The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Community School District Meeting

The La Harpe school board held their regular meeting on April 17, 2012 in the district library. All board members were present.

Under board committee reports, policy relating to booster clubs was reviewed and discussed and the board and administration expressed their appreciation for the booster club's fundraising efforts and for their continued support of the athletic coop and other school district activities.

The board discussed demolition of the 1928 building which is anticipated to take place this summer after the last student day as well as the completion of the health life safety work on the gymnasium ceiling and floor.

Supt. Campbell gave health life safety project finance update and information from recent facilities committee meeting and a meeting with Mayor Ken Brown regarding D Street and Phase 2 preliminary building ideas.

Dr. Campbell also reviewed state legislative updates on school consolidation, transportation funding, and pension reform.

Principal McKeown presented results of recent 8th grade Explore testing at Illini West, reported on the Illinois Spotlight Grant, the PTO's offer to help purchase one to two interactive white boards, and a request to hold a volleyball camp in June at Dallas City.

As a result of discontinuing transportation for Illini West High School for school year 2012-2013, the board adopted reduction in time resolutions for drivers Jim Clayton, Donna Nell, and Tim Purdy, accepted letters of notice from drivers Larry Housewright, Darrell Kraft and Lee Unger who have agreed to drive routes for Illini West, and also adopted a non-renewal resolution for bus aide, Joan Shipman.

The board hired Kelly Lafferty as half-time district office secretary during the summer break, hired Jodelle Eddington for summer custodial employment, and continued discussion of certified, athletic, and support staff changes for FY 2013, class size projections, and also discussed individual student matters.

In addition to the approval of the minutes, financial report, and payment of bills, the board approved the FY 2012 School Maintenance Grant application for up to $50,000 in matching funds for permanent property maintenance items, and approved an inter-fund transfer from working cash to capitol projects.

The board approved the deletion of closed meeting recordings 18 months and older, and set the FY 2012 Budget Amendment hearing for June 19, 2012 at 7:15 p.m.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held on May 15, 2012.

To view agendas, news releases and approved minutes, please visit the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles at