The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Is The MST Fire Department Struggling?

by: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

When a statement appeared in the newspaper last week by Stronghurst board member Deb Hale indicating that MST Fire Department was financially struggling, (while talking about a liquor referendum during the February board meeting and selling alcohol would help to benefit them, members of the fire department were quick to respond.

Treasurer of the MST Trustees, Lawrence Neff stated "There are no financial concerns within the department." MST Trustee President Chuck Corzatt, and Fire Chief Curt Eisenmayer agreed.

Curt explained, the fire department is funded by tax dollars. On the property tax bills received, there is listed the percentage that goes to the MST Fire Department. This is used to pay for trucks, gas, insurance, training, etc. The department also applies for grants that help from time to time.

The department receives no money from the village, nor would an increase in revenue from the sale of liquor increase their funding.

Like all organizations, there is always a "wish list" beyond what the budget allows, so the 21 volunteer fire fighters hold an annual pancake and sausage supper to raise money which allows them to buy those extras.

The community is good to support their fire department and show their appreciation for the time and effort their volunteers give to the community.

This year's supper will be held Saturday, March 10, 2012, from 4:30-7:00 p.m..