old Impala squad car.
Attorney Dick Rasmussen will look into the possibility of needing an ordinance to enable the hiring of part time officers on a request from the Police Standard and Training Board.
All council members were present as well as guests: Nathan Cobb, Eric Moe, Chuck O'Donnell, Officer Justin Livingston, David Little, Attorney Richard Rasmussen, Tim Graves, Willo Carpenter, Dan Gillett, Wayne Humphrey, Doug Endres, and Christy Kienast.
Nathan Cobb, the assistant planner for WIRC, explained the Community Development Assistance Program or CDAP grant. The council approved two resolutions and a technical assistance agreement.
Chuck O'Donnell talked to the council about switching the city's electrical from Glacial Energy to Direct Energy. After much discussion the council decided not to go with this recommendation and passed a motion to go back with Ameren.
Mayor Brown reported to the council that the city will need to borrow $30,000 for the city's water main project.
The council had already agreed to $20,000 and they approved to go ahead with the full amount of $30,000 for this purpose.
City Treasurer Marcia Neff noted that the water fund is just skimming by and trying to make ends meet.
City Attorney Dick Rasmussen gave the Johnson Farm Report. The council approved and passed a resolution to approve the Johnson Farm Report and agreed to keep Rasmussen as farm manager.
Work on the stop sign replacement is 80-90% finished.
The storm sewer on A street is completed with the exception of some dirt work that is to be finished.
Eric Moe was present to discuss the Dam inspection. The inspection is ready to be sent to the DNR. The motion passed to do so.
Tim Graves reported that they had to purchase a new master meter for the old plant, for the old one was not working properly, and parts have been discontinued for it. The cost is about $2800.
The next La Hapre City Council meeting will be Monday, February 27 at 7:00 p.m.