The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Board

Discuss Clean-Up

The trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House February 9, 2012 with clerk: Jim Blender, trustees: Sammy Blender, Phil Anders, Gary Powless, Rob Williamson and Dwayne Magee answering roll call.

President Earl Waller called the meeting to order.

Trustee Blender opened with prayer. Minutes and the bills were approved as presented.

Bills included: Phil Anders $75.05; Waste Management $914.60; Dallas Rural Water $757.02; Ron Stombaugh $706.50; Dennis Rankin $154.70; Ameren IP $1,280.27; Julie, Inc. $59.18.

Rob Williamson was sworn in as trustee.

A discussion was held about the delinquent water bills.

It was reported that Jeremy Walters court date has been moved up to February 29th at 1:30 p.m.

A motion was made by trustee Blender to hire the village engineer, Dennis Rankin, to uncover the water meter on the Walters property and to make sure the water is turned off, seconded by trustee Magee. Motion carried.

A motion was made by trustee Blender, seconded by trustee Williamson to have the village attorney send a letter to Charmin Joseph and Doug Hensley to clean up their property in the village. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting night.