The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, May 12, 1921 

WON THE MILITARY TRACT MEET: The good work of three members of Stronghurst High School's Athletic team enabled the local institution to bring home the bacon from the big high school track and field meet at Knoxville in which 15 schools from Fulton, Henderson, Knox, Mercer, McDonough, Peoria, Schuyler and Warren Counties participated. A total of 27 points was piled up by the local team while their closest competitor was Alexis with 12 points. Stronghurst' fast, short distance sprinter, Delford Putney, started the good work by winning both the 50 and 100 yard dashes. James Sanderson added three more points by taking second in the 220 yard low hurdles and followed this up by two first-one in the running broad jump and one in the shot put. The winning of these 13 points made Sanderson the star performer of the meet. The remaining four points was picked up by Virgil Putney who landed second in the discus throw and third in the standing broad jump. The weather was ideal and an immense crowd witnessed the contest on the old Knox County Fair Grounds.

In the literary contests held in the morning Harold Bainter, Stronghurst's representative, won 2nd place and Louise Hollingsworth was given third in the girls' oration.

The trophy of victory which the athletic team brought home with them is a very handsome bronze clock. It has been placed on exhibition in the Geo. Dixson show window during the week and has been much admired by passersby.

LOCAL BOY CLIMBING THE LADDER: The Petroleum Record, an independent oil magazine which was founded several years ago by Frank J. Silsbee, a former Stronghurst boy, son of Mrs. Caroline Silsbee, and which is recognized as one of the leading, most reliable publications of its class has an article accompanied by a picture telling how Frank recently mounted another round in the ladder of success: "Frank J. Silsbee, founder of The Petroleum Record and well known in the California petroleum industry, has resigned as vice-president and manager of the Federal Petroleum Co. at Shreveport, La., to occupy a similar position with the Union Power Co., Inc. The Union Power Co. was organized late in 1920 with an authorized capital of $3,000,000 and represents a consolidation of the natural gas resources of the Frost-Johnson Lumber Co. of Shreveport and the J. S. Cullinan interest of Houston, Texas. . .

NEW VILLAGE BOARD: The new village board president, C. H. Curry and the three newly elected village trustees: J. W. Decker, E. R. Grandy and B. G. Widney were inducted into office at a joint meet of the old and new boards. G. Q. Fort finished the old business and then the clerk administered the oath of office to the new board.

Mr. Curry called attention to the fact that the recently submitted report of the village treasurer, Mr. A. E. Jones, showed that strict economy and retrenchment of expenses would be needed during the coming year. The application of James Rezner for the position of village marshal at a salary of $85 per month was read and after some discussion during which the advisability of dispensing with the services of a night watchman and of changing the hours of service of the regular marshal was considered, the application was laid over until the next meeting. It was later voted to discontinue the services of the night watchman.

The board then considered a street oiling contract made by the old board and decided to cancel it. Trustees Hartquist and Widney were appointed to a special committee to solicit subscriptions from citizens of the village for a street oiling fund to supplement what the board later decided to provide. Western Illinois Utilities Co. would be asked to place the street lights of the village upon a separate circuit from those of residences. It was evident in this meeting that "economy" is to be the watchword of the new administration.

1896 GRAPHIC: Frank Silsbee accepted employment as a Western Union operator at the Palmer House in Chicago. Willard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodside of Stronghurst died on May 11 as the result of an attack of measles. C.P. Davidson of Burlington purchased the Simon Starkey farm of 160 acres north of town for $9,500. On May 1st the amount of corn on hand in the state was 194,308,000 bushels, the largest ever known. Prof. Ivins was laid up with measles and Miss Adie Bowen was presiding in his stead at the public school. Sam Carothers had just purchased an 800 light alternating dynamo for his new electric lighting plant in the village.

A GRAND WEDDING: "One of the most charming nuptial events of the season of flowers and balmy sunshine was the marriage of Miss Lila M Huppert and Mr. Edwin J. Weidmann, two of Burlington's most estimable young people, solemnized in the presence of large concourse of relatives and friends at St. John's Catholic Church at 9 o'clock this morning. A nuptial mass was celebrated by Rev. P. Justin Zion, O.S.B., who also performed the ceremony utilizing a double ring service.

The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengren's wedding march placed by Miss Isabelle Walz, organist of St. John's choir and Prof. J. Henri Fischer and Carl Fischer, violin and cello. The attendants were Miss Mae Kurtz, bridesmaid; Mr. Lawrence Weidmann, groomsman, and Mary Louise Weidmann, niece of the groom as flower girl. The ushers were Mr. Earl Huppert of Stronghurst, Ill., and Mr. Harry Weidmann of this city. The altars ablaze with candle light were decorated with cut flowers and the assemblage made a pretty picture. The ceremony was performed within the sanctuary by Father Justin and the mass was sung by St. John's choir.

The bride's dress was of white taffeta over draped with imported Chantilly lace and trimmed in white georgette with veil of the same material. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses with sweet peas.

The bridesmaid was gowned in orchid satin with large picture hat and slippers to match carrying a bouquet of lavender and white sweet peas and daisies. The flower girl was dainty in white organdy and carried a basket of lavender and white sweet peas.

The conclusion of the services, the wedding party proceeded to the home of the bride's parent at Stronghurst, Ill., where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served. The home and the table were decorated in the bridal colors of lavender and white.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Huppert and for the past eight years has been one of the most efficient and accommodating of the clerical staff of the county auditor's office serving as deputy under several administrations. . . The Groom is an industrious young man employed at Schramm & Schmieg Co. in charge of the sample department where he enjoys the respect of his employers and good will of his fellow employees.

The couple left for an extended wedding trip and will make their home in this city."-Burlington Gazette

DR. W. O. BUTLER IN HOSPITAL: "Dr. W. O. Butler of Wilkie, Can. arrived in Macomb to consul doctors in regard to a gathering in his ear which has given him much trouble following an attack of flu about two months ago. His son-in-law, C. S. Coulson, in company with his father, J. C. Coulson and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Campbell, visited him and found that the verdict in regard to his case is that he has mastoid abscess which will require a very delicate operation to eradicate. Accordingly they thought best to go to the Mayo Hospital at Rochester, Minn. Charles Coulson and Mr. Butler left for that place. Dr. Butler is past 70 years old but is actively engaged in the practice of dentistry and has a large business." The La Harpe Quill

HONOR NEWLYWEDS: A reception and utility shower was tendered by Mr. and Mrs. L.E. McAndrews at the Dr. Henderson home in the village.

The newlyweds were the recipients of a beautiful sterling silver nut bowl from the 500 club of which they are members and of a variety of other presents from individual guest. Among the gifts was a cat with three young kittens, whose welfare Mac now looks after with solicitous care. Delicious refreshments were served during the evening in which merriment was spent by all present.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The first annual declamatory contest of Media High School was held in the Weaver Academy Friday evening. Mr. E. G. Lewis, president of the high school board, announced the decision of the judges, who were from Knox College, as follows: first prize-ten dollar gold piece to Carl Leftwick; second-a five dollar gold piece to Paul Erickson; third-two and one-half gold piece to Violet Lant. Miss Lant will represent the high school at the girls' county contest at Terre Haute. The boys are doing some hard work to prepare themselves for the county track meet held the same day. The entire teaching force of the high school has been re-employed for another year. Services were held in a tent for pipeline men Sabbath evening by Rev. R.J. Kyle. Miss Opal Wilson, who has been teaching the Dutch row school north of town closed the term with a big picnic and fine program. The streets here were graded up and oiled.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: A reception was held for new members. Rev. Sailor of Avon, brother of the pastor, gave a very interesting and humorous address of his experience as a lad of 18 years doing missionary work in "moonshine" hills of Kentucky. Light refreshments of Angel and Devil's food cake and fruit salad were served. James Hicks and helpers have completed a fine new hay barn for Mrs. C. H. Curry on her farm near the village. Mrs. Allen purchased the property she had sold to Roscoe Deitrick and is suppose to set up a general store. Melvin Hicks and Miss Bertha Keeton were married in Burlington. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Charles Johnson of near Gladstone, Ill. She was becomingly gowned in blue satin and the groom wore dark blue serge; they will be home to friends in a tenant house of the George Fort farm west of Olena.

A utility shower was held at the groom's parents' home; the afternoon was spent with music and visiting. The village school closed last Thursday and students went to Stronghurst and Media for final examination. Miss Thelma Peterson who is teaching near Media will close her term soon; she will be employed there for another term.

Olena Observations: The Sam Lant's have had their quarantine lifted from measles, fumigated their home and are again enjoying the company of friends and neighbors. Charles Heisler, Sr. who has been taking special treatment in Minneapolis, Minn. was able to return home; he was greatly benefited by his treatments. Two gentlemen from Burlington, Iowa were calling on people of this locality trying to interest them in the Bennet Tea Co.-quite a saving on some of their household articles. Mrs. James McDermit of Oakland, Iowa is a guest of her granddaughter, Mrs. James Brewer. Carpenters are removing the east end of the church building which was recently purchased by the commissioners as a building for their machinery. (township highway shed today) Mrs. Joel Marsden had dental work done in Dallas City.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Final examinations for the Senior Class were held with the results being that all the senior class passed: Marie Kennedy, Eva Gibb, Pauline Whiteman, Jean Lormier, Lucile Bigger, Grace Rodman, Clarence Johnson, Marian Galbraith, Glen Lukens, and Ivan Gibb. On Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson occurred the marriage of their daughter, Fern to Arthur Boyer, son of Mr. Thomas Boyer; the young people will be at home on a farm west of town. The Book Club met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Epperly north of town. Mrs. Daisy Babcock, Mrs. Flo Erwin, Mrs. Bird Dixon and Mrs. McHenry and Mrs. Ivabelle Stewart on behalf of the Community Club attended the district convention held at Roseville. Mrs. Nora Martin and Mrs. Edna Liby were delegates from the club.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kessinger are the proud parents of a fine baby girl born to them Tuesday night. The new doctor has arrived and moved into Sam Stevenson's house. Dr. Stevens comes from near Chicago. Mrs. Taylor Galbraith entertained the Ladies Aid in her nice new home. Chalmer Graham, one of the soldier boys from Ft. Still, Okla. was in town visiting.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: A son was born to Dana Rockel and wife of the west country on May 7th. Miss Fern Dowell who has been teaching school near Old Bedford, closed her school and returned home for her summer vacation. Clarence Ramsey is working on the pipeline. Mrs. Newt Vaughan returned home from Iowa being called there by the death of an aunt.

BURNED TO DEATH: A terrible tragedy occurred at La Harpe on Friday of last week when Mrs. Olga Yanson was so badly burned that she died in a Keokuk hospital the next day and the home she and her family occupied was destroyed by fire.

The fire was caused by an explosion which occurred when Mrs. Yanson attempted to fill the lamp in an incubator which was in operation in the kitchen of the home. The burning oil was scattered over the woman's clothing and she was soon enveloped in flames. A man who was working the garden nearby rushed into the house and succeeded in smothering the flames with a blanket, but not before the unfortunate woman had been terribly burned over her entire body and had inhaled much gas and smoke. Her daughter, who was the only other occupant of the house when the accident occurred, was also severely burned in attempting to tear the clothing from her mother. The fire created by the blazing oil gained such rapid headway that the home was a mass of flames by the time the firemen arrived and although the blaze was soon extinguished, the house and its contents were absolutely ruined. Mrs. Yanson is survived by her husband, August, a tailor for the Keef Clothing Co. of La Harpe and by three children, Emil, Oscar and Olga at home and one son, Victor of the U. S. Navy located at Honolulu.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Lee Wilson left for McCook, Ill. where he has accepted a position with the Santa Fe Railroad. Harold Rankin has returned from Cameron where he has been employed at the Santa Fe Railroad station. The Henderson County Farm Bureau has purchased a 5-passenger Essex touring car from the Wallin agency for the use of county farm advisor, F. M. Bane. Miss Ella Ahlers closed a very successful tern of school at her home school with a picnic dinner. Mrs. C.E. Peasley was the recipient of some fine magnolia blossoms from her son George at Huston, Tex. The blossoms were on exhibition at the Community Club. Mr. and Mrs. G. William Voorhees of the southeast neighborhood are rejoicing over the arrival of a young son on May 6th; he is named Edward Dale. A Woman's Club was organized in Raritan with Mrs. D. R. Gibb as president, Mrs. E. O. Barnes as secretary and Miss Lucia Schenck as treasurer.

While assisting in breaking a young colt on his farm southwest of town Mr. Nat Bruen was thrown from the wagon to which the colt was attached and sustained the fracture of three ribs. He is being cared for at his home in Stronghurst by a nurse from Burlington.

Whooping cough is becoming epidemic in the village, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salter being the latest victims. During the storm of Tuesday afternoon a large barn near Monmouth owned by Allen Bowman, was burned together with a quantity of grain and hay and 4 head of horses. What is expected to be the biggest celebration ever staged in this county is being arranged to be held in Biggsville during the first week in September when the Harvest Home Association of the village and the Henderson County Farm Bureau will join in a two day program.

The large plate glass show window of the Jones grocery store was badly shattered by a baseball thrown by Bill Smith, who was practicing with some other boys in the vacant lot on the opposite side of Broadway from the Jones Building. As windows of this size cost upwards in the hundreds, it would appear to be prudent to have ball practice in the business section of the village prohibited. Tom Morgan went over to Burlington to visit his wife who is a patient in the Burlington Hospital.

Five nurses from the institution accepted Tom's invitation for a brief outing and accompanied him back to Stronghurst in his Essex. The visitors expressed that they were pleased with the village appearance and hospitality of its people. Later in the evening Tom's car was appropriated by some of his friends who saw that the young ladies were safely returned to Burlington.

The stork left a fine baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wood on May 12th. Miss Evelyn Carothers returned home from visiting for several weeks in Vegreville, Sask., Canada. S. B. VanArsdale, formerly of Raritan Township, is lying in a very critical condition at his home in Blandinsville. Mrs. Emmet Milliken suffered a severe sprain in the lower vertebrae but yielded to treatment. Contrary to a former report, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Highfield did not move to the Doty property but instead have purchased the J. W. Stine property which they now occupy; it was formerly owned by H. N. Vaughan. Aaron Duncan, a Raritan young man who has been taking training at the Moody Institute in Chicago, has returned home and expects to take up evangelistic work during the summer in company with Rev. Chas. Fisher and Harry Duncan of Raritan.

Miss Naomi Cooper is doing a thriving business in the sale of cabbage and tomato plants; she has a large supply and thinks the demand will exceed the supply. At a hearing before the county court Mr. Jesse Fort was adjudged incapable of transacting business and Mr. J. W. Hicks was appointed conservator. John Hays of Blandinsville, in order to exterminate the mites from his chicken house, put some straw in it and setting fire to the straw closed the door and awaited the results. He was soon rid of mites but also his chicken house. Some Iowa parties started a project to erect a public dance pavilion on a lot just outside the city limits of Monmouth, but the public sentiment against the proposition on the part of the citizens of Monmouth has become so pronounced that the scheme has been abandoned.

J. F. Murphy and Robert Adair left Stronghurst in charge of four carloads of Hereford cattle consigned to points in northern and western Texas. These cattle were sold to a Texas ranchman some time ago by Mr. H. N. Vaughan and Mr. H. A. Adair while they were on a trip through the southwest. A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Shaffer of the country southwest of Stronghurst on April 29th. A little son born to Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Wetterling on May 1st was taken from them by death on May 3rd and the remains were interred in the Stronghurst Cemetery on May 5th. Ben Dowell is going about on crutches as the result of a bad injury to one of his ankles which occurred when one of the heavy oil pipes belonging to the pipe line company rolled off a wagon, which he was loading and struck him on the leg.