The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

WC Board Forced to Adjust to State's Lack of Paying Up


On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting, and the board approved a loan in the amount of $250,000 from the working cash fund to the transportation fund for FY13.

This is the third consecutive year such a loan is being made, necessary due to the lack of state reimbursement for transportation expenses.

Some good news, the board approved a quote from FSS, Inc for the replacement of the sound system in the high school gym. The total cost of the replacement project is estimated to be $7,389.20. This replacement project will replace all components of the current sound system except for the 4 speakers currently hanging in the gym.

Under good news items the following successes were highlighted:

The board recognized 12 high school students as Academic Excellence Award recipients for the 2011-12 school year.

Those students were recognized for having a 4.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale were Brad Bavery, Evan Bell, Sydney Bigger, Caitlin Gyovai, Emily Hopping, Andrew Lewis, Thomas Lewis, Caleb Paulus, Taylor Rice, Katie Robertson, Austin Schneider, and Angelica Strack.

The members of the Class of 2012 who earned this recognition were presented their award during their graduation ceremony last May.

The board approved an agreement with McDonough District Hospital to continue providing the random drug testing that has been in place in the district for the last three years.

All terms and conditions of the program from FY12 will be carried over into FY13. It was noted that the testing will take place during the months school is in session and that 10 students will be tested each month at a cost of $35.00 per student per test.

The board approved a request from Jenny Halcomb to provide baton twirling lessons to those students who wish to sign up for this type of activity.

The board approved a request from Supt. Grimm to carry over 15 unused vacation days from FY12 to FY13.

The board heard and reviewed the Principal's reports, the curriculum report, the technology report and the special education report.

Time was spent discussing the amount of time that the administrators have spent on the new teacher and principal evaluation program as required by the State of Illinois.

Supt. Grimm provided the board with an update on district summer work and life safety work.

The board was informed that the door project and the replacement of the bus garage doors has been completed and the district custodial staff was complimented on how nice and clean the buildings look as we start the 2012-13 school year.

Supt. Grimm provided the board with a brief summary on the opening of school activities that occurred August 15-17th.

Specifically, Supt. Grimm highlighted for the board some the changes that were put in place as a result of having only one Teacher Institute day at the beginning of the year compared to the two days of Teacher's Institute that we have had in the past.

The board reviewed a comprehensive summary of the 2011-12 ISAT, PSAE and ACT scores. Supt. Grimm presented the board with a 6 year summary of student performance on ISAT and PSAE in terms of the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards.

The board was given an ISAT/PSAE longitudinal data report which highlights the performance of each class in the primary areas tested. In addition, the board was given a summary of the 8th grade EXPLORE test results from 2011-12.

As part of the presentation, the board was informed that overall the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards at the district level last year increased in the area of reading, attendance rate and graduation rate.

The board was also informed that the district as a whole did not make AYP in math or reading.

At the building level, the board was informed that West Central Elementary School did make AYP, West Central Middle School did not make AYP and West Central High School did not make AYP for the 2011-12 school year.

The board reviewed a list of proposed Superintendent performance objectives.

It was pointed out that the list presented to the board was a very general list to gauge the board's opinion of the items being presented for consideration and then further development of the detail for these goals would be completed.

The board indicated that the proposed list of four goals relative to student performance were appropriate and asked Supt. Grimm to continue developing these goals by providing more detail.

The board discussed the creation of a board sub-committee to study district finances. As a result of that discussion, it was the consensus of the board to create such a committee.

The formal approval of a district finance committee will take place at the September board meeting.

Board President Brent will appoint two members of the board to serve on this committee at that time.

The primary purpose of this committee will be to review current district finances while looking ahead and creating plans to deal with the future funding of the district given the current financial condition of school funding in Illinois.

The board entered closed session at 8:32 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel, student discipline and to review closed session minutes from the previous six months.

The board exited closed session at 9:00 p.m. and took the following action:

In other action, the board approved a change in the November board meeting date from Tuesday, November 20, 2012 to Monday, November 19, 2012.

The consent agenda was approved including:

Under financial activity, the board approved the payment of all bills.

The board also approved the June and July 2012 activity accounts and the June and July 2012 treasurer's reports.

Board President Lonnie Brent conducted the meeting in the West Central elementary cafeteria. All board members were present at the 7:00 p.m.roll call except Renee Goff.

The next meeting is Wednesday, September 19, 2012 in the elementary cafeteria. The board will convene at 6:30 p.m. to conduct a hearing on the FY13 budget.

The board will then meet and greet the teachers new to District #235.

The regular September meeting will then begin at 7 p.m.

There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 9:10 p.m.