The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Dallas City Mayor Higgins reported at the March 22nd board meeting, that repairs at the new police station/city hall are progressing nicely as planned and that the interior painting would be done by this week. The new windows had not arrived at that time.
Police Chief Hilliard reported that there is an individual who needs to perform some community service work, and he is planning on having the individual mow the grass at the new police station/city hall.
The council discussed the vacant lot at 387 Oak Street, and it was decided to sow grass seed on this lot.
The council reviewed Chris Classen's report showing the repairs and maintenance work that he has done the last two weeks.
Council discussed the contract with the Village of Lomax concerning the Dallas City's providing of police protection to the Village of Lomax. An option is to possibly raise the monthly rate to help meet the increased costs.
A motion was made by Schaefer, 2nd by Weese to extend the police contract with Lomax for one month, until April 30, at the current rate of $2300 per month, while negotiations continue for a new agreement.
Newberry, Schaefer, and Weese voted AYE. Northup was ABSENT.
Council discussed the barber shop pole that was with the building at 387 Oak Street.
The camera system in the city police car is being looked at to see if it can be repaired instead of being replaced.
It was discussed having the city police car detailed.
Commissioner Weese reported that it was not going to be feasible to apply for an IDOT grant for the driveway at the wetlands area.
Dallas City Spring City Clean-up Days. Mayor Higgins will contact Jackson Disposal to see what dates they have available for supplying dumpsters.
Minutes of the March 8, meeting were approved.
Molly McDowell appeared on behalf of the Dallas City PTO. They are holding their annual Penny Carnival fundraiser on April 13, and Mrs. McDowell asked the council to consider making a donation to help offset their costs of this fundraiser.
A motion by Schaefer, and seconded by Weese was approved to donate $350 to the Dallas City PTO for their annual Penny Carnival.
Council discussed the franchise agreement with Mediacom. Esther Viles, the Mediacom representative who attended the last council meeting, has not gotten back with Mayor Higgins about the various concerns that have been expressed by Dallas City Mediacom customers.
Council discussed the three "Welcome" signs, a sign for the new police station/city hall, and emblems for the new city truck.
They discussed properties in town that are in violation of the city's nuisance ordinance. Mayor Higgins read a letter from a resident complaining about two such properties.
The city attorney has advised Mayor Higgins that the court case against the property owner at 36 West Fifth Street has been extended.
Bids for the mowing of the city cemetery were opened and were as follows:
Larry Henson $1800 per month, would mow twice a month. Does not include fuel, oil, etc. and, Charles J. Huss at $450 per mowing.
A motion made by Newberry, and seconded by Schaefer to accept the bid of Charles J. Huss for $450 per mowing was approved.
The Council discussed purchasing a color printer for the city clerk's office. The following quotes received were:
Computing Made Easy-at $449.00 and from Staples for $374.99. The Council voted to approve the motion made by Schaefer, and 2nd by Weese to purchase a color printer from Staples for $374.99.
The Council discussed a bill received from Bob Durand for repair work at the new police station/city hall.
The Council adjourn at 7:00 the next meeting, April 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Steven K Vorhies,
City Clerk
Dallas City
Council Members
Mayor Ruth Higgins (217) 852-3348
Esther Newberry Water Commissioner (217) 852-3575
Harold Northup, Jr. Streets Commissioner (217) 852-3803
Tom Schaefer Police Commissioner (217) 852-3633
Bob Weese Finance Commissioner (217) 852-3751