The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Wisdom Of  Barnyard Bruke: "VALENTINES DAY AND LOVE"

 Greetings to everyone in western Illinois.

By the time you read this column, Valentines Day will be over. From time to time I like to share a poem with you from my library.

The poem I have chosen for this column is entitled "LOVE". It seems to me to be very appropriate for the Valentine spirit.

The author is anonymous, as best I can determine.


I love you,

Not only for what you are,

But for what I am

When I am with you.

I love you,

Not only for what

You have made of yourself,

But for what

You are making of me.

I love you,

For the part of me

That you bring out;

I love you,

For putting your hand

Into my heaped up heart

And passing over

All the foolish, weak things

That you can't help

Dimly seeing there,

And for drawing out

Into the light

All the beautiful belongings

That no one else had looked

Quite far enough to find.

I love you because you

Are helping me to make

Of the lumber of my life

Not a tavern,

But a temple;

Out of the works

Of my every day

Not a reproach,

But a song...

I love you, because

You have done more

Than any creed

Could have done

To make me good;

And more than any fate

Could have done

To make me happy.

You have done it

Without a touch,

Without a word,

Without a sigh,

You have done it

By being yourself,

Perhaps that is what

Being a friend means,

After all."

There ya have it then. You may clip this poem out of the paper and share it with "A Special Friend".

Did ya ever wonder why Valentine's Day is February 14th rather than March 8th or May 10th? A popular story is a young priest, Valentinus, who chose to be executed rather than renounce his faith in God.

He was arrested by the Roman emperor, Claudius II, for help'n fellow Christians escape persecution.

Whilst he was in prison he was befriended by the blind daughter of the jailer. She brought him food, delivered messages, and comforted him as best she could.

Claudius offered the priest his freedom if'n he would denounce Christianity. Valentinus refused, but in the process he tried to convert the pagan king, which so outraged Claudius, he ordered the priest to be stoned to death.

Whilst Valentinus awaited his execution day, he restored the sight of the jailers daughter who had helped him. She and her father were converted to Christianity by the miracle the priest had accomplished.

On the eve of his death by stoning execution, Valentinus wrote a farewell note to the girl thank'n her for all her kindness she had shown him and signed it "From your Valentine".

The next day a messenger delivered the note and a bouquet of violets to the girl at the exact moment of Valentinus' death. The day was February 14, A.D. 270.

Actually, I prefer that legend to the one which holds that the Romans celebrated February 14th as the day the birds chose their mates. The Romans linked that courtship with the courtship of their own young folk.

Another legend holds that February 14th marked the pagan feast of Lupercolia in ancient Rome. On this date the names of girls were drawn by lot. The boys who drew them courted the girls for a year.

If'n the couples weren't married by the end of the year, they started all over again with new partners when the feast was again celebrated on February 14th.

There is also a legend that the first valentine ever sent was delivered to the wife of Charles, Duke of Orleans, when he was imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1415. That valentine is in the British Museum.

I prefer the legend of the priest and the blind girl for it better explains to me, where the name "Valentine" came from.

It is said that valentines outnumber all other cards bought for special occasions and holidays.

Another enterest'n fact is that "MOTHERS" receive three times as many valentines as sweethearts. More surprise'n is the fact that "TEACHERS" receive more valentines than mothers. In fact, it is told, just about everyone receives more valentines than lovers.

One last poem, from my collection, for Valentines Day is entitled, "Will You Love Me When I'm Old". The author is unknown.

Will You Love Me When I'm Old

I would ask of you, my darling,

A question, soft and low,

That gives me many a heartache

As moments come and go.

Your love, I know, is truthful,

But the truest love grows cold;

It is this that I would ask you:

Will you love me when I'm old?

Life's morn will soon be waning,

And it's evening bells shall toll,

But my heart shall know no sadness

If you'll love me when I'm old.

Down the stream of life together

We sail on side by side,

Hoping some bright day to anchor

Safe beyond its surging tide.

Today our sky is cloudless

But the night may clouds unfold;

And though storms may

gather around us,

Will you love me when I'm old?

When my hair shall shade the snowdrift

And mine eyes shall dimmer grow,

I would lean upon some loved one

Through the valley as I go.

I would claim of you a promise

Worth to me a world of gold;

It is only this, my darling,

That you'll love me when I'm old.

It's a nice poem for Valentines season, and plenty of food for thought for any season.

Like a good fire, we gots to keep the fire kindled, or the flame will go out.

The boys sez to keep your book of poems by your table, get some of those dark chocolates, and a bunch of red roses, and a candlelight meal and that'll keep the fire going all winter. Cornelius sez a happy wife makes a happy life.

I's tell-n the boys, I think fellers take the goodness of the women folk for granted. We need to show our appreciation a little more.

Happy President's Day Monday. Ya might want a travel to the Lincoln Library in Springfield with the Mrs..

Have a good week and spread some joy around.

Keep on Smile'n

Catch ya Later

Barnyard Bruke