The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
During the La Harpe School Board meeting held December 20, 2011, the board approved a resolution expressing appreciation to the elementary and high school administrators, directors, and the staff who work with student transportation systems in the Carthage, Dallas City, Illini West, and La Harpe school districts.
The board adopted the FY2013 tax levy and approved a resolution to abate $40,000 in taxes.
The board also heard building project updates during their December meeting, and an overview of the process for teacher contract negotiations, and policy regarding board member mandated reporter status.
The board approved 3-year bus leases for two 30-passenger, two 48-passenger and two 65-passenger buses, and approved the second reading of policy updates.
The board took action to employ Donna Grisham for the position of part-time evening shift custodian.
Principal McKeown reported that the Christmas programs and open house were great successes.
McKeown commended La Harpe teachers whose classes were temporarily relocated during the building project.
McKeown said the staff exhibited a great deal of professionalism, that student learning always took first place, and that many went above and beyond regular duties to help out with the transition to new classrooms.
The teachers worked very hard to have their new rooms looking fantastic for the late December Open House, and the staff received many compliments on how nice the facilities looked.
School Board News
January 2012
The La Harpe School Board held a regular meeting on January 17, 2012, in the district library.
In addition to approval of the financial report and payments of bills, the board held a semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes, discussed policy and school code regarding student tuition, and took action to provide transportation for the summer Carl Sandburg Kids on Campus program.
The board reviewed the current project update and financial report for the construction project.
The board will proceed with obtaining bids for the demolition of the 1929 building, replacing the gym floor, and installing the gym ceiling.
Dr. Campbell reported that meetings are taking place regarding the new Reduction in Force requirements and that a new Performance Ranking Tool is available.
Dr. Campbell mentioned the County facilities use sales tax meeting in Bloomington, the Western Illinois Technology Summit in Carthage, and the successful audit of General State Aid and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds.
Board members completed annual economic interest forms and received instruction on completing the board members Open Meetings Act training.
The board approved the preliminary FY2013 school calendar, established regular board meeting dates for the reminder of FY2012 (which may be viewed on the district website), and will update the Parent Teacher Advisory Council.
The board set the 8th grade graduation at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1, 2012.
The board appointed Cindy Wear and Rex Huston to the Negotiations Committee which will begin meeting with the LEA to work together on the next teacher's contract.
The next regular scheduled board meeting will be held on February 21, 2012.
To view agendas, the school news releases and approved minutes, please visit the school board section of the
La Harpe Eagles website at