The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The West Central Board of Education special board meeting was held Thursday, August 2nd after Board Vice President Brad Arnold declared a quorum was not present at the scheduled Wednesday meeting.
Board President Lonnie Brent opened the meeting with all board members except Mr. Anderson and Dr. Robbins present.
Supt. Grimm reviewed with the board a summary of the FY 12 district budget. Supt. Grimm pointed out to the board that this budget was a deficit budget in the amount of $566,789. That actual deficit amount was better than the projected deficit amount of $663,607.
It was also pointed out that the unaudited expenditures for FY 12 were a decrease from the audited expenditures of FY11 in the amount of $182,271 which is a 1.98% decrease in district expenditures for FY 12.
It was also noted that this is the third year in a row that actual expenditures have decreased from the previous year. Supt. Grimm noted that the State of Illinois owed District #235 $390,811 as of June 30, 2012. The board had no questions regarding the FY 12 budget summary.
Supt. Grimm presented to the board the tentative FY 13 district budget indicating that the tentative budget is a deficit budget in the amount of approximately $1,159.604. The anticipated expenditures in the FY 13 budget have been reduced by $154,000 from the FY 12 expenditures.
Supt. Grimm indicated that the district will be looking at approximately $515,000 less in general state aid in FY 13 over FY 12. The loss of general state aid is due to increased district wide property values and slight decline in our average daily attendance of our students.
A significant portion of the decrease in general state aid is due to the proration of our general state aid money that should be paid to us by the State of Illinois. This means that the state will be reducing the amount of general state aid that we should receive by $288,000 in FY 13.
Supt. Grimm indicated to the board that the primary reason for our deficit is not necessarily on the expenditures side of the budget but it comes from a result of significantly declining revenues.
After a brief discussion, the board directed Supt. Grimm to place this budget on display and provide notice to the paper that the district FY 13 budget is available for public review.
The FY 13 budget will be approved by the board at their September 19, 2012 board meeting.
The board discussed with staff member, Jenny Halcomb, a proposed baton twirling activity and directed Supt. Grimm to investigate a couple of issues in more detail. This topic could be brought back to the board for action at their August 22, 2012 meeting.
The board took the following action regarding personnel:
Items were approved under the consent agenda:
The board approved a request to pay an additional $2 per hour of use for the leased John Deere tractor loader. It was pointed out that this additional $2 per hour charge was to be included in the original action that was taken several months ago concerning the lease of the tractor; however, this $2 per hour charge was omitted from the motion.
The board was alerted to the need to change the date of the Board Planning Retreat from September 15, 2012. The board was asked to check their availability for Saturday, October 6th or 13th.
In addition, the board was informed that there is a need to move the November board meeting from November 20th to November 19, 2012.
The board was reminded that their next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 22, 2012. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the WC Elementary Cafeteria. Meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m.