The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Village President Bill Ewing opened the regular March meeting of the Biggsville Village Board at 7:00 p.m. by leading in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Parks & Recreation
President Ewing reported that Ross Bigger has access to a boom truck to be able to change the bulbs at the at the ball park.
Gutters that will be put on the bathrooms at Reid Park will not be seamless and Shane Olson will get the needed materials and equipment to get the gutters on.
President Ewing also reported that there is a meeting scheduled with Trish Yeager & Shannon Duncan on the financial assistance for Monday March 12, 2012.
The contract with Dallas Rural Water has expired and needs to be renewed.
Public Relations
President Ewing reported that the contact person for Heritage Trails for the Village of Biggsville will be Kathy Olson.
Ewing reported that Delbert Blindt declined an open house that would have been given by the Village of Biggsville.
President Ewing reported that Shane Olson will need to purchase a new shovel to use when digging for the pins in the pits.
President Ewing said that a metal detector will need to be purchased for maintenance to be able to find the pins in the pits.
Brian Sterett made a motion to allow Bill Ewing to purchase a metal detector up to $300 cap for maintenance and was seconded by Travis Pence. Roll was taken and all present voted in favor or motion.
Scott Kammerman requested that the board sign the required paper work that is for Rural Development. He also reported that the next step in the process for the water project would be to take bids and the board members would need to start to get ready for that step.
Bill Ewing reported that Jimmy Rogers approached him about a property that needs to be cleaned up as per the village ordinance.
There are two properties in the village that need to be cleaned up and Bill Ewing will write the property owners' letters to get the properties cleaned up.
The following were present with Bill Ewing, Village President presiding:
Trustees -Travis Pence, Brian Sterett, Renee Sprock and Scott Rhinehart.
Trustees Jenny Hopkins and Brian Cochran were absent;
Present: Clerk Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer Marilyn Simmons;
Visitors: Kevin Mortimer, Shane Olson, Margaret Patlan and Scott Kammerman.
Clerk Cindy Rhinehart, took roll call and circulated the minutes of the February 1 meeting..
Minutes from the February 1, 2012 regular meeting were circulated by Cindy Rhinehart, Clerk and the minutes were approved as presented by Brian Sterett and seconded by Travis Pence. Roll was called and all present voted to accept minutes as presented.
Treasurer's report was presented. Brian Sterett moved that treasurer's report be approved and seconded by Scott Rhinehart. Roll was called and all present voted in favor to accept report as read.
Bills were circulated by Cindy Rhinehart, Clerk. Travis Pence moved the bills be paid as read and seconded by Renee Sprock. Roll was called and all present voted in favor of paying the bills as read.
Marilyn Simmons, Cindy Rhinehart, Bill Ewing, Moriah Woods, Farm King of Monm, Ameren Illinois, Gibb's Conv Store, Illinois Municipal League , IDES, Test, Inc., Susie Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Shane Olson, Ameren Illinois, Missman, Inc., USABlue Book, Test, Inc., Ameren Illinois, Zimmer & Francescon Inc, Mississippi Valley Pump
The March meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM.
Cindy Rhinehart,
Village Clerk