The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
According to the US Census Bureau (USCB) there were 1,872,020 people in the US living in poverty - that is nearly 12% of the American population.
Poverty affects every state and there is no state in the country that doesn't have some poverty living within it.
Those statistics are just numbers to many of us living in our community. It is very real.
Here at West Central we see many children in need. We have students whose families are really struggling in today's economy. With gas and food prices being so high, it is hard to take care of the needs of a family.
One way we have been trying to meet those needs is through our backpack program.
With the help of many churches, local businesses, and individual support we have been sending food-filled backpacks home with students who have signed-up for this program for the past 4 years.
For the past two years, the West Central School District has worked with the Family Outreach Community Center (F0CC) located in Stronghurst. This organization has helped families and the students in District #235 in many ways.
They provide a food pantry, grow a community garden, teach nutrition classes, provide families with clothes, help adults fill out resumes, take them to job interviews, and assist with the Back-to School program.
The school is able to send backpacks home every weekend throughout the school year, thanks to the volunteers at FOCC. They also provide school supplies and clothing to low-income students.
The families who participate in this program are very appreciative of the help they receive.
The staff at West Central is also very grateful for the efforts of the FOCC and the supportive community who are trying to help those in need.
If you wish to assist in any of these areas either by volunteering at the FOCC, by a monetary contribution, or by donating canned goods/clothing you can contact the FOCC at 309-924-1872 or by email at